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Vermont to impeach Bush


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Is Vermont even a state? What do they offer America? What is built there? And don't they have anything better to do than waste their money on crap like this? I would love for Bush to come out and say we are working on a deal to sell Vermont to Canada. Would it really be a loss. Replace it with Puerto Rico. At least they produce baseball players.

Vermont towns seek to impeach Bush By Jason Szep

Wed Mar 7, 7:18 AM ET

BOSTON (Reuters) - More than 30 Vermont towns passed resolutions on Tuesday seeking to impeach President Bush, while at least 16 towns in the tiny New England state called on Washington to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq.

Known for picturesque autumn foliage, colonial inns, maple sugar and old-fashion dairy farms, Vermont is in the vanguard of a grass-roots protest movement to impeach Bush over his handling of the unpopular Iraq war.

"We're putting impeachment on the table," said James Leas, a Vermont lawyer who helped to draft the resolutions and is tracking the votes. "The people in all these towns are voting to get this process started and bring the troops home now."

The resolutions passed on Vermont's annual town meeting day -- a colonial era tradition where citizens debate issues of the day big and small -- are symbolic and cannot force Congress to impeach Bush, but they "may help instigate further discussions in the legislature," said state Rep. David Zuckerman.

"The president must be held accountable," said Zuckerman, a politician from Burlington, Vermont's largest city.

After casting votes on budgets and other routine items, citizens of 32 towns in Vermont backed a measure calling on the U.S. Congress to file articles of impeachment against Bush for misleading the nation on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and for engaging in illegal wiretapping, among other charges.

Five Vermont towns passed similar resolutions last year.

The idea of impeaching Bush resides firmly outside the political mainstream.

The new Democratic-controlled Congress has steered clear of the subject, and Wisconsin Sen. Russell Feingold's call last year to censure Bush -- a step short of an impeachment -- found scant support on Capitol Hill, even among fellow Democrats.

Vermont's congressional delegation has shown no serious interest in the idea.


Sixteen Vermont towns passed a separate "soldiers home now" resolution calling on the White House, the U.S. Congress and Vermont's elected officials to withdraw troops from Iraq.

"The best way to support them is to bring each and every one of them home now and take good care of them when they get home," the resolution said.

It was unclear how many towns had put the resolutions to a vote, and the results of all the town meetings in the state of about 609,000 people may not be known for days.

Residents of Burlington were voting on a separate question calling for a new investigation into the September 11 attacks.

Voters were asked to circle "yes" or "no" to the question: "Shall Vermont's Congressional Delegation be advised to demand a new, thorough, and truly independent forensic investigation that fully addresses the many questions surrounding the tragic events of September 11, 2001?"

Doug Dunbebin, who gathered signatures to get the issue on the ballot, said questions linger about September 11, when hijacked plane attacks killed nearly 3,000 people at New York's World Trade Center, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania.

A group known as Scholars for 9/11 Truth believes the events of that day were part of a conspiracy engineered by the U.S. government and that it took more than two planes to bring down the Twin Towers in New York.

Vermont's new U.S. representative, Peter Welch (news, bio, voting record), a Democrat, said there was no need for a further investigation.

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What do they offer America?

Maple syrup.

What is built there?

Expensive teddy bears.

Maple trees grow elsewhere.

And I can go to the mall and create my own teddy bear with that machine that blows stuffing up the butt of an emtpy teddy bear.

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Time and taxpayer money wasted on stupid and worthless non-binding resolutions. Comrades Leahy, Sanders and Welch have already stated they aren't interested in making a motion to impeach President Bush as it would go nowhere and be a big waste of time. It's not like they have any real issues in Vermont to address; like activist judges turning pedophiles and child rapists loose after a couple weeks in the county lock up. The taxpayers in these towns should light their torches and storm city hall.

Oh well. Bush will be out of office after the 2008 elections and then these hate filled lib loonies will have to pick someone else to get insane over.

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Time and taxpayer money wasted on stupid and worthless non-binding resolutions. Comrades Leahy, Sanders and Welch have already stated they aren't interested in making a motion to impeach President Bush as it would go nowhere and be a big waste of time. It's not like they have any real issues in Vermont to address; like activist judges turning pedophiles and child rapists loose after a couple weeks in the county lock up. The taxpayers in these towns should light their torches and storm city hall.

Oh well. Bush will be out of office after the 2008 elections and then these hate filled lib loonies will have to pick someone else to get insane over.

Therapist will see an increase in clients when W is out of office and the libs can't blame him for everything.

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From the same people that brought you......Howeird EEEEEEAAAGGHHHHHHH! Dean.


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Ahhhh, the Peoples Republic of Vermont.

1) No Wal-Marts. My brother-in-law lived in Ticonderoga for a while, and Vermont has made it impossible for Wal-Mart to do business in Vermont. So guess what people in Vermont do? They drive over to New York to shop at Wal-Mart.

2) A client of mine wanted to open a franchise in Vermont. Guess what? The laws there are incredibly convoluted, designed to do nothing more than protect local shop owners. So people in Vermont must pay higher prices for everything.

3) My sister-in-law's first child was born in Vermont. It took her three months to find an OB who would provide anesthesia for the delivery. Evidently, they're very "organic" up there, even if it means enduring hours of excruciating pain during childbirth.

4) You know how we Alabamians are slighted as a bunch of in-bred rednecks? That's nothing compared to Vermont.

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Ahhhh, the Peoples Republic of Vermont.

1) No Wal-Marts. My brother-in-law lived in Ticonderoga for a while, and Vermont has made it impossible for Wal-Mart to do business in Vermont. So guess what people in Vermont do? They drive over to New York to shop at Wal-Mart.

2) A client of mine wanted to open a franchise in Vermont. Guess what? The laws there are incredibly convoluted, designed to do nothing more than protect local shop owners. So people in Vermont must pay higher prices for everything.

3) My sister-in-law's first child was born in Vermont. It took her three months to find an OB who would provide anesthesia for the delivery. Evidently, they're very "organic" up there, even if it means enduring hours of excruciating pain during childbirth.

4) You know how we Alabamians are slighted as a bunch of in-bred rednecks? That's nothing compared to Vermont.

Bud, no one has an eyelash on the rednecks they grow in Connetticut. Just off the sub base is THE reddest part in N America. NO DOUBT! Guns still in the back of pickups. Almost no dental hygiene. Hell, almost no hygiene period. Get married in iron-on tee shirts, etc. And they all drive pickups from the late 60s to the mid 70s.

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Vermont does produce some of the best Maple Syrup in the world. My morning pancakes won't taste good without em.

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Vermont does produce some of the best Maple Syrup in the world. My morning pancakes won't taste good without em.

"Let's be from Vermont and let's have an emerging maple syrup conglomerate."

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Personally, I prefer molasses on my pancakes. Alaga Syrup in particular. Yummmm. And it means I am not sending money to the Peoples Republic of Vermont.

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Keep it in Alabama folks!


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Vermont does produce some of the best Maple Syrup in the world. My morning pancakes won't taste good without em.

"Let's be from Vermont and let's have an emerging maple syrup conglomerate."

Grow up Peter Pan, Count Chocula. We've been to a million weddings and you know what, WE'VE RACKED EM ALL!!

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Keep it in Alabama folks!


I like it. We should boycott the People's Republic of Vermont. Stop buying their syrup (If you have to have maple syrup, at least buy Canadian) and stop buying Ben & Jerry's. They'll be driven to their knees in no time flat.

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Vermont does produce some of the best Maple Syrup in the world. My morning pancakes won't taste good without em.

"Let's be from Vermont and let's have an emerging maple syrup conglomerate."

Grow up Peter Pan, Count Chocula. We've been to a million weddings and you know what, WE'VE RACKED EM ALL!!

I am down with running with it but it is "Rocked them all".

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I am down with running with it but it is "Rocked them all".

It sounds like Owen Wilson was saying "racked em all" in the movie. Oh well, you've probably read the transcript of the movie and I haven't. You're probably right..........TEAM PLAYER!!

"Snap out of it! What, a hotter older woman made you feel her cans. Stop crying like a little girl!!"

"Do they look pretty good, are they real? Are they built for speed or for comfort. What did you do with em anyway. Motorboat, did you do the motorboat!? Brrrrrrrrrrrr Brrrrrrrrr!!

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"Snap out of it! What, a hotter older woman made you feel her cans. Stop crying like a little girl!!"

"Do they look pretty good, are they real? Are they built for speed or for comfort. What did you do with em anyway. Motorboat, did you do the motorboat!? Brrrrrrrrrrrr Brrrrrrrrr!!

Watched it TOO many times.

"You ole sailor you."

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