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Jr. COllege Scandal(s)


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Does anyone have a link to a good summary/review of everything that has gone on in the Jr. College system that has been in the state news so much recently? (Or perhaps the time to objectively summarize everything yourself?)

I know the 2-yr system has been rife with political patronage and favoritism for decades, but I somehow missed out on the beginning of the most recent scandals and was hoping for a "Cliff's Notes" version to help me catch up.

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It's "a special series of articles about corruption, scandal and nepotism in Alabama's two-year college system."

Brett J. Blackledge won a Pulitzer for his work.

Thanks! Pretty much just what I was looking for...although I see I've got my reading cut out for me.

I don't think any of this comes as a surprize to anyone who's watched the 2-Year system over the years, however. Just nice to see something being done about it. [Although politicians being what they are in Alabama, I'm not holding my breath to see how far "reform" will really go.]

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