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Chavez, Falwell...what's the difference?


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The Rev. Jerry Falwell acknowledged on Sunday saying that if Hillary Rodham Clinton were the Democrats' presidential nominee in 2008, it would motivate conservative evangelical Christians to oppose her more than if the devil himself were running.

Falwell said in a telephone interview that his comments to several hundred pastors and religious activists at the "Value Voter Summit" conference were "totally tongue-in-cheek."

"I certainly hope that Hillary is the candidate," Falwell said at a breakfast session Friday in Washington. "I hope she's the candidate, because nothing will energize my (constituency) like Hillary Clinton," he said. "If Lucifer ran, he wouldn't.


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One's the leader of a nation and ridicules the President of our country while on our soil, yet were anyone to talk about him that way in HIS country, they'd be put in jail. Falwell is just a private citizen who can say what ever he wants. Folks can make fun of him or believe what he says, with out fear of reprisals. I can say Falwell is a big fat clown and not in the least bit worry that jack booted thugs will bust down my door in the middle of the night and haul me away to some 're-education ' camp.

So, to answer you question, there's a WORLD of difference.

Oh, and Falwelll didn't call Hillary 'Satan'. He only put them on the same level in terms of how it would energize the so called base. Chavez directly called Bush 'Satan', and didn't for a moment try to brush it off as some casual, exaggerated comparison. So, more big difference again.

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The similarity with the two is that they both play to a loopy fringe of people disconnected to reality. If you actually listen to a cotton-picking thing Jerry Falwell says than you really need to have your head examined.

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