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Props to Al Sharpton


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I gotta say I'm surprised. But when someone does the right thing, you have to pat them on the back. Maybe he does have a mind of his own.:

The Rev. Al Sharpton implored Senate Democrats yesterday not to filibuster President Bush's nomination of California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown to the nation's second-highest federal court. 


Justice Brown, who is black, has come under intense criticism by liberal black groups, such as the NAACP, and by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee. The panel plans to vote this morning on her nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. 


"I don't agree with her politics. I don't agree with some of her background," said Mr. Sharpton, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president. "But she should get an up-or-down vote."...

Mr. Sharpton echoed the concerns of many conservatives — especially black conservatives — that Justice Brown is being opposed because she doesn't conform to the Democratic ideology that many blacks espouse. 


"We've got to stop this monolith in black America because it impedes the freedom of expression for all of us," Mr. Sharpton said in a television interview conducted by Sinclair Broadcasting yesterday. "I don't think she should be opposed because she doesn't come from some assumed club." 


Mr. Sharpton compared the filibusters to the same sort of "pocket vetoes" used for so long against blacks... 


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It is sad and even stupid to me that a lot of potential appointees are left twisting in the wind because the people supposedly representing the voters of this country don't have the stones to vote yes or no.

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I don't agree with some of the things she's said at lectures and speeches but when I was watching her confirmation hearing, she seems to be fair in her rulings. The main problem I've heard is that she's nominated for the D.C. Circuit which hears a lot of EPA cases, OSHA cases, etc. and she's not a big fan of those kinds of things. Her civil rulings seem to have been pretty fair. Of the one's they've objected to, Pickering, Pryor, Estrada and her, she seems to be the least rabid!!! :)

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