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Will college heads show hypocrisy


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Will college heads show hypocrisy with 12 games?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

They don't want a playoff. They don't want even one more game, a more-authentic national championship game, after the bowl games.

They don't want to extend the season. They don't want to increase the burden on the student-athlete. They don't want to strengthen what they call a myth that college football is all about the money.

So what are college presidents going to do when they have the final say on a permanent 12-game regular season?

Will they stick to their principles?

Or go with the principal and interest?

The proposal is moving through the pipeline. At the just-concluded NCAA Convention, the Division I Management Council pushed ahead the plan for an annual 12-game regular season in college football.

After 60 days of open comment, the Council will reconsider the idea at its April meeting and decide whether to forward it to the Board of Directors for the ultimate approval.

Given a final yea this year, the 12-game regular season would begin in 2006.

The Management Council is made up of athletics administrators and faculty reps. Some of those administrators are athletics directors trying to balance budgets in the tens of millions of dollars.

They make no bones about their desire to make permanent a 12th game and the couple of million bones in revenue it means when it's a home game.

The Board of Directors is made up of presidents and chancellors. They have made their feelings clear against extra football games in the form of a playoff system. Will they be just as strong in opposition to a 12th game?

In the real world, it would be nothing but hypocrisy for the presidents to approve a 12-game regular season. That would mean 14 games all told for a school that plays in a conference championship game and a bowl game.

What's one more game? It's one more game week, and one more weekend of travel for a visiting team. It's one more week of serious practice, which increases the chance to tear an ACL and decreases the time to write that paper on King George III and the American Revolution.

That's in the real world. NCAA World too often resembles an amusement park full of nothing but funhouse mirrors. Nothing is as it appears.

Witness Monday's official NCAA press release that announced the Management Council's initial approval of the 12-game regular season.

According to the release, "The 12th-game proposal is designed to permit more flexibility in scheduling without lengthening the season."

Without lengthening the season? Hel-lo?

Right now all Division I teams can play 11 regular-season games every year. All teams can play 12 regular-season games when the calendar includes 14 Saturdays during the normal regular-season window. That happened in 2002 and 2003, but it won't happen again till 2008.

There are exceptions - teams on probation that can't go to a bowl can go to Hawaii - but the standard number of regular-season games is 11. Under the new proposal, the standard will be 12.

Isn't 12 more than 11?

Isn't math a core course?

For student-athletes.

But who cares about them?

Kevin Scarbinsky's column appears Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Write him at kscarbinsky@bhamnews.com.


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Not only can teams that are on probation and can't go to a Bowl go to Hawaii, they can go to Hawaii and get their teeth KICKED in ! ! ! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I think people are misinformed of the 12 game idea. It only happens when the calendar year permits it (14 weeks from Labor Day til December or something like that). They claim it can't happen again until 2007 or 2008. It's not a regular every year thing. The extra game is also during the REGULAR season, not extending the regular season at all.

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How about instead of making everyone play 12 regular season games, they figure out a way to make every conference have a chapionship? That would be much more productive.

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How about starting the season in mid September instead of mid August when the first 5-6 games you play are in 90 plus degree weather?

I know that has nothing to do with the 12 game discussion but I tend to sweat a lot at the day games, then I have to go get some Dippin' Dots to cool off, then I have to go back for more Dippin' Dots and I wind up dealing with weight gain and bloating issues and you know how sometimes you get that heat rash up under your....

11 games is fine with me.

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