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P5 COVID Test Reporting


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Kinda BS that Auburn is on this list. Gus has been very transparent on number of tests and positive results, while I haven't heard a peep from Bama on their players being held out. Thoughts?



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I  thought Gus' statement on the cases was well done. The last i heard practices were cancelled and supposed to resume on Tuesday. Has there been any reporting since Gus last statement last week? Did practice resume?

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47 minutes ago, shabby said:

I  thought Gus' statement on the cases was well done. The last i heard practices were cancelled and supposed to resume on Tuesday. Has there been any reporting since Gus last statement last week? Did practice resume?

Think we had practices on Tues/Wed and a new round of COVID testing on Thursday

Should also be a practice today + scrimmage tomorrow, prior to a new round of testing on Sunday.

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Yeah funny how the Turds are not on the list that declined to report or on the list that reported either.  But the University did report 800+ positive cases this week and the quarantine dorms are at 40% capacity.

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