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This week's "Social Entropy" Award: "In a 5-4 Supreme Court decision [last week], the United States removed itself from the axis of evil nations that execute juveniles. ... Until [this] majority opinion...the U.S. was part of an exclusive club -- the others are China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Nigeria, and Saudi Arabia -- that are known to have formally executed kids since 1990." --The Village Voice (how appropriate) **No kid was ever executed in the U.S. Teenagers who committed murder were only executed after years and years of appeals. Minor detail.

"[Vice President Cheney, as the Senate president, will] quietly wipe out a centuries-old Senate practice that requires 60 votes to confirm a controversial judge. ... Then stack the Supreme Court and all federal courts with judges so extreme they could turn the clock back 70 years on efforts to protect working people, public health, the environment, civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy." --


Excuses, excuses... "Two brothers own 80 percent of the [voting] machines used in the United States...[and it is] very easy to hack into the other machines." --Teresa Heinz Kerry ++ "You cannot have bishops in the pulpit -- long before or the Sunday before the election -- as they did in Catholic churches, saying it was a mortal sin to vote for John Kerry." --Teresa "Theophobe" Kerry **What about free speech? We know it's in the Constitution somewhere....

Would you like a little class warfare on the side?: "[it's an] effort to reward wealthy Americans at the expense of...black working Americans." --NAACP Chairman, Julian Bond on the President's Social Security proposals

From the "Global Village": "Cuba recognizes that there are violations of human rights in our country, but they are at the Guantanamo Naval Base, in territory occupied against Cuba's will." -- Cuba's Communist Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque

Diagnosing the Demo problem: "One of the Democratic [sic] Party's problems is that it doesn't have enough contact with its rank and file. Right-wing people in this country have a place to meet and talk politics -- their churches, increasingly the mega-churches in the exurbs. There's not a meeting place like that for liberals and for Democrats." -- Michael Tomasky of The American Prospect :blink::blink:


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Who is Julian Bond? :D

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What is so amazing is that these folks are considered by their own as the 'elite' of the Left. If this is their standard, then why does anyone waste time on even paying them any mind? Truly amazing.

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Who is Julian Bond?  :D


Um, well he fits the description of several black so-called leaders. He continues to hold most of the black population back from helping themeslves, rather thatn have the government do it for them.

Bond, along with Jessie Jackson , Alvin Holmes, etc. still feel that they are in slavery and that the chains are still rattling :poke::rolleyes:

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