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Game Summaries

DKW 86

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O looked much better in 1st half. Executed much better. Went to sleep in the 3rd. Okay in the 4th.

D had a few slips but overall, great job. Any shutout against an :sec: team is a good day.

Kicking game is erratic. Poor coverage, kickoffs and fg missed. Punting is excellent.

Overall much better team playing together. Good solid game experience for 2nd and 3rd teamers too.

Almost no penalties. :thumbsup:

CAB may be saving some of the O playbook for later.

Good Job!

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We probably didn't deserve to win 28-0 but we did make some big plays when we needed to so we'll take it.

Despite being shut out by us, I think states offense is half decent and was another good test for our d today.

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I think the major objective of this game was to tinker with the running game, hence the vanilla offense in the second half due to our defense appearing to have everything under control.

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Oh yeah. It was the 2nd half offense of last season, when we would be up by 30 at halftime... Those were the days. :)

Where is the movement in the offense though? We are going through a stretch of 2 straight weeks of no names, and it was probably strategy not to open much of the playbook to MSU, unless needed.

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Brandon looked to have much more time this week. However, it was against an overmatched opponent. Pass blocking looked better. The interior line has got to get better on running plays. We can't rely on these young backs to do it all on their own. We looked better but we still have a long way to go.

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The dropoff in the 2nd half probably had something to due with the fact that we were up 21-0, and doing anything too crazy could cost us turnovers. I didnt care how flat we were on offense, just as long as we didnt turn over the ball and our defense was stopping their offense.

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Not perfect, but a big improvement from last week!

Brandon Cox is going to become a very, very good QB...he looks so close to brilliant at moments, but missed a few really long tosses. Still, I watch him and get a little giddy thinking about how good he'll be when he "grows up".

I think our lack of penalties might be the most telling stat. Looks to me like a sign that all our new/young guys are starting to meld, getting used to their rhythms, and playing more smoothly as a team.

Also thought there was a world of difference between last week and today in what our running backs did. Tre Smith may have lost his starting job to Kenny Irons or Carl Stewart, though.

If we can continue this sort of growth over the next three games, we will have a team worth taking to Arkansas & LSU in a few weeks

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