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How long till the UN controls the US?


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I too am tired of the UN targeting only the US in all of their accusations. I would like a vote on the next national ballot as to whether or not we secede from the UN.


The United Nations is one of the biggest recipients of charity from the United States in the world.  Actually, I think they call it "membership dues."  The UN has its offices here...actually in some of the most expensive real estate in New York.  And what do we get for all of millions and billions?  Nothing but non-stop aggravation.

Because, you see, the United Nations is an organization made up of dictators and governments around the world that hate the United States.  Deep down, at the end of the day, its Secretary General Kofi Annan doesn't think much of us either.

So today the U.N. has released a report calling for the shutdown of the U.S. terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The report is 11 pages long and is a review of how well we've adhered to something called the Treaty Against Torture.  According to the U.N., we should close the prison and also should ensure that we have no one detained in secret prisons anywhere in the world.

Really...if that's the case, then where is the report on other countries' prisons around the world?  Russia? China? North Korea?  Oops...looks like they get a pass.  And just what does the U.N. propose that we do with all of the Islamic terrorists at Gitmo?  Maybe we could send them to Kofi Annan's U.N.-provided Manhattan residence?

Actually, the U.N. would respond that there's no such thing as terrorists....only misunderstood people.  Can someone please explain why we continue to  be a member of an organization that hates us?


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It has appeared for years that the UN has a definite anti US lean at times. Also corruption at the UN is rampant. The oil for food scandal was/is just the tip of a huge iceberg.

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