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For Obama, charity really began in the U.S. Senate


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What would be the odds that Obama's charitable contributions are to the Trinity United Church of Christ, which paid for Reverend Wright's golden retirement.

For Obama, charity really began in the U.S. Senate

By Bob Secter | Tribune staff reporter

April 25, 2007

Giving, service and compassion are recurrent themes on the campaign trail for Sen. Barack Obama, but the Democratic presidential contender has only recently dug deep into his own pockets to support charitable causes.

Obama has enjoyed a robust household income throughout his political career in the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate. But for most of that time he has reported comparatively little by national standards in charitable contributions on his tax returns, records released by Obama show.

Public attention to charitable gifts has led to uncomfortable moments for prominent political figures. Then-Vice President Al Gore came in for withering ridicule in 1998 when his tax return showed he had contributed just $353 to charity. So did then-President Bill Clinton, after a review of old tax returns revealed that he had once claimed a $75 deduction for donating a suit with ripped pants to the Salvation Army, as well as $2 for a pair of used underwear and $9 for six pairs of used socks.

Obama's household income has been inflated the last two years from the proceeds of lucrative book deals he signed shortly before entering the Senate in 2005. He pledged to turn over $200,000 of the book money to charity.

On their just-filed 2006 tax return, Obama and his wife, a hospital administrator, reported taxable income of $983,626 and claimed deductions for $60,307 in charitable donations. In 2005 they earned a combined $1.65 million and gave away about $77,300.

In 2002, the year before Obama launched his campaign for U.S. Senate, the Obamas reported income of $259,394, ranking them in the top 2 percent of U.S. households, according to Census Bureau statistics. That year the Obamas claimed $1,050 in deductions for gifts to charity, or 0.4 percent of their income. The average U.S. household totaled $1,872 in gifts to charity in 2002, according to the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.

The national average for charitable giving has long hovered at 2.2 percent of household income, according to the Glenview-based Giving USA Foundation, which tracks trends in philanthropy. Obama tax returns dating to 1997 show he fell well below that benchmark until 2005, the year he arrived in Washington.

Both Obama and his wife, Michelle, declined to respond to questions about their charitable donations.

Gene Tempel, executive director of Indiana's philanthropy center, said 89 percent of U.S. households give to charity each year and Americans expect to see personal generosity from public servants as well. "They have a bully pulpit to influence the behavior of others and they have an opportunity to lead by example," Tempel said.

Elected officials and political candidates are not required to release their tax returns, and Obama may be the only major presidential contender to have done so this year, making it difficult to compare his charitable giving with that of his rivals.

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney released their 2006 returns this month. Bush and the first lady reported gifts to charities and non-profits totaling $78,100 on income of $765,801. Cheney and his wife had income of $1.6 million and gave $104,425 to charity.

Politicians who do make their returns public typically say they are doing so in a show of transparency. But Democratic strategist Chris Lehane said the disclosures also lead to a "naked moment" for those politicians by giving voters a glimpse of what they're like outside the limelight.

High price for being chintzy

Candidates who skimp on personal donations risk a political price, said Lehane, a former spokesman for Gore who also worked in the Clinton White House.

"For a Democrat in particular, given that they tend to be professing a 'we, not me' message, it's always an opportunity to step on the third rail if your charitable contributions don't stack up," Lehane said.

Obama has worked as a community organizer in poor South Side neighborhoods and has served on the boards of prominent Chicago-based philanthropies. His commitment to community service plays a central role in the two best-selling books he has published, and he often talks about the importance of reaching out to those in need.

"There's a lot of talk in this country about the federal deficit," he told Northwestern University graduates last year at commencement ceremonies. "But I think we should talk more about our empathy deficit -- the ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes, to see the world through those who are different from us: the child who's hungry, the laid-off steelworker, the immigrant woman cleaning your dorm room."

Obama released several years of past tax returns during his 2004 U.S. Senate run and has made subsequent returns public as well. Illinois' other senator, Democrat Dick Durbin, also discloses his annual taxes. Over the last decade, Durbin has consistently devoted a share of his income to charity that is above the national norm, sometimes double.

Obama signed two book deals worth nearly $2.3 million before entering the Senate. He received about $1.2 million of the book money in 2005, but tax records show the Obamas lived comfortably before then.

From 1997 through 2004, Obama earned dual paychecks for his work as a state lawmaker and as a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. Over the same period, his wife, Michelle, worked first for the University of Chicago and then for the University of Chicago Hospitals. Their household income also was augmented in most years by thousands of dollars Obama earned from practicing law, giving speeches or serving as a director of charitable foundations.

Donations of cash or property are an important measure of commitment to charity, but they aren't the only ones. Many people donate their time to work for social causes or non-profit groups, and that is not deductible on tax forms.

Daniel Borochoff, president of the Chicago-based American Institute of Philanthropy, said political celebrities often accomplish much for the needy by lending their star power to fundraising efforts that attract donations from others.

"It is important to consider the volunteering, fundraising and publicity-generating efforts of candidates for charities in addition to their cash donations," Borochoff said in an e-mail. "Politicians ... can do far more for non-profits by using their high-profile campaigns to draw attention to causes than donating a few thousand dollars."

On a trip to Omaha in October 2005, Obama met with investment guru Warren Buffett and came away with the influential billionaire's accolades. Then, as a favor to Buffett's daughter, Obama spoke at a fundraiser for a charity benefiting girls in the Omaha area. His appearance brought in $154,000 for the group.

The Obamas are members of Trinity United Church of Christ. The South Side congregation encourages its members to donate 10 percent of their income, according to a church spokeswoman. The Obamas clearly fell short of that goal, their tax returns indicate.

From 1997 through 2002, the Obamas reported devoting less than 1 percent of their household income to charity. In 2005, as the book-deal money poured in, they reported $1.65 million in combined income, with $77,315, or 4.7 percent, going to charity.

Only a few of the tax returns released by Obama detail the recipients of his charity. In 1998, when the Obamas reported a combined household income of $191,146 and $1,100 in cash donations to charity, the biggest gift went to Trinity. It totaled $400, about 0.2 percent of their combined income.

In 2005 they gave the church $5,000 and in 2006 it received $22,500. Over the past two years, the Obamas have claimed charitable deductions for $45,000 in gifts to reading programs; $31,000 to CARE, an international aid group; $13,107 to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation; and $5,000 to the Muntu Dance Theatre. Michelle Obama serves on the board of directors of the South Side dance troupe.




Which proves George Will's point in an article posted in another thread.

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Wasn't there a big discussion on this the last election? Studies showed that conservatives give more to charity than dims. And with this knowledge, why is it that dims want the government to take more from us and distribute it? Is it that most conservatives' charity is done through religious organizations, and leftist dims don't believe in ....that.

And another big question...


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Because as sad as it may be, the average American expects more things from the government then they do God.

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Because Jesus didn't have a military.

The military only takes up 20% of our budget. Social programs take the rest.

It seems that churches run off less by cutting things in the budget. If congress could cut our all of the crap they are spending, then we might be able to get by on 15%. But with the earmark proposal being shot down, we know that congress does not care what the percentage is.

Back on topic. I thought achmed was part of a Christian church? Don't Christians believe in tithing? Isn't a tithe 10%? And this tithe is considered charity. So why did achmed not even come close to 10%?

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

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TigerMike is not running for president, making speeches telling people to give to charity and planning social programs that would take money out of your pocket. So he has no reason to have to publish this information.

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TigerMike is not running for president, making speeches telling people to give to charity and planning social programs that would take money out of your pocket. So he has no reason to have to publish this information.

Correct, but he is judging others for not giving enough....I think it's a fair question as a point of reference.

Also, can you please source where Obama is making speeches telling people to give to charity? As for planning social programs, I assume you are talking about healthcare, in which case, I suggest you put forth a plan of your own before criticizing some one who is trying to address the rising healthcare costs that is taking money out of all our pockets. You just can't put your head in the sand and pretends healthcare costs are not an issue.

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TigerMike is not running for president, making speeches telling people to give to charity and planning social programs that would take money out of your pocket. So he has no reason to have to publish this information.

Correct, but he is judging others for not giving enough....I think it's a fair question as a point of reference.

Also, can you please source where Obama is making speeches telling people to give to charity? As for planning social programs, I assume you are talking about healthcare, in which case, I suggest you put forth a plan of your own before criticizing some one who is trying to address the rising healthcare costs that is taking money out of all our pockets. You just can't put your head in the sand and pretends healthcare costs are not an issue.

what is obama wanting to do with taxes? he wants those who make alot of money to pay their fair share. but to be fair, obama is content to judge by action (raise taxes), not words.

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How much does McCain give too charity?When you have nothing to stand on,this is what you do.Smear the other guy.I have a friend of mine in sales.His number 1 rule is,he does not talk bad about the compitition.If that is the way you have to stand out,then your not much of a salesman.

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

I never said he made to much money, never blamed him for going Harvard. Now when his wife made the comment about struggling before his book deal went down (they only made $250K)and yet they spent $10K on piano and dance lessons, IMO I have to call that a little over the line. If they were truly struggling, then piano and dance needed to be put on the back burner for a while. Yeah Yeah, I know, I know, that isn't the same as making $250K here in Alabama. I thought that was a stupid comment to make considering the people she was addressing only make $30 to $40K. And yes you are right I simply do not like the guy. I don't like his liberal voting record for starters. And don't give me crap about McCain, I know he is a closet lib. I can't stand him either. My dream ticket would have been Thompson/Powell, but hey that will never happen, but I can still dream it and want it.

Just curious, do you consider tithing to the Church a charitable donation?

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

I never said he made to much money, never blamed him for going Harvard. Now when his wife made the comment about struggling before his book deal went down (they only made $250K)and yet they spent $10K on piano and dance lessons, IMO I have to call that a little over the line. If they were truly struggling, then piano and dance needed to be put on the back burner for a while. Yeah Yeah, I know, I know, that isn't the same as making $250K here in Alabama. I thought that was a stupid comment to make considering the people she was addressing only make $30 to $40K. And yes you are right I simply do not like the guy. I don't like his liberal voting record for starters. And don't give me crap about McCain, I know he is a closet lib. I can't stand him either. My dream ticket would have been Thompson/Powell, but hey that will never happen, but I can still dream it and want it.

Just curious, do you consider tithing to the Church a charitable donation?

Depends on the church. But as a general rule I'm skeptical of organized religion in that capacity. Giving is a personal decision to me...as well as the vehicle you choose to do it through. I'm certainly not too interested in judging others.

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

When I run for any office I will be glad to make anything and all things available. There is one thing that is absolutely true, I have never belonged to a church that teaches and preaches racist and anti American BS. Nor have I ever knowingly associated with a know terrorist and member of the Weather Underground. Now since I lived in NYC for eight months and partied in various places, it is possible that I came in contact with some of them. But I didn't feel the need to get their approval and blessing for a run for office.

But I did get called on the carpet in the Chief of Staffs office for fraternizing with anti war demonstrators while in uniform. Since my Bud and I were only talking to the Hippie chicks to get a date the CoS understood. But he did make it plain that any other such incidents that made the local news would have dire consequences. But I digress.

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The military only takes up 20% of our budget. Social programs take the rest.

I was just being a smartass. My point was, Jesus didn't have an earthly country to run.

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


You don't play those kind of games? BS you are the biggest apologist for Obama on this board if not the nation.

What you swim in is conceit and a condescending attitued.

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


How many times have you called anyone who disagrees with Obama "close minded"?

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


You don't play those kind of games? BS you are the biggest apologist for Obama on this board if not the nation.

What you swim in is conceit and a condescending attitued.

How many times have you called anyone who disagrees with Obama "close minded"?

Are you asking me that or RR?

If you are asking me then I would have to say I can't remember ever saying that anyone who disagrees with Obama was "closed minded". If I have then I apologize.

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


You don't play those kind of games? BS you are the biggest apologist for Obama on this board if not the nation.

What you swim in is conceit and a condescending attitued.

How many times have you called anyone who disagrees with Obama "close minded"?

Are you asking me that or RR?

If you are asking me then I would have to say I can't remember ever saying that anyone who disagrees with Obama was "closed minded". If I have then I apologize.

RR, for a little while that was his favorite comeback. You're not an Obamaphile, so you are close minded.

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


"McCain looks like a decrepid old fart that is no smarter than Bush" -----Calling McCain a decrepit old fart is a personal attack, is it not?

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


"McCain looks like a decrepid old fart that is no smarter than Bush" -----Calling McCain a decrepit old fart is a personal attack, is it not?

When you are stumbling around in the middle east...not even getting your facts right....toting around lieberman as a cruch...yes, you look like a decreped old fart. My words could have been softer but it was not a personal attack, it was a direct observation of a very relevant campaign issue (foreign policy). My comment stands.

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So first he makes too much money...then he went to too good of schools...then he sent his daughters to too many ballet and piano lessons....now he doesn't give enough money away.... :::sigh::: .... maybe you just don't like the guy?

Hey TigerMike, in the interest of open disclosure, how much money did you make last year? How much did you give to charity the last 5 years? Which charities did you give to? Waiting...

There's no end to being an apologist for Obama w/ you, is there ? If this were a Republican, any combo of these words would be showing up in your thread - greedy, self indulgant, mizerly, selfish, arrogant, filthy rich, stingy, etc....

But because it's Barack... we just don't like the guy. <_<

See that's where you are wrong. I don't play those types of games. This is the perfect example of the politics of the past....the politics of personal attacks and scoring cheap points.

Now I'll debate on the issues all day long...but if you are going ot accuse me of the petty politics that TM and others constantly swim in -- instead of making predictions I would say -- site examples of what I have said.


"McCain looks like a decrepid old fart that is no smarter than Bush" -----Calling McCain a decrepit old fart is a personal attack, is it not?

When you are stumbling around in the middle east...not even getting your facts right....toting around lieberman as a cruch...yes, you look like a decreped old fart. My words could have been softer but it was not a personal attack, it was a direct observation of a very relevant campaign issue (foreign policy). My comment stands.

Ok, your comment stands on that one. I believe the original issue was with attacking others posting their opinions on this board to which I asked a valid question. Do you need me to provide an example of you reverting to petty name calling with no basis other than the fact that the poster did not agree with what Obama said.

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What is your question?

Do I think any one who disagrees with Obama is close minded?

Answer: No

I believe your point earlier was that you never resort to low brow tactics such as name calling. You have called people on this board close minded for nothing other than not agreeing with you. Other than tracking every booger Obama picks, the other thing you do is deflect and skate whenever anyone contradicts you. I can promise you I'm not the only one fed up with it, and have received PM's and replies in other threads that can back me up on that. I shouldn't let you get under my skin, but you do. Maybe after the election, you'll have something else to talk about and change that opinion, but you'll probably just come on and post complaints about president McCain.

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