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Some Dems Have Amnesia on Ethics-reform Pledge


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Some congressional Democrats have amnesia on ethics-reform pledge.

Posted December 10, 2006

Only a month after their victory, some members of the incoming Democratic majority in Congress are beating a retreat on their party's promise to battle corruption on Capitol Hill.

Those Democrats are resisting controls on earmarks, the projects that lawmakers slip into legislation for special interests or their districts. Anything less than full transparency and ample opportunity to debate earmarks is pointless.

Some Democrats also are balking at creating an independent body to investigate lawmakers' ethical breaches. That body would take over from committees in the House and Senate hand-picked by party leaders. Those committees have lost their credibility.

Democrats might try to forget their pledge for ethics reform, but voters won't.


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Well, in defense of the dimmies, what can you do when one of them gets caught in a bribery scam, but yet his constituents from Louisiana re-elect him anyway?

Those that re-elected William Jefferson deserve the crappy representation they get. Same goes for those that re-elect Ted Kennedy every year. To be fair, there are probably some republicans I could throw in there also that have gotten caught in something illegal, but got re-elected, I just can't think of any right now. :big:

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Voters won't know in order to "not" forget. The national media will never hold them accountable. And from the last elction, we know that voters only believe what the media tells them.

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