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Auburn and the "Family"


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Auburn and Achedemia

The hot summer air is filled with news of scandal and corruption once again. With all that has been published in the print media (NYT, ect.) about Auburn and it's problem with oversight, the question I have has more to do with the Auburn family than the "bombshell" itself. While I agree that Professor Petee made a mistake in allowing so many students to take the IS courses, the fact that Auburn people would turn on one another in this way concludes that maybe there's more to this story than meets the eye. Why would a professor go to the New York Times with a story that clearly needs addressing here in the State of Alabama? Surely a writer here would have wanted that story. In addition, why did the New York Times make this an athletic scandal when it clearly was not? I'll tell you why......IT SELLS! It's not about the "right thing to do". It's about selling news papers and getting publicity for Mr. Thamel on a national level. It's also about Mr. Gundlach and his need to be "out there" for the world to see as an "achedemic hero".

I agree with Professor Gundlach on the basis that these courses were too easy and needed to be nixed. I also feel that the university had addressed this issue over a year ago when it was brought to their attention. No one seems to care about that. It's all about the bashing of our Auburn family and the need for self gratification. When will it stop? Taking care of your own has to fall in line at some point. Anyone who goes to a national audience with the expectations of the "whole story" getting out needs to be reminded that bad news is good news for a writer. The less he/she has to explain, the better. Professor Petee had to deal with a lot of issues in a short amount of time.

Professor Gundlach knew that this was not an athletic department issue. He has even been quoted to that effect. So why did he go to a writer who specializes in sports journalism? Surely he knew that this was going to be a "HIT" with the sports world. That's why I question the integrity of anyone who uses the sword of achedemics and thrusts it into the back of Auburn University. We are Auburn......and we should love it!

I know I do!

Michael Freeman

Auburn University

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i just received this email from dr. richardson.....it really doesn't say a lot,but at least he is interested in what we say enough to respond....

Thank you. I can not act until all of the investigations have been

complete. Both SACS and NCAA have asked for a report so unfortunately

it will take more time to complete. Be assured that I will take

whatever action is necessary to correct the problems. It might be good

to know that the numbers for the sociology courses were for last year.

Corrective action was taken for this year but obviously more is needed.

Don't become discouraged AU will be stronger as a result of this

challenge. War Eagle.

Ed Richardson

Interim President

107 Samford Hall

Auburn University, AL


Fax: 334-844-6179

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The only people I see that don't love it are commie pinko liberal professors from up North. ie. see Dr. Muse

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