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Let's talk about Alabama football.


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Not really beyond laughable. As a matter of fact, I laugh about it often.....

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Saying Pinebox is the same as me calling Fat Phil d-bag. It's just a name I use that has lost all meaning. It's just a name I use to refer to someone. Coach O was the Orge, and so on and so forth.

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Saying Pinebox is the same as me calling Fat Phil d-bag. It's just a name I use that has lost all meaning. It's just a name I use to refer to someone. Coach O was the Orge, and so on and so forth.

Sort of like calling Bear Bryant "Wife Beater" or "Drunk" or "Buffoon" or "Cheater."

Oh wait, those still have meaning. B)

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  • 2 weeks later...

You're already the doormat of Auburn now, it's not going to change no matter what you wish to think, and the only thing you have to look forward now is to looking in the mirror and stare at yourself asking what might have been if your fans had not been so impatient with each and every coach since the Bear, leading to the situation that you are so blessed with now, and with that I will leave you with a happy holidays and may God bless you to forget about the craphole that you're in and will continue to be in.

Soooo, you are saying there is nothing we can do to get back to winning against you? Then how in the world did you guys get over the top with us? You saying that you can do it, but we can't? Yeah, I can see how that makes sense. Alabama, you were dominant, but now Auburn has gotten better as you have regressed horribly. Too bad only Auburn could turn things around. Thank for playing.

Nice one man.

Yep, that's what we're Saban I mean sayin. Gosh its already happening. Nick is already startin to turn things around and take over everything!

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I figured since every thread in the forums turns into talk about 'Bama, I'd just go ahead and start one. Here are a few things to get it started...

-You managed to go undefeated and still didn't play for the title.

-6 in a row is the only comeback that you have whenever 'Bama is mentioned.

-You cheerleaders dress like Freddy Krueger.

-No matter how good you are, a bad 'Bama team gets more media attention than you.


Now that over, let's hear some raggin on 'Bama. So bust out your '6' and 'one tooth' macro's. Let's make this fun.

One tooth?...ah, must be a cap

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Saying Pinebox is the same as me calling Fat Phil d-bag. It's just a name I use that has lost all meaning. It's just a name I use to refer to someone. Coach O was the Orge, and so on and so forth.

Sort of like calling Bear Bryant "Wife Beater" or "Drunk" or "Buffoon" or "Cheater."

Oh wait, those still have meaning. B)

:roflol: great post town. and the truth, that makes it better. Seriously though the bear recruited my uncle and when he and my grandmother got off the plane she said he was tanked. My uncle ended up on the plains. thank goodness for jack daniels.

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