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Bama Wants/Wanted Saban...

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Bama makes inquiry about Nick Saban

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The lack of a public pronouncement by the University of Alabama about the future of head football coach Mike Shula stems, at least in part, from the school's efforts to persuade Miami Dolphins coach Nick Saban to take the job.

Several people who've talked to people involved in the process say that someone representing Alabama contacted Saban's agent, Jimmy Sexton, and they discussed whether he would be interested in the Alabama job. Those people say he has an offer on the table.

If Alabama ends up staying with Shula, it likely means Saban said no.

After watching Shula try to learn on the job for four years, Alabama does not want to fire him unless it feels confident it can replace him with an experienced head coach who has proven himself a winner.

Saban's still in the process of rebuilding the Dolphins - he's 13-13 in the middle of his second season there - but he's one of the most respected head coaches in the business.

All he did at LSU was win the 2001 and 2003 SEC titles and the 2003 BCS national championship.

If Alabama is going to fire Shula a year after giving him a new contract with a hefty pay raise, the school wants to hit a home run. Saban would be a walk-off grand slam.

Can you blame a school for trying?

It's a move reminiscent of Auburn's attempt to secure Bobby Petrino before releasing Tommy Tuberville three years ago, but any parallels to Jetgate are few and far between.

As upset as Auburn fans were with the 2003 season - which started with a No. 6 national ranking and ended with an 8-5 record - they rallied around Tuberville when word of his impending demise got out.

If Shula is returning - which the university has not confirmed - many Alabama fans will be bitterly disappointed that their school wasn't able to lure someone like Saban.

At the time of Jetgate, Tuberville had just won his second straight Iron Bowl to improve his record to 3-2 against Ala bama. He already had one outright SEC West title and a trip to the SEC Championship Game on his resume.

Shula has yet to beat Auburn or LSU, period.

If he returns, it'll be as a wounded duck.

Ask Tuberville what an administration that questions your competence does for recruiting. The 2004 Auburn signing class took a hit. The 2007 Alabama class is sure to suffer as well.

Nor will it be easy for Shula to hire the best and brightest assistants if he makes staff changes, which he's expected to do. What big-name coaches want to come work for a head coach who's now on the clock?

If you can't beat'em, join'em.

Shula hasn't beaten Tuberville. He has to hope he can join him as a coach who came back from the brink.

Kevin Scarbinsky's column appears Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Write him at kscarbinsky@bhamnews.com. Nick SabanFormer LSU coach has a 13-13 record in the middle of his second season with the Miami Dolphins

Comments: it would appear that Bama is at least keeping its coaching searches quiet, which is good. It also appears that Bama is shooting itself in the foot. Shula dangling in the wind is doing exactly as Scarbinsky said, it is killing recruiting and killing any chance of hiring a really good OC. But you have to give Moore and others credit, at least they are trying to better the program and do it quietly this time. My problem is the salary.


Saban's salary is expected to average between $4 million and $5 million a season

How did Bama expect to compete with that kind of salary? No one sober in Bamaland knows either. With the top college coaches making just over $2M a year, Bama would have had to offer almost twice that just to get Saban's attention. What about autonomy? There is NONE at Bama. Never has been any and likely will never be. The Bama boosters, the REs, and BOT are such well known meddlers with Stallings, Dubose, etc that some Auburn folks I know refer to them as "Auburn's Secret Weapon." Would a high profile coach like Saban come to Bama and be second guessed 100% of the time by every drunk in Alabama with a radio show, newspaper column, or Internet site? What about his lineage? Hell, 40-50% of the Bama fanbase would turn on him as soon as he lost his first game. Say what you want, but Bama learns very slow. Almost half of their fan base would have an orgasm if the next coach was a Bama guy trying to run a wishbone offense. Now, for the record that would be an afterburner to unemployment these days but, it would still make the fan base happy. Afterall, this same bunch demanded that Dubose be hired back in 1997. He promptly went 4-7 and had to fire half of his staff, all that meddling again...

And for all of you bama folks thinking Auburn folks would be scared to death of Saban as coach, unlike Bama, CTT has beaten him and his system before. We would do it again. :thumbsup:

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I listened to Finbaum for the fun of it yesterday and he was discussing the Alabama situation. Says it makes Auburn's Jetgate look genius, because we had a coach that wanted the job and was set to take it and has turned out to be one of the hottest coaches in America.

He thinks the problem with Alabama is they wish they were where Auburn was at, having that guy lined and ready to go, but that they do not even though they have been trying. The longer it goes the worse it is for Alabama, one cause they lame duck Shula, and two is because it means that they are getting turned down left and right.

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Here's something else.

Saban went 9-7 last year in his first season with the Dolphins. Remember, that was a 180 turnaround from the 3-13 team that he inherited down there in Miami. Although this year's team got off to an unauspicious 1-6 start, the Dolphins have won their last four games, including a road win against the undefeated Bears, and are improving steadily week by week. Therefore, I don't think that Saban is going anywhere. It's obvious that his system is working down there. Any coach who can win 4 straight games with Joey Harrington as QB is doing something right. So no, I don't see Saban leaving Miami, at least not this year.

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I know there's a lot of the NFL season to go, but realistically where will Miami be in the draft and will Saban have the chance to plug up some of the holes/weaknesses he inherited? What should he be looking for in the draft (or by trade), assuming he's still there.

(Ronny Brown two years ago was a good start! B) )

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It is amazing to me that any one think Saban would quit the Dolphins. He makes almost twice what the top college coach makes. He is only in his second year and has improved. The Dolphins I would believe will give him at least 3 more years. Also, Saban just can't quit. I am sure has a buyout. How much is that? $10M. Same goes for any other big name coach. Their buyout plus paying off Shula's contract will cost them $6 to $8 million.

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And for all of you bama folks thinking Auburn folks would be scared to death of Saban as coach, unlike Bama, CTT has beaten him and his system before. We would do it again.

I think our recent woes have created a false sense of faith in your own coach. The truth is, I don't think CTT is a great coach and I'm not afraid to say it. Honestly, he's been recruiting one of the most talent rich states in the nation by himself prior to last year. He started off 1-2 against Alabama before we tanked. He lost anything he ever had in my eyes when he went 7-4 with Ronnie Brown, Carnell Williams, Jason Campbell, Junior Rosegreen, and some of those great LBs you had a couple of years ago... Wow, what a coach!

As for us- watch out for Rich Rodreiguez's possible hiring. The UA plane was in Morgantown, WV yesterday. What else is there in Morgantown, WV?

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Touche, but it was only there for a total of twenty minutes. That must have been one short conversation.

As far as Bama tanking-CTT not that great, CTT came into 1998 with CTB's unbelievably bad recruiting. I think we will do okay, afterall, CTT has beaten two Ten Win Bama clubs already. We will do okay... ;)

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Touche, but it was only there for a total of twenty minutes. That must have been one short conversation.

How long does it take to say NO?

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I think our recent woes have created a false sense of faith in your own coach. The truth is, I don't think CTT is a great coach and I'm not afraid to say it. Honestly, he's been recruiting one of the most talent rich states in the nation by himself prior to last year. He started off 1-2 against Alabama before we tanked. He lost anything he ever had in my eyes when he went 7-4 with Ronnie Brown, Carnell Williams, Jason Campbell, Junior Rosegreen, and some of those great LBs you had a couple of years ago... Wow, what a coach!


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And for all of you bama folks thinking Auburn folks would be scared to death of Saban as coach, unlike Bama, CTT has beaten him and his system before. We would do it again.

I think our recent woes have created a false sense of faith in your own coach. The truth is, I don't think CTT is a great coach and I'm not afraid to say it. Honestly, he's been recruiting one of the most talent rich states in the nation by himself prior to last year. He started off 1-2 against Alabama before we tanked. He lost anything he ever had in my eyes when he went 7-4 with Ronnie Brown, Carnell Williams, Jason Campbell, Junior Rosegreen, and some of those great LBs you had a couple of years ago... Wow, what a coach!

As for us- watch out for Rich Rodreiguez's possible hiring. The UA plane was in Morgantown, WV yesterday. What else is there in Morgantown, WV?

Yeah, Tubs has only won something like 22 of his last 25 SEC games, or something like that...he stinks. :thumbsup:


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Honestly, he's been recruiting one of the most talent rich states in the nation by himself prior to last year.

I would have to take issue with this. Alabama has some good talent but to say it is one of the most talent rich states just smacks of you needing to put the crack pipe down.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I think our recent woes have created a false sense of faith in your own coach. The truth is, I don't think CTT is a great coach and I'm not afraid to say it. Honestly, he's been recruiting one of the most talent rich states in the nation by himself prior to last year. He started off 1-2 against Alabama before we tanked. He lost anything he ever had in my eyes when he went 7-4 with Ronnie Brown, Carnell Williams, Jason Campbell, Junior Rosegreen, and some of those great LBs you had a couple of years ago... Wow, what a coach!

As for us- watch out for Rich Rodreiguez's possible hiring. The UA plane was in Morgantown, WV yesterday. What else is there in Morgantown, WV?

Could I interest you in a game of Hide and Go Hang Yourself?

The 7-4 disaster was a function of a failed OC experiment more than anything.

What does the miserable state of your program have to do with us beating LSU, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia Tech, Georgia and others over the past few years? I'll give you a hint, not a damn thing.

And don't start all the "Well, you wouldn't have gotten the players if we hadn't been on probation." Facts are that Auburn and Alabama rarely go head to head for the same players. We might have picked up a blue chipper or two every year, but that also goes for Florida, Tennessee and LSU. Guess what, that's what probation is all about. Punishing those teams that flaunt the rules.

Face it, even if our coach isn't that great, it beats what you have for at least one more year.

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I think our recent woes have created a false sense of faith in your own coach. The truth is, I don't think CTT is a great coach and I'm not afraid to say it. Honestly, he's been recruiting one of the most talent rich states in the nation by himself prior to last year. He started off 1-2 against Alabama before we tanked. He lost anything he ever had in my eyes when he went 7-4 with Ronnie Brown, Carnell Williams, Jason Campbell, Junior Rosegreen, and some of those great LBs you had a couple of years ago... Wow, what a coach!

As for us- watch out for Rich Rodreiguez's possible hiring. The UA plane was in Morgantown, WV yesterday. What else is there in Morgantown, WV?

Could I interest you in a game of Hide and Go Hang Yourself?

The 7-4 disaster was a function of a failed OC experiment more than anything.

What does the miserable state of your program have to do with us beating LSU, Florida, Tennessee, Virginia Tech, Georgia and others over the past few years? I'll give you a hint, not a damn thing.

And don't start all the "Well, you wouldn't have gotten the players if we hadn't been on probation." Facts are that Auburn and Alabama rarely go head to head for the same players. We might have picked up a blue chipper or two every year, but that also goes for Florida, Tennessee and LSU. Guess what, that's what probation is all about. Punishing those teams that flaunt the rules.

Face it, even if our coach isn't that great, it beats what you have for at least one more year.

Was Nall forced on CTT? No. He hired him.

And yes, I agree that CTT is a better coach than Shula. But I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could say "Who needs Bryant when we've got Tuberville!" Wow... someone needs therapy.

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As for us- watch out for Rich Rodreiguez's possible hiring. The UA plane was in Morgantown, WV yesterday. What else is there in Morgantown, WV?

I can't find the stat, but it is something like WVU has beaten ONE top ten team since 1983. Besides embarrasing UGA in last year's Sugar Bowl. Name one big game CRR has won???

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Was Nall forced on CTT? No. He hired him.

And yes, I agree that CTT is a better coach than Shula. But I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could say "Who needs Bryant when we've got Tuberville!" Wow... someone needs therapy.

Show me anyone who has said that. Anyone? I know I haven't.

I never said Tuberville was perfect. But he's pretty damn good and he is getting better.

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Besides embarrasing UGA in last year's Sugar Bowl. Name one big game CRR has won???


They beat us by 3 points

I think he meant by the comeback.

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And yes, I agree that CTT is a better coach than Shula. But I don't understand how anyone in their right mind could say "Who needs Bryant when we've got Tuberville!" Wow... someone needs therapy.

Wow, you whiffed that one Capps style...

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And for all of you bama folks thinking Auburn folks would be scared to death of Saban as coach, unlike Bama, CTT has beaten him and his system before. We would do it again.

I think our recent woes have created a false sense of faith in your own coach. The truth is, I don't think CTT is a great coach and I'm not afraid to say it. Honestly, he's been recruiting one of the most talent rich states in the nation by himself prior to last year. He started off 1-2 against Alabama before we tanked. He lost anything he ever had in my eyes when he went 7-4 with Ronnie Brown, Carnell Williams, Jason Campbell, Junior Rosegreen, and some of those great LBs you had a couple of years ago... Wow, what a coach!

As for us- watch out for Rich Rodreiguez's possible hiring. The UA plane was in Morgantown, WV yesterday. What else is there in Morgantown, WV?

Think you are forgetting he went undefeated with the same people the very next year. I don't care what players you have... They have to grow up before you can do what they did. And they just weren't mature in the 2003 season. Get a better argument dude. Tubbs has done nothing but win. And you say he's only beaten you since you guys tanked... hmmm last year I remember ya'll were 10-2??? And we pretty much slapped you in the face. :au: WDE! :puke::ua::thumbsup:

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And you say he's only beaten you since you guys tanked... hmmm last year I remember ya'll were 10-2??? And we pretty much slapped you in the face. :au: WDE! :puke::ua::thumbsup:

no they were back...no they weren't......they were back......no they weren't...

I get confused on which one it is this week. Can someone refresh my memory?

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I think he meant by the comeback.

What comeback? That they played with/above us and beat us? I don't see what is embarrassing about that...embarrassing is losing by 20 points or losing to Vandy/Kentucky

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Here's something else.

Saban went 9-7 last year in his first season with the Dolphins. Remember, that was a 180 turnaround from the 3-13 team that he inherited down there in Miami. Although this year's team got off to an unauspicious 1-6 start, the Dolphins have won their last four games, including a road win against the undefeated Bears, and are improving steadily week by week. Therefore, I don't think that Saban is going anywhere. It's obvious that his system is working down there. Any coach who can win 4 straight games with Joey Harrington as QB is doing something right. So no, I don't see Saban leaving Miami, at least not this year.

I am probably the biggest Miami Dophins fan there ever whats... lol What a bold statement. Nonetheless I am a big fan. And what I can tell you about Saban is he is doing a great job. I think most would agree that Jason Taylor has always been a great player... Saban has brought Jason to a whole nother level this year. Not only is he getting his same ole sacks but now making interceptions and forcing fumbles and returning them for touchdowns. I believe he has taken 4 turnovers for TDs this season. This could only been made possible by Saban and his new mix of 3-4 & 4-3 schemes. As for his drafted I trust it completely too. With the second pick of the draft I was afraid he might go out and get Aaron Rodgers (member the QB from Cal is sitting the bench doing nothing) but no he made the right choice and got Ronnie Brown. Then in the 4th round went out and got Channing Crowder from Florida who has started every game for us and doing great! Then went out and got one of his old DBs from LSU. He even signed Devin Aromashadu as an undrafted free agent. Of course Devin didn't make the cut in the preseason and is now playing for the Colts. But this tells me that Saban is looking toward the SEC for his draft picks which I believe is smart cuz we all know where the best comes from! The only mistake I think he has made thus far was going after Daunte Culpepper instead of Drew Brees. His rationale was that a hurt knee is better than a hurt shoulder. Brees is having the season of his life this year and proved Saban wrong but that's ok because Saban will get the QB situation fixed. Saban has my full faith down there in Miami... He's not going anywhere Wayne Hyzeinga is one of the greatest owners there is and has a butt load of money. There's no way Bama could get Saban even if they wanted to. Saban is ours Bammer! SORRY! :moon:

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