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CTT comments on Miami


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Tuberville was part of the Miami experience as an assistant from 1986 to 1993, and while that time molded much of his coaching life - like learning from Jimmy Johnson that quick defenses win games and PR skills are a plus - he never embraced the fight-first-and-ask-questions-later mentality.

Auburn is known for hitting hard, but only while making tackles.

Miami is a different story. There was the infamous Fiesta Bowl where Miami players made headlines when they came off an airplane wearing military fatigues. There was even a fight at Notre Dame.

"Catholics versus Convicts," said Tuberville of the headline, or at least the talk, from that day.

"When I was there, people felt like if they didn't stick their chest out, they weren't considered macho enough to play the boys of the University of Miami," Tuberville said. "We had a lot of great kids there, but we did have some fights. But I don't remember one that was started from a player from Miami. They were started on the other side."

"This side or that side, Tuberville says he won't tolerate fighting at Auburn.

"We're not going to have fighting and we don't have that persona here," Tuberville said. "We talk to our players - as every coach does - from a list I go over with the players every Thursday night.

One of those is, `Remember, if you fight, you miss the next game. If you leave the bench, you miss the next game.' That's coaching."


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