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March 15, 2007 - Washington, D.C. – CNN, the Manchester Union Leader and the Hearst-owned WMUR-TV have formally decided to exclude Democratic Presidential Candidate Senator Mike Gravel from the debates they will be sponsoring in New Hampshire.

This decision calls into question media censorship and goes against a fundamental American belief in “Fairness,” which is especially critical in the political process.

The Senator said, “By denying me the same opportunity afforded to other presidential candidates to discuss in public debate the major issues that confront our nation, the sponsoring media outlets––CNN, The Manchester Union Leader and the Hearst-owned WMUR-TV––are exercising censorship, unbecoming in a free society. They are dictating whose political voice they will permit New Hampshire and American citizens to hear.”

“These media outlets are depriving the people the right to hear a voice they may very well want to hear, and in my case, a voice with some new and different ideas not expressed by other candidates––not ‘politics as usual.’ This amounts to denying the people the right to an informed choice from among all the declared and legitimate candidates, not just those deemed worthy by a few media organizations.”

The Senator continued, “It is not CNN’s, the Manchester Union Leader’s or Hearst’s WMUR-TV’s place to decide whose voice should and should not be heard in a debate between legitimate and qualified presidential candidates for the nomination of their political parties. When my staff inquired as to why I was being barred from participating in the debate, they received the Orwellian response that my candidacy did not meet certain criteria––a criteria that the media organizations refused to divulge when asked.”

A poll of political scientists and speech specialists in Nevada rated Senator Gravel the third most effective presenter at the debate/forum sponsored by ABC, AFSCME, and the Nevada Democratic party in Carson City last month.

The Senator concluded, “In short, this action is an insidious form of censorship that injures the American people and its political process, already compromised by the corrupting and excessive influence of money, while seriously eroding the concept of fairness so central to the American ethos and culture.

The actions of CNN, The Manchester Union Leader and Hearst’s WMUR-TV set a dangerous precedent and are more akin to totalitarian tyrannies than the world’s greatest democracy, particularly in a state with the motto: “Live Free of Die.” We can only wonder what is behind such inappropriate intervention in our political process that does not let the people decide.”

Mike Gravel, a resident of Virginia, is a former two-term Senator from Alaska with a distinguished record that includes successfully ending the military draft with a five-month filibuster, releasing the Pentagon Papers risking both prosecution and jail, playing the leading role in making the Alaska pipeline a reality, and ending nuclear testing in Alaska. He is the driving force and author of the National Initiative for Democracy, a proposal to bring the ballot initiative lawmaking process––already proven in many states as an effective and necessary check on unresponsive representative government––to the Federal level.


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If the dems were smart, the best thing they could do to show unity in the party is to boycott the debate. If all the democratic candidates pulled out, then it would be good PR for the democrats and horrible PR for the debate sponsors.

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If the dems were smart, the best thing they could do to show unity in the party is to boycott the debate. If all the democratic candidates pulled out, then it would be good PR for the democrats and horrible PR for the debate sponsors.

There is no way they would boycott CNN. :no::no::no:

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If the dems were smart, the best thing they could do to show unity in the party is to boycott the debate. If all the democratic candidates pulled out, then it would be good PR for the democrats and horrible PR for the debate sponsors.

There is no way they would boycott CNN. :no::no::no:

Oh, I know they want do it, but it sure would be a positive PR move on their part if they did. Like I said, if they were smart they would do it. :lol:

If the dems can't even stand up for one of their very own party members maybe because he is not one of their more popular faces, then I don't ever want to hear a single card carrying democrat every accuse anybody of censorship or playing favorites.

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Could be Al. I can't find anything else verifying what Drudge is saying.

That does not mean it is not true since the mainstream media may not be quick to report something that puts their compatriots and their news Mecca, CNN, in a bad light. The fact that the article actually quotes Gravel tends to make me believe there is something to this. You can like or dislike the Druge Report all you want and even be suspicious of their info sometimes, but I don't think Drudge would make up comments like this because there would be serious repercussions if he did. Even Dan Rather's credibility could not escape something like that.

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Could be Al. I can't find anything else verifying what Drudge is saying.

That does not mean it is not true since the mainstream media may not be quick to report something that puts their compatriots and their news Mecca, CNN, in a bad light. The fact that the article actually quotes Gravel tends to make me believe there is something to this. You can like or dislike the Druge Report all you want and even be suspicious of their info sometimes, but I don't think Drudge would make up comments like this because there would be serious repercussions if he did. Even Dan Rather's credibility could not escape something like that.

The so-called 'liberal media bias' strikes again, huh? That dog don't hunt, ranger. Why isn't it on Fox then? Or, do they not want to put CNN 'in a bad light?'

The article actually "quotes" a press release that was allegedly due out today.

Gravel is to put out this press release tomorrow:

It's now 1:37 pm and still no press release.

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The day doesn't end until midnight. I really don't give a damn one way or the other about Gravel, but I wouldn't crow too loudly with the day being only half over.

Maybe some backroom negotiations are happening that could change the decision to leave him out. Who knows.

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The day doesn't end until midnight. I really don't give a damn one way or the other about Gravel, but I wouldn't crow too loudly with the day being only half over.

Maybe some backroom negotiations are happening that could change the decision to leave him out. Who knows.

Yeah, maybe. I know you don't give a damn about him. You give a damn about pulling out the hypocrisy card on the debate. I'm still waiting on this one to materialize.

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Yeah, I bet you cheered loudly when that one didn't come through.

A lot of news organizations reported that mobile weapons labs etc had been found around this time (2003).

Some stories pan out, some don't. Things change.

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Yeah, I bet you cheered loudly when that one didn't come through.

A lot of news organizations reported that mobile weapons labs etc had been found around this time (2003).

Some stories pan out, some don't. Things change.

It really was no surprise.

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At least you're consistent. You were rooting just as hard against us then as you are now as evidenced by one of the posts on the thread (by rexbo, I think it was).

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That part of my comment was apparently a poor attempt at sarcasm Al. My apologies for the confusion.

However now that TIS has pointed it out, there may be some back room negotiating going on to save face so that it does not break as a big story in the media. Given the fact that big media is involved in the debacle, that would not surprise me a bit.

I was not slamming the dems for this if it is true. I am slamming CNN and the other sponsors involved. Unless, the democratic party suggested to the sponsors to keep Gravel out of the debate, I don't see any reason to blame them for Gravel being barred. However, I would be very disappointed, as you should be also, if the dems do not pull the plug on this thing if it is true. You may not believe me, but if this does break, then I will be writing those responsible and scold them of their apparent lack of integrity and disregard for the democratic process.

I am not a democrat or republican, I am a conservative that looks at all candidates. As a voter, could we both agree that a move like this is totally unacceptable? What is it about this guy that CNN does not think he deserves equal time as the other candidates do? By just reading his bio off his website, this guy sounds like a democrat that I may have to take a good look at.

As for Fox not reporting it yet, that may because it is dems hating on other dems, so they couldn't care less. (sarcasm intended again). :big:

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Who was it that was ordered not to show up at some of the presidential debates back in '04? Kucinich, I think it was...the independent candidate. If I recall correctly, it was the democrats that led the charge in muzzling him. Didn't agree with it then, and I don't agree with it now. As kooky as Kucinich is, he should have been allowed to make a jackass out of himself in the debate as a 3rd party candidate.

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Who was it that was ordered not to show up at some of the presidential debates back in '04? Kucinich, I think it was...the independent candidate. If I recall correctly, it was the democrats that led the charge in muzzling him. Didn't agree with it then, and I don't agree with it now. As kooky as Kucinich is, he should have been allowed to make a jackass out of himself in the debate as a 3rd party candidate.

Kucinich never campaigned as or appeared on a ballot as an independent. He's always been a Democrat.

That part of my comment was apparently a poor attempt at sarcasm Al. My apologies for the confusion.

Claims of so-called 'liberal media bias' always seem to be part of your response whenever information is presented from the media, which is 90% of the time. It has become well-worn and familiar.

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According to yesterdays Zogby poll, nearly 3/4's of Americans see this "so called" bias in the media that you attempt to marginalize.

Are they all wrong?

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Bro, why do you defend the media so much? Yes, you are right, I do claim media bias in alot of stuff, because it is true. To think there is no media bias is naive. Even some of the biggest libbies I know admits to it. One of my college professors, who is a big liberal and an atheist tells us time and time again that the media is based. It has been like that since colonial times. I am not going to try to insult you intelligence and tell you that Fox is not biased. Heck yeah they are. The pander to the right wing, I have not problem admitting that. Bro, the thing is that the majority of the biased media is left leaning. That is why it is funny to watch liberals complain about Fox when the majority of the media is liberal. Why you try to deny that I do not know. I am a conservative and I prefer Fox, but I also watch CNN and when I had satellite radio, I would tune into Air America every now and then. You may not believe this, but I do not listen to Rush Limbaugh. I don't like the guy, he irritates me, whereas Sean Hannity, Neil Bortz, Glenn Beck, and Alan Colmes does not.

My comment was sarcastic because I included all media. You did not see an "except Fox News" inserted into that comment. But again, I am sorry for the confusion.

Yeah, I bet you cheered loudly when that one didn't come through.

A lot of news organizations reported that mobile weapons labs etc had been found around this time (2003).

Some stories pan out, some don't. Things change.

It really was no surprise.

So not finding chemicals or WMDs did not surprise you Al? Did you have some info that the rest of the world did not have? Before you go and try to say Bush made it all up or whatever, do we need to post all those quotes from the Clintons and other democrats that also stated they were positive Saddam had WMDs and was trying to build a nuclear program? You know, the quotes that were made before Bush ever took office, before 9/11 ever happened.

You see that is something you liberals and the mainstream media seem to conveniently forget about every time you guys try to use the tired "Bush lied to us" bs. You guys will never admit that your liberal leaders were claiming the exact same thing back in the 90s and going by the same intel Bush was going on and acted upon. Bush lied! Apparently so did the Clintons, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and other liberal leaders when they made the same claims.

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