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God in the Government


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The following is an excerpt of a paper given to me by my Professor here at auburn....its a paper done by another student:

"God in the Government

The bible belt. I never really realized how accurate a description it was until I moved to Alabama for college. Upon moving here, I became aware of the appalling amount of people in support of an American "theocracy". Judges impose their beliefs on the public; proposed amendments ban what people can do behind closed doors and whom they may love. What's more is the brainwashing and lack of reason that has taken a grip among these unfortunate citizens. Although beneficial to the individual and to society, religion has no place at the head of a government, nor any government at the head of religion. The more these two forces collaborate with one another, the more they corrupt one another.

I realize I am in a minority in this geographical region of my country because of my political beliefs, but this ostracism is greatly increased by my religious beliefs. After all, who can both accept religion and denounce its role in the guidance of our country? Someone who can approach the issue from a logical standpoint and not rush blindly into the argument on self-proclaimed premises of faith and virtue, that's who. Logic is the world's only constant and that which is not logical simply is not."

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Show us please where it says people should not be motivated by God. Should not be led and instructed by God. It seems to me that the liberals are the most exclusionary people in the country.

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I dont believe anywhere in that does it say people shouldnt be motivated by god.

Basically, the point is that you should keep religion and government in perspective. You shouldnt lead whole countries based off a religion, governments should be just and fair.

I think the excerpt is trying to say that you can still have god influence your life...and it can also influence the government into what is right and wrong morally....But as far as gay marriages, etc.....stuff of that nature....it shouldnt be dealt with on a religious issue.

America is the land of the free....not the land of "who is christian and who isnt".

By the way, labeling me as a liberal isnt too bright :big: I dont like labels, I think what I think, and talk what I talk. I dont need a party to belong to so I "have" to believe in ideas or guidelines....I just see whats wrong and right, and go from there.

And right now, seperating church from government is a good thing.

Only in alabama would you have a judge fight a federal order to remove the ten commandments..... He is a judge, he is supposed to uphold federal and state order and law....he failed to do so when he was directed to uphold a federal order in the name of religion. That to me is wrong, his job is to uphold law and order, not too disobey.

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Seems to me that you can't say a church must be unpatriotic if it doesn't want to display flags and the Bill of Rights in the sanctuary. And you can't say people are rejecting God if they don't want the Government putting up Bible stuff in public buildings. Everything in its proper place.

Most liberals I know believe in God as much as anyone else. Mind you, I haven't been to the big cities where they make all the fuss about church and state, but still.

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Basically, the point is that you should keep religion and government in perspective. 

And right now, seperating church from government is a good thing. 

Only in alabama would you have a judge fight a federal order to remove the ten commandments.....  He is a judge, he is supposed to uphold federal and state order and law....he failed to do so when he was directed to uphold a federal order in the name of religion.  That to me is wrong, his job is to uphold law and order, not too disobey.


Everything in moderation, huh Vatz?

Tell me please how the church and the government is not separated. I don't see the government establishing a religion of any type. Nor do I see the government endorsing a religion.

As for Roy Moore, wasn't he kicked out? He is irrelevant now isn't he. You don't have to be scared of his statue in the court house anymore.

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As long as people have free will to choose their religion, government officials should not be held to a higher law. Government officials have EVERY right as average citizens to make decisions and policies that are shaped by their own views. Like it or not, those views are often shaped by religion.

The way democracy works is....

1. You elect someone to stand in and represent you.

2. They then operate on your behalf.

3. If you don't like them, you vote them out the next time around.

Democracy is never realized in its purest form, where each person gets their own rights. There will always be a grouping "digital" effect under America's system. Each person MUST conform to the social norms that fit them best. You don't like Alabama's social norms? Luckily, there is a San Fransisco in this great Union that may be more fitting for you. The point is, America allows people to give up the minimum of their rights in exchange for quite a bit of reward!

The vote on Gay Marriage was voted on by the public. Not the representatives. Just because the state voted against someone else's point of view doesn't make the state wrong. And it ESPECIALLY doesn't make religion in politics wrong.

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According to the founders, the people derive their rights from a higher power not from kings and gov'ts. Although there were a few, not many, founders who were deists and secular for the most part, the majority were deeply religious. They never wanted an official state religion but religion guided policy and laws set down by the founders. The ten commandments statues symbolize that American laws are based on the morality set by a higher power. That is why everyone is upset by the attempts to remove this symbol from American gov't. The people who want these type symbols removed have an agenda, which is essentially anti-religion and pro-state. They want a society in which the state is the arbitar of morality.

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"Render unto Ceaser that which is Ceaser's and unto GOD that which is GOD's"

It is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Christian and not let GOD reign in every part of your life.

Your Job, Your VOTE, your Family, Your education....Everything.

(I take that back, it is possible, but, not what God requires.) :D

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Logic is the world's only constant and that which is not logical simply is not."

Studying the human condition as a supposedly educated man, I find logic lacking everywhere. Humans, ALL HUMANS, are by definition NOT logical. This is the great failng of secular humanism, IMHO.

God takes this into account with his constant chasing after us. We need it through out all of our lives. Even as an elderly and wise adult we defy logic all the time. Examples here would consume the server, but just a few...

1) People buy cars/trucks they cannot afford to impress people they do not like.

2) Married folks will often cheat on their spouse thinking that they alone will get away with it when a quick trip to the court house would prove that almost no one actually gets away with it.

3) People cheat, lie, steal, swindle, etc all the time thinking they can get away with it when human history will usually prove that over time they will get caught.

4) Men go through Mid-Life Crisis and usually end up divorced, broke, and marrying the home wrecker they were dating while married.....then are shocked to find out she is cheating on themselves. Why would a cheating woman before you marry, not cheat after you were married to her?

5) SMOKING, DRINKING, DOING DRUGS, EATING EXCESSIVELY,living a life of crime and getting roughed up because you didn't pay the piper, Are these the actions of a LOGICAL person? No, but they are the actions of the entire human race.

Etc, etc, etc...

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I think what AURainman and Wishbone said is right on the money! What they said is what liberals do not get. Nobody is establishing a religion in the government, but is the right of those that serve to get guidance from a higher power. Like it has been said time and time again, our laws and country were based upon religious morals outlined in the Bible. It makes not sense to say that government and religion can't be intertwined becauset they are. It is very, very hard to have one without the other. Heck, most country's laws are based upon some religious belief. Our forefathers, with the majority of them being Christian, wanted a country where all could worship as they liked and it did not have to be a Christian faith and have to be worried about being persecuted for it. However, they chose the Chrisitan faith as the foundation of country's laws because regardles of your beliefs, those laws are moral in any religion and would/should not conflict with any other religion's beliefs. The forefathers never stated anywhere that it was taboo to mix religion and the government. Do not most of the world's religions preach against murder, adultery, stealing, etc.? So why would the Ten Commandments and any other Christian principle be offensive when most other religions teach the same thing. The only people that get offended are people that just don't like to be told that they need to live by a moral code! Ironically, it is the Christian faith that seems more persecuted then any other faith in this country now.

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