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this was a great win for us, we struggled early and fought back to dominate the second half. BC proved the GT game is behind him and put those two first half INT's behind Him. WAR EAGLE!!!!!!! :cheer:

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I think that goes for the coaching staff also. Nice adjustements at halftime (where are you, PowerI?) and a good job not getting desperate too quickly (ala GA Tech.)

Kenny Irons showed me a lot tonight. Not the starter, but ran like a man possessed. He is a good back and has a good head on his shoulders.

Viva la Cox! Got hit a few times, but got back up for more and grew up some tonight.

Defense, stellar as usual. One breakdown on the late drive, otherwise, outstanding!

Nice job by the receivers and tight ends.

I like where this team is going.

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I would say the Offensive Line showed a lot last night as well. They were dominating in the 2nd half!

From the way it sounded late in the game, there were several players who kept their cool when some (one I know of) Hawg players were trying to get a fight started.

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Arky was selling out and putting the pressure on Cox in the first half, same as GT and with similar results. The difference was we were able to run effectively in the third quater. Maybe we found something. When the smoke clears, we MUST continue to find a way to keep pressure off of Cox. He has thrown six (6) interceptions while in a panic. The game against Arky will give LSU something to think about.

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He has thrown six (6) interceptions while in a panic.


That stat is kinda off. He threw 4 ints in the Georgia Tech game, forcing throws to win the game for us. I thought it was just a case of a young qb trying to force something that wasnt there, not necc. panic.

The second INT he threw vs Arkansas was because of him being hit as he was throwing the ball. He had a lock on a WR down the field, and as he released, the incoming hit caused the ball to go elsewhere rather than his target.

I wouldnt say these are cases of panic. I would say the first 4 are cases of inexperience, and the latter 2 just any normal pick a Hiesman candidate would throw on any given day.

Its not like Cox is running for his life and throws the ball very badly to the other team. Thats what panic would look like.

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