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I feel very good about the rest of our season


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6 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Somebody give me reason to feel the optimism that 23 is. Last time I checked, the status quo hasn't changed, we still only score 15ppg against power five teams. Are y'all sure these "good feelings" aren't just gas? 

But, yes, please keep making fun of the "pessimists" that are waiting for a little more evidence. The fluctuating emotions driven by feelings is the way to go after all.

God is great, beer is good & people are crazy.

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6 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Somebody give me reason to feel the optimism that 23 is. Last time I checked, the status quo hasn't changed, we still only score 15ppg against power five teams. Are y'all sure these "good feelings" aren't just gas? 

But, yes, please keep making fun of the "pessimists" that are waiting for a little more evidence. The fluctuating emotions driven by feelings is the way to go after all.

Be a skeptic, not a cynic. You're saying you're a pessimist, but a pessimist expects the worst. You think this team is headed down the tubes? Nah, you don't.  So be skeptical. But be prepared to break into a broad grin that lasts so long your face hurts. These Tigers are about to turn this season into a fun ride. They may not win the rest of 'em, but they're gonna  be in 'em to the end and this offense is gonna score points in bunches.  S'okay, Say show me. I think these Tigers will.

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I hear you 23.  I can see the potential.  But I am still in the "wait and see" mode.  I want to see them open up the playbook more.  I want to see consistency from our OL.  I want to see us score TDs in the RZ vs a defense with a pulse.  And I would like to see the D cut down on the big plays.  

I like the direction of the team and I do think it will click at some point this season.  I hope the time is now, but I'm just not sure yet.  A big win in Starkvegas will help.

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26 minutes ago, CleCoTiger said:

Be a skeptic, not a cynic. You're saying you're a pessimist, but a pessimist expects the worst. You think this team is headed down the tubes? Nah, you don't.  So be skeptical. But be prepared to break into a broad grin that lasts so long your face hurts. These Tigers are about to turn this season into a fun ride. They may not win the rest of 'em, but they're gonna  be in 'em to the end and this offense is gonna score points in bunches.  S'okay, Say show me. I think these Tigers will.

I'm more than prepared to accept more wins and eat some crow. I need more information before I'm optimistic though.

Things that are keeping me from being full throttle optimistic:

- redzone woes- It seems like we've had them for two years now. Need redzone personnel such as TEs,  better blocking H-backs, and better playcalling. 

-We haven't even experienced a road game yet

- Schedule remaining- Everybody wants to say Ole Miss and Arkansas, Alabama, and Georgia are winnable. They're not winnable unless we can score TDs. Georgia and Ole Miss were both winnable last year and we still lost because we couldnt score touchdowns. Georgia was ultra winnable and nothing more needs to be said about that game. I believe we had four red zone trips against Ole Miss last year and two started first and goal from within the five and couldn't punch it in. 

-What makes you think the playcalling is going to change from the same-o playcalling? Everybody used to love to loathe Lashlee before Gus gave back the playcalling.  Do y'all now think within Lashlee's ears is the brain of a GD playcalling savant? Do yall really think the playbook is going to finally fit SW's skill set? Doubtful. Lashlees playcalling authority was granted by his master and I can guarantee the master still has his say in the playcalling. Same O Whirlyboard or the guard pulling to block an all American DE.

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14 minutes ago, AUpreacherman22 said:


What does this term mean and where did it come from? 

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11 hours ago, austudnt23 said:

...if we are hitting our offensive stride like I am hearing...



If "what you're hearing" is based on what's happening on the practice field,  I'll reserve judgement.  I think we've been though this before ...


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11 hours ago, austudnt23 said:

I am telling you though I think we have turned the corner and will be rolling on offense from here on out starting Saturday. Like Gus said after the LSU game the rest of the teams in our schedule better watch out.

I like and agree with the way you are. Someone buy this guy a beer:beer2:

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11 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

Where the heck did all of this optimism come from? Lol. Literally just a couple days ago you still thought JF3 would end up being the guy by the end of the year. Now all of a sudden, you think our offense is turned around and everybody figured out. Are you drinking beer ? or martinis ?? I'm going to wait until we play an SEC team before I declare that we will be rolling offensively. You keep drinking though. 

I am with you Jeff, Our offensive outputs have been against patsies. Until I see it against a real team I am suspect. I mean the fan base thought this after our game with Arky State. Now it looks as if we are falling into the same trap because we beat a severely undermanned ULM. And I have determined that you cannot take anything from a practice based on comments form both GM and GC about "how good practice was".

With all that said, I hope 23 is right. We need to score in the 30's to get a good feeling about this O.

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I have to agree with you 23, something appears to have changed. I personally think it is Gus giving up the play calling. I too think we can turn this season around if this team can figure out different ways to win. We certainly need more forced turnovers and even defensive touchdowns. I think our defense is really due for those. I really like the makeup of this team, and I think we can really get on a win streak over the next few games.

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Honestly, I think everybody in between the O&B Sunshine Pumpers and the Doomsday Dwellers are right so far.

At this time, I don't see anything wrong with being all three... optimistic/cautious/pessimistic ... We, as fans have been given good reason to be all three (in just this season alone).

After aTm, I was very much on the pessimistic side but after the LSU victory (as bittersweet as that offensive performance was) and AU doing to ULm what they're supposed to, I'm Cautiously Optimistic.  But there is a VERY fine line that the offensive coaching staff is tight-roping right now and I cannot disagree with the pessimists at this time.  I certainly see where they're coming from.

But it IS nice to see that most of us fans are pretty even keel about it at this time... VERY few seem to be dwelling on gloom and doom at the moment at least.

War Eagle!

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May not need the traditional 45 PT game and 600 yes off offense, because the defense has been so much better. Just dont leave too many points on the field, by going for it on 4th down in the red zone as much. If Gus had took the 3 a few times against Clemson instead of forcing it, AU possibly has a chance to win it with a Carlson kick. I expect the red zone offense to progressively get better as well as the passing game. These players are growing up and getting more confident with every game.

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I'll feel better when we leave Starkville with an impressive win. I am still cautiously optimistic about getting RZ issues resolved. The defense can win any game on the schedule if the offense can get rolling. We no longer need 35 points to win but we still need to score by 7s and not 3s against good defenses. Hoping MSU will be the springboard to a really good season. 

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I still don't claim to know what we have with this team. I could easily see us take off with a big win this weekend or start worrying about making a bowl game if we lose. State is not a good team this year so we lose to them who else can we beat? So here's to hoping for a good showing Saturday morning. 

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I want to be optimistic and I'm starting to lean that way but I need to see us beat someone the way we should. Some teams we have left on our schedule should be close games and others we should win big. This weekend we should win big. If we do then I will feel much better going forward if we win by 7 or less then to me the jury is still out. Key's to me are better Red-zone play calling and execution and SW ability to feel pressure and not take sacks.

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This team has an identity already - play tough defense, limit mistakes, strong kicking game, and stay in the game until the 4th where we have a chance to win the game. The biggest issues so far have been the huge amount of negative plays, usually on first down, and the red zone scoring problems. It seems like the staff is focused on correcting these issues - we will just have to see what happens.

This is a decent test for us. MSU's defense is very strong against the run. That is our bread and butter. Plus they have a scrambling QB which can give us fits. I said the same thing before the TAM game - if our OL can block well, we will win. If not we will be in trouble. We could not block TAM and we lost. In the end I think we are the better team, at least when it comes to talent, and we should be fine. Looking forward to it!

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If we whip State like a red headed step child, then I will get excited about the rest of the season. Until then, I'm just going to appreciate the talent we have on the team and hope for the best.

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@austudnt23 I appreciate your optimism and I have been optimistic all year.  I would like to hear what you have heard about our OL moving forward.  I know it takes time to gel, but are they coming back with XD at C or are we going to see more of the lineup like we had last weekend?  I am a firm believer that this offense will (and always has) live and die by the OL.

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People may question me on this and that's fine, but the biggest improvement on the OL has been Leff. The first few game he struggled but has really come on strong lately. He will never be Greg Robinson but he has been impressive lately. He and Braden have made our Right side the more dominant side. Their combo blocks have been dominant and their climb to the 2ND level is smooth. 

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10 minutes ago, bigbird said:

People may question me on this and that's fine, but the biggest improvement on the OL has been Leff. The first few game he struggled but has really come on strong lately. He will never be Greg Robinson but he has been impressive lately. He and Braden have made our Right side the more dominant side. Their combo blocks have been dominant and their climb to the 2ND level is smooth. 

I don't have stats to back me up but to my recollection, they have been "right heavy" on their running plays the last couple games.  I feel you are correct sir!

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Guest WarEagleSteve

Pencil me into the cautiously optimistic crowd. We've been in every single game we've played. The pieces of a solid offense are there. Arky State and ULM aren't good teams but Auburn smacked them around fairly easily which isn't always a guarantee (SJSU/JSU last year?). I think the Hand/Lashlee/Malzahn brain trust is finally getting a sense of what they want the team to look like and build on it. The question no longer seems to be "who are our playmakers?" as it was much of last year and the beginning of this year but instead "how do we best use our playmakers?". These are all reasons to be optimistic going forward. I think 7-5 or 8-4 is the likely finish (losses to Ole Miss, Bama, and maybe Arkansas) but I don't think 9-3 is out of the question and 10-2 is absolutely possible if this team gets hot in the back half of the season. 

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2 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

Somebody give me reason to feel the optimism that 23 is. Last time I checked, the status quo hasn't changed, we still only score 15ppg against power five teams. Are y'all sure these "good feelings" aren't just gas? 

But, yes, please keep making fun of the "pessimists" that are waiting for a little more evidence. The fluctuating emotions driven by feelings is the way to go after all.

Get back with me after the game tomm. It will only be against Miss State but we will finally break out offensively against an SEC opponent.  I admit i am an optimistic and always think the best when it comes to Auburn football even the times I have been told otherwise. This time though I am being told there is growing optimism about the offense inside the program.

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12 hours ago, austudnt23 said:

I don't like the fact that it takes CGM usually about 4 games in to get a feel for what our offensive identity is going to be and get in a rhythm but see 2013 and really 2010.

I'm still on the Lashlee has to move on wagon but maybe, just maybe, Gus should let his OC actually be an OC.

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20 minutes ago, selias said:

I'm still on the Lashlee has to move on wagon but maybe, just maybe, Gus should let his OC actually be an OC.

Wouldn't it be great if all of this patience with Gus paid off for AU and he learns how to direct but not dictate to his OC and he becomes the HC we hope he would be. A Steve Spurrier type who is able to provide insight and expertise to his OC without fully running the show? I had hoped all along that Gus would have an ah ha moment about how to be an SEC HC, and maybe, just maybe, he had one. We will see how far that goes when games are much more difficult than ULM.

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Wait a minute...just wait a pee-pickin minute (andy taylor would say this..)...

Wasnt Lashlee the guy we all thought was calling the plays last year, and we were all over that with complaints...then...

...Malzahn says he has been too like a CEO..and was going to get back to being involved in the details and all facets of the offense and defense....then....

...after 3 games Malzahn says he is turning over the play callling to Lashlee and he would be more of the HC?

So if we stunk last year AND Lashlee was calling the plays...and NOW..after 3 games..he is back to calling the game.

How after 5 games are we saying that we feel good about hte rest of the season? Huh?

I am confused...But i will wait for Lashlee to call plays that produce TDs in the Redzone...

..........................I will wait for Lashlee to call passes on first down, when it calls for a run...

..........................I will wait for Lashlee to use JF3 in the redzone to force the D to think about more than KJ on the wildcat..

..........................I will wait to see us score more than 21 points on offense against an SEC team..

convince me that we are already there? ))))


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