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How some of the top 1% are spending their tax-cut


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I guess we are just going to have to save receipts where sales tax was taken out, show our W2 forms, our property tax statement, tag tax, taxes on phone service, television service, electricity, ect

But hey, would that even be enough proof?

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The point isn't "how much we are taxed". The point is, are we getting VALUE for the taxes we do pay. Paying high taxes and getting great schools, roads, low crime rates, low poverty, broad prosperity across the nation, and a better future for America---that's much better than moderate taxes and nothing to show for it.

Right now, taxes are still too high, because we aren't getting what we pay for. Back in the 1950s, taxes were much much higher, and America was a happier, more secure, more prosperous place. That was value for our money.

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Texas, dont get me wrong. I think social welfare programs are a neccessity. I'm not one for ending that by any means. The abuse in that system is just a small piece of the pie. I am MUCH more concerned with the abuse of my tax dollars by those who appropriate where that money goes...trust me.

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