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Great Series of Articles Debunking Global Warming


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If anybody should know that global warming is bs, it is the Canadians. Try telling a Canadian about global warming when it is the middle of winter. You'll get a hockey puck in an very inconvenient place.

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I just want to live long enough to see Global Warming treated w/ the same level of comtempt and ridicule as the Y2K hype. I want to see those clowns like AlGore admit that there was nothing to the 'climate change' scare, and that it was all a ruse, intent on making the US a less powerful nation.

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The real news from Saint Petersburg -- demonstrated by cooling that is occurring on the upper layers of the world's oceans -- is that Earth has hit its temperature ceiling. Solar irradiance has begun to fall, ushering in a protracted cooling period beginning in 2012 to 2015. The depth of the decline in solar irradiance reaching Earth will occur around 2040, and "will inevitably lead to a deep freeze around 2055-60" lasting some 50 years, after which temperatures will go up again.

I knew it! Here comes global cooling again.

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Remember, the Enviro-terrorists global warming activists want you to do the following or else we will all die.


Seriously, people that really want to do something for the planet in regards to "man-made global warming" should take a geology or chemistry course. That will put them miles ahead of wonks like Gore who couldn't tell you the difference between a carbon molecule and an oxygen molecule. But if you do run into him or members of his cult in class, ask "Why are the polar ice caps on Mars disappearing?"

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Well, here's my problem with the Global Warming Hype: It's dishonest and manipulative. Essentially it's a backdoor attempt to modify human behavior, rather than making a straightforward and honest appeal.

First and foremost, I am an environmentalist. I love to hike and boat. I have participated in many river cleanups along the Cahaba. As a lifelong Birmingham resident, the pollution controls implemented in the early 70s were an absolute and indisputable good, despite all the whining of industry at the time. Anybody who has lived in Birmingham since 1970 can tell you the difference. I remember days when the particulate count hit 600. Today, we would need a remarkable combination of atmospherics to reach one-tenth of that level. Today there are more acres of forest in this country than in 1900, and aquatic species are reclaiming rivers that were uninhabitable 30 years ago.

I believe in clean rivers and clean air, and holding manufacturers feet to the fire if they pollute. I also am concerned about the unchecked sprawl of our cities. I do believe those factors have a profound effect on our environment and our overall health. Personally, I don't take exception to any of the steps TigerInSpain put in his posting, because it's good for the environment, and good for the economy of this country. Plus I hate waste above all things.

That being said, I'm willing to make a sincere statement to that effect, not wave the Global Warming Bogeyman. It's a global equivalent of the Spotted Owl controversy. Remember that? Environmentalists made extravagant claims that spotted owls could only nest in old-growth forests, and undertook a number of militant tactics to get their way--until some alert newsman shot videos of a pair nesting in a Wal Mart sign.

So when the whackjobs of the environmental cause stoke the global warming hysteria, they do our cause enormous harm. Because when they make one extravagant claim after another to make the 6 p.m. news, all they do is drown out and undercut those who voice legitimate concerns about our collective effect on the world around us.

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I am definitely an environmentalist. The idiotic environmentalists do not represent the vast majority of us. But, they do get the majority of the press.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Democratic Disconnect

Victor Davis Hanson

We need an Orwell to offer some psychological explanation for why an Al Gore, who gobbles up carbon-based power in his mansion and private jet, continues to harangue the less well off about their energy profligacy and threats to the planet, or why a John Edwards, who just finished a towered 28,000 sq. foot palace, claims Jesus would find us unforgiving to the poor, and serially speaks in terms of two nations, rich and poor.

Is this disconnect explained by an easy means of alleviating guilt over their own largess through cosmic preaching about the inequality and selfishness of others?

Or is it a genuine notion that as a crusading Senator and trial-lawyer they have battled enough for the less well off to justify some small compensation for their ongoing labors?

Or is it a clinical schizophrenia in which one side of the Mother Teresa brain has no connection with the Donald Trump other?

Or do they analytically conclude that they will be more effective advocates for the human race if they purchase requisite shelter, transportation, and amenities commensurate with their worth that can refresh body and soul for their own messianic ordeals ahead?

Or are they in denial, and feel their own respective modes of living and travel are not that much different from others-the enemy being instead wasteful and "selfish" billionaires, not sober multi-millionaires like themselves?

Still, at the very least when Edwards says the following: "I think that Jesus would be disappointed in our ignoring the plight of those around us who are suffering and our focus on our own selfish short-term needs. "I think he would be appalled, actually," he could at least offer the homeless shelter for a few cold nights in his sports and entertainment annex or a cot in something in the palatial residence apparently called "John's Lounge."


For Democrats and the left, there is no "disconnect" or even cognitive dissonance about such contradictions. As a group that wholeheartedly subscribes to moral relativity and subjective ethics, it makes perfect sense that they have no problem with any "moral authority" as long as that authority just happens to agree with and justify their beliefs.

After all, if morality is relative; if truth is subjective and there is no objective "good" or "bad"; then why bother to look any further?


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Remember, the Enviro-terrorists global warming activists want you to do the following or else we will all die.


Seriously, people that really want to do something for the planet in regards to "man-made global warming" should take a geology or chemistry course. That will put them miles ahead of wonks like Gore who couldn't tell you the difference between a carbon molecule and an oxygen molecule. But if you do run into him or members of his cult in class, ask "Why are the polar ice caps on Mars disappearing?"

The math does not add up on that one. First for a light bulb to put out 150 lbs of a chemical in a gas form, that is a lot of freakin' CO2 being put out by a light bulb, so with all the light bulbs in my whole house, it should be full of nothing but CO2 and I should not be able to breathe. Then it talks about other stuff putting out thousands of pounds of CO2 gas. If you take those numbers of what some things put out in a year and compare it to the amount that a tree supposedly processes into oxygen in its lifetime, our atmosphere should be nothing but CO2. We should all be dead right now!

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And now we know.... ;)

No better reason to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19th. Here's the web site:


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John Edwards, who just finished a towered 28,000 sq. foot palace, claims Jesus would find us unforgiving to the poor, and serially speaks in terms of two nations, rich and poor.


Carolina Journal Exclusives

Edwards Home County's Largest

The 28,200-square-foot home also Orange County's most valuable

By Don Carrington

January 26, 2007

The 28,200-square-foot Edwards home in Orange County is expected to be valued at more than $6 million.

RALEIGH — Presidential candidate John Edwards and his family recently moved into what county tax officials say is the most valuable home in Orange County. The house, which includes a recreational building attached to the main living quarters, also is probably the largest in the county.

“The Edwardses’ residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,” Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told Carolina Journal. He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.

The rambling structure sits in the middle of a 102-acre estate on Old Greensboro Road west of Chapel Hill. The heavily wooded site and winding driveway ensure that the home is not visible from the road. “No Trespassing” signs discourage passersby from venturing past the gate.

Don Knight, Orange County building plans examiner, told CJ that, including the recreational building, the Edwardses’ home would be one of the largest in Orange County.

Knight approved the building plans that showed the Edwards home totaling 28,200 square feet of connected space. The main house is 10,400 square feet and has two garages. The recreation building, a red, barn-like building containing 15,600 square feet, is connected to the house by a closed-in and roofed structure of varying widths and elevations that totals 2,200 square feet.

The main house is all on one level except for a 600-square-foot bedroom and bath area above the guest garage.

The recreation building contains a basketball court, a squash court, two stages, a bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, swimming pool, a four-story tower, and a room designated “John’s Lounge.”

Edwards was the Democratic candidate for vice president in 2004 and a former N.C. senator.

Thursday afternoon, the Edwards for President press office was unable to provide information on any additional buildings planned for the estate.

Don Carrington is executive editor of Carolina Journal.

Edwards makes me want to :puke:

This prick has not done anything in his entire life but take the hard won earnings of others.

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I wonder how much of the $100K of "Coulter cash" will go towards landscaping?

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Remember, the Enviro-terrorists global warming activists want you to do the following or else we will all die.


Seriously, people that really want to do something for the planet in regards to "man-made global warming" should take a geology or chemistry course. That will put them miles ahead of wonks like Gore who couldn't tell you the difference between a carbon molecule and an oxygen molecule. But if you do run into him or members of his cult in class, ask "Why are the polar ice caps on Mars disappearing?"

The math does not add up on that one. First for a light bulb to put out 150 lbs of a chemical in a gas form, that is a lot of freakin' CO2 being put out by a light bulb, so with all the light bulbs in my whole house, it should be full of nothing but CO2 and I should not be able to breathe. Then it talks about other stuff putting out thousands of pounds of CO2 gas. If you take those numbers of what some things put out in a year and compare it to the amount that a tree supposedly processes into oxygen in its lifetime, our atmosphere should be nothing but CO2. We should all be dead right now!

Uhh, surely you realize that the figures for a light bulb refer to the generation of electrical energy to power them? The bulbs do not produce carbon dioxide at the point of their use.

Also, trees are not the only mechanism that removes carbon from the atmosphere. Green algae in the ocean probably removes as much as trees. Then of course, there are other plants (grasses, etc.) and even some non-biological mechanisms that help fix carbon and remove it from the atmosphere. Planting a tree helps, but it's more more than just trees that save you from asphyxiation. [in any case, I think there are a lot more trees than you're allowing for if you believe our atmosphere should be pure CO2 based on these numbers.]

But even without the global warming issue, most of these suggestions are wise for other reasons--they're basically painless, they would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and help defuse the significance of Middle East instability, some would save us money, and some (walk instead of drive, for example) would improve our physical health. Why not adopt them regardless of what the climate may be in 50 years?

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John Edwards, who just finished a towered 28,000 sq. foot palace, claims Jesus would find us unforgiving to the poor, and serially speaks in terms of two nations, rich and poor.


Carolina Journal Exclusives

Edwards Home County's Largest

The 28,200-square-foot home also Orange County's most valuable

By Don Carrington

January 26, 2007

The 28,200-square-foot Edwards home in Orange County is expected to be valued at more than $6 million.

RALEIGH — Presidential candidate John Edwards and his family recently moved into what county tax officials say is the most valuable home in Orange County. The house, which includes a recreational building attached to the main living quarters, also is probably the largest in the county.

“The Edwardses’ residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,” Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told Carolina Journal. He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.

The rambling structure sits in the middle of a 102-acre estate on Old Greensboro Road west of Chapel Hill. The heavily wooded site and winding driveway ensure that the home is not visible from the road. “No Trespassing” signs discourage passersby from venturing past the gate.

Don Knight, Orange County building plans examiner, told CJ that, including the recreational building, the Edwardses’ home would be one of the largest in Orange County.

Knight approved the building plans that showed the Edwards home totaling 28,200 square feet of connected space. The main house is 10,400 square feet and has two garages. The recreation building, a red, barn-like building containing 15,600 square feet, is connected to the house by a closed-in and roofed structure of varying widths and elevations that totals 2,200 square feet.

The main house is all on one level except for a 600-square-foot bedroom and bath area above the guest garage.

The recreation building contains a basketball court, a squash court, two stages, a bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, swimming pool, a four-story tower, and a room designated “John’s Lounge.”

Edwards was the Democratic candidate for vice president in 2004 and a former N.C. senator.

Thursday afternoon, the Edwards for President press office was unable to provide information on any additional buildings planned for the estate.

Don Carrington is executive editor of Carolina Journal.

Edwards makes me want to :puke:

This prick has not done anything in his entire life but take the hard won earnings of others.

David, I think you need to see someone about your deep-seated hatred for attorneys. It seems kind of unhealthy.

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But even without the global warming issue, most of these suggestions are wise for other reasons--they're basically painless, they would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and help defuse the significance of Middle East instability, some would save us money on our home utility bills....

Nuclear energy achieves all this, but the hippies won't let us convert.

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David, I think you need to see someone about your deep-seated hatred for attorneys. It seems kind of unhealthy.

Not trying to speak for David, but I personally don't like being told how I should act by those who don't practice what they preach. I don't hate people like Edwards because they are lawyers, I hate hypocrites no matter what political or religious affiliation.

If you are going to lecture people (the majority of whom are worth 99% less than you) about being greedy and live in a 28K+ square foot house, you are going to be ridiculed (and deservedly so).

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But even without the global warming issue, most of these suggestions are wise for other reasons--they're basically painless, they would reduce our dependence on foreign oil and help defuse the significance of Middle East instability, some would save us money on our home utility bills....

Nuclear energy achieves all this, but the hippies won't let us convert.

I'm actually pro-nuke as compared to coal-fired electricity. But changing a light bulb doesn't create nuclear waste, build new targets for terrorists, generate possible new sources for weapons-grade plutonium, or require updated technology to guarantee safety. Yes, I think it's time to revive the nuclear industry in this country, but these suggestions for our personal lifestyle should be adopted anyway.
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John Edwards, who just finished a towered 28,000 sq. foot palace, claims Jesus would find us unforgiving to the poor, and serially speaks in terms of two nations, rich and poor.


Carolina Journal Exclusives

Edwards Home County's Largest

The 28,200-square-foot home also Orange County's most valuable

By Don Carrington

January 26, 2007

The 28,200-square-foot Edwards home in Orange County is expected to be valued at more than $6 million.

RALEIGH — Presidential candidate John Edwards and his family recently moved into what county tax officials say is the most valuable home in Orange County. The house, which includes a recreational building attached to the main living quarters, also is probably the largest in the county.

“The Edwardses’ residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,” Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told Carolina Journal. He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.

The rambling structure sits in the middle of a 102-acre estate on Old Greensboro Road west of Chapel Hill. The heavily wooded site and winding driveway ensure that the home is not visible from the road. “No Trespassing” signs discourage passersby from venturing past the gate.

Don Knight, Orange County building plans examiner, told CJ that, including the recreational building, the Edwardses’ home would be one of the largest in Orange County.

Knight approved the building plans that showed the Edwards home totaling 28,200 square feet of connected space. The main house is 10,400 square feet and has two garages. The recreation building, a red, barn-like building containing 15,600 square feet, is connected to the house by a closed-in and roofed structure of varying widths and elevations that totals 2,200 square feet.

The main house is all on one level except for a 600-square-foot bedroom and bath area above the guest garage.

The recreation building contains a basketball court, a squash court, two stages, a bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, swimming pool, a four-story tower, and a room designated “John’s Lounge.”

Edwards was the Democratic candidate for vice president in 2004 and a former N.C. senator.

Thursday afternoon, the Edwards for President press office was unable to provide information on any additional buildings planned for the estate.

Don Carrington is executive editor of Carolina Journal.

Edwards makes me want to :puke:

This prick has not done anything in his entire life but take the hard won earnings of others.

David, I think you need to see someone about your deep-seated hatred for attorneys. It seems kind of unhealthy.

I think you need to have your eyes checked for not being able to see hypocrisy when it smacks you across the cheek and stares you in the face.

Gore and Edwards are cut from the same cloth. "Do as I say, not as I do."

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John Edwards, who just finished a towered 28,000 sq. foot palace, claims Jesus would find us unforgiving to the poor, and serially speaks in terms of two nations, rich and poor.


Carolina Journal Exclusives

Edwards Home County's Largest

The 28,200-square-foot home also Orange County's most valuable

By Don Carrington

January 26, 2007

The 28,200-square-foot Edwards home in Orange County is expected to be valued at more than $6 million.

RALEIGH — Presidential candidate John Edwards and his family recently moved into what county tax officials say is the most valuable home in Orange County. The house, which includes a recreational building attached to the main living quarters, also is probably the largest in the county.

“The Edwardses’ residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,” Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told Carolina Journal. He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.

The rambling structure sits in the middle of a 102-acre estate on Old Greensboro Road west of Chapel Hill. The heavily wooded site and winding driveway ensure that the home is not visible from the road. “No Trespassing” signs discourage passersby from venturing past the gate.

Don Knight, Orange County building plans examiner, told CJ that, including the recreational building, the Edwardses’ home would be one of the largest in Orange County.

Knight approved the building plans that showed the Edwards home totaling 28,200 square feet of connected space. The main house is 10,400 square feet and has two garages. The recreation building, a red, barn-like building containing 15,600 square feet, is connected to the house by a closed-in and roofed structure of varying widths and elevations that totals 2,200 square feet.

The main house is all on one level except for a 600-square-foot bedroom and bath area above the guest garage.

The recreation building contains a basketball court, a squash court, two stages, a bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, swimming pool, a four-story tower, and a room designated “John’s Lounge.”

Edwards was the Democratic candidate for vice president in 2004 and a former N.C. senator.

Thursday afternoon, the Edwards for President press office was unable to provide information on any additional buildings planned for the estate.

Don Carrington is executive editor of Carolina Journal.

Edwards makes me want to :puke:

This prick has not done anything in his entire life but take the hard won earnings of others.

David, I think you need to see someone about your deep-seated hatred for attorneys. It seems kind of unhealthy.

I think you need to have your eyes checked for not being able to hypocrisy when it smacks you across the cheek and stares you in the face.

Gore and Edwards are cut from the same cloth. "Do as I say, not as I do."

Then, how did he "take the hard won earnings of others?"

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John Edwards, who just finished a towered 28,000 sq. foot palace, claims Jesus would find us unforgiving to the poor, and serially speaks in terms of two nations, rich and poor.


Carolina Journal Exclusives

Edwards Home County's Largest

The 28,200-square-foot home also Orange County's most valuable

By Don Carrington

January 26, 2007

The 28,200-square-foot Edwards home in Orange County is expected to be valued at more than $6 million.

RALEIGH — Presidential candidate John Edwards and his family recently moved into what county tax officials say is the most valuable home in Orange County. The house, which includes a recreational building attached to the main living quarters, also is probably the largest in the county.

“The Edwardses’ residential property will likely have the highest tax value in the county,” Orange County Tax Assessor John Smith told Carolina Journal. He estimated that the tax value will exceed $6 million when the facility is completed.

The rambling structure sits in the middle of a 102-acre estate on Old Greensboro Road west of Chapel Hill. The heavily wooded site and winding driveway ensure that the home is not visible from the road. “No Trespassing” signs discourage passersby from venturing past the gate.

Don Knight, Orange County building plans examiner, told CJ that, including the recreational building, the Edwardses’ home would be one of the largest in Orange County.

Knight approved the building plans that showed the Edwards home totaling 28,200 square feet of connected space. The main house is 10,400 square feet and has two garages. The recreation building, a red, barn-like building containing 15,600 square feet, is connected to the house by a closed-in and roofed structure of varying widths and elevations that totals 2,200 square feet.

The main house is all on one level except for a 600-square-foot bedroom and bath area above the guest garage.

The recreation building contains a basketball court, a squash court, two stages, a bedroom, kitchen, bathrooms, swimming pool, a four-story tower, and a room designated “John’s Lounge.”

Edwards was the Democratic candidate for vice president in 2004 and a former N.C. senator.

Thursday afternoon, the Edwards for President press office was unable to provide information on any additional buildings planned for the estate.

Don Carrington is executive editor of Carolina Journal.

Edwards makes me want to :puke:

This prick has not done anything in his entire life but take the hard won earnings of others.

David, I think you need to see someone about your deep-seated hatred for attorneys. It seems kind of unhealthy.

I think you need to have your eyes checked for not being able to hypocrisy when it smacks you across the cheek and stares you in the face.

Gore and Edwards are cut from the same cloth. "Do as I say, not as I do."

Then, how did he "take the hard won earnings of others?"

I was just jumping ahead in the debate there. I dont care if someone wants to support their own family with what they made with the sweat of their brow. Edwards and attorneys in general, no animous AUEsquire, do not "make" or "create" anything.

Edwards did it channeling an unborn child to the tune of $55M.

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