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Obama chickens out of North Carolina debate!


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Hey don't blame me for the headline, I got it from a dim site. :P

North Carolina Democratic Debate a No Go

Updated 5:52 p.m.

By Howard Kurtz

Hillary Clinton had accepted a CBS offer to debate in North Carolina this Sunday, after "60 Minutes," but Barack Obama has turned down the offer and the session was officially called off today.

In political terms, Obama had little incentive for another face-off. He's comfortably ahead in the Tarheel State, and after drawing most of the tough questions in last week's ABC debate in Pennsylvania, he undoubtedly wasn't looking forward to a sequel.


Kurtz is right, Obama has very little incentive for another face off, especially after the way the last one went. Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run. However, it also hands an increasingly desperate opponent a gift. After a quick check at the Clinton website there is no reaction to this point, but it most certainly will come.

The Clinton campaign, of course, will spin it as political cowardice. :thumbsup:

The Obama campaign will of course accuse the Clinton campaign, of using "Republican tactics". :o

Obama chickens out of North Carolina debate.

DIM Underground

North Carolina Democratic Debate


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Obama accepted an earlier debate in NC, Clinton refused and tried to dictate the terms of when the debate would be. She ain't holding those cards, however.

An earlier proposal for a North Carolina debate on April 16th was initially accepted by Obama’s campaign.


Hey don't blame me for the headline, I got it from a dim site. :P

North Carolina Democratic Debate a No Go

Updated 5:52 p.m.

By Howard Kurtz

Hillary Clinton had accepted a CBS offer to debate in North Carolina this Sunday, after "60 Minutes," but Barack Obama has turned down the offer and the session was officially called off today.

In political terms, Obama had little incentive for another face-off. He's comfortably ahead in the Tarheel State, and after drawing most of the tough questions in last week's ABC debate in Pennsylvania, he undoubtedly wasn't looking forward to a sequel.


Kurtz is right, Obama has very little incentive for another face off, especially after the way the last one went. Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run. However, it also hands an increasingly desperate opponent a gift. After a quick check at the Clinton website there is no reaction to this point, but it most certainly will come.

The Clinton campaign, of course, will spin it as political cowardice. :thumbsup:

The Obama campaign will of course accuse the Clinton campaign, of using "Republican tactics". :o

Obama chickens out of North Carolina debate.

DIM Underground

North Carolina Democratic Debate


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I have to say this...Why should he at this point? He has a commanding lead in North Carolina. There's not a dime's worth of difference between the two on the issues. So he's basically in a no-win position as the frontrunner. So, yeah, I'd cool my heels and keep making "Know Hope" speeches until the cows come home.

And, by the way, haven't we had enough debates? I mean, c'mon.

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If they hadn't already had 20+ debates, most of which were nationally televised on various cable news channels, I'd agree. But this just smacks of desperation from the Clinton campaign. They are hoping for a Hail Mary where he gets tripped up and says something they can beat him over the head with. If I were the Obama camp, I'd tell them to go suck an egg.

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She's just looking for another opportunity to roll in the mud on free air time.

Clinton has run a despicable campaign and I wish it wouldn't last another second.

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Obama accepted an earlier debate in NC, Clinton refused and tried to dictate the terms of when the debate would be. She ain't holding those cards, however.

An earlier proposal for a North Carolina debate on April 16th was initially accepted by Obama’s campaign.


So he was for it before he was against it? :clap::coffee:

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Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run.

When you use Republican talking point language you lose all credibility in my book.

Perhaps he should stay the course.

I don't understand why he doesn't support the troops.

etc, etc......

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He was being a tad tongue-in-cheek.

Thanks Titan for clearing that up for him. As usual you are a better teacher than me.

I was thinking along these lines.

Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run.

When you use Republican talking point language you lose all credibility in my book.

Perhaps he should stay the course.

I don't understand why he doesn't support the troops.

etc, etc......

When your panties are on that tight you lose all credibility in my book.

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He was being a tad tongue-in-cheek.

Thanks Titan for clearing that up for him. As usual you are a better teacher than me.

I was thinking along these lines.

Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run.

When you use Republican talking point language you lose all credibility in my book.

Perhaps he should stay the course.

I don't understand why he doesn't support the troops.

etc, etc......

When your panties are on that tight you lose all credibility in my book.

But you can't see the satire in that duck web site that you posted?

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He was being a tad tongue-in-cheek.

Thanks Titan for clearing that up for him. As usual you are a better teacher than me.

I was thinking along these lines.

Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run.

When you use Republican talking point language you lose all credibility in my book.

Perhaps he should stay the course.

I don't understand why he doesn't support the troops.

etc, etc......

When your panties are on that tight you lose all credibility in my book.

Real mature. When you want to have an adult discussion let me know.

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He was being a tad tongue-in-cheek.

Thanks Titan for clearing that up for him. As usual you are a better teacher than me.

I was thinking along these lines.

Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run.

When you use Republican talking point language you lose all credibility in my book.

Perhaps he should stay the course.

I don't understand why he doesn't support the troops.

etc, etc......

When your panties are on that tight you lose all credibility in my book.

But you can't see the satire in that duck web site that you posted?

So exactly what proof do you have that was intended as satire? Of course I am assuming you mean satire from the leftist that started the site.

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He was being a tad tongue-in-cheek.

Thanks Titan for clearing that up for him. As usual you are a better teacher than me.

I was thinking along these lines.

Politically it makes sense for him to cut and run.

When you use Republican talking point language you lose all credibility in my book.

Perhaps he should stay the course.

I don't understand why he doesn't support the troops.

etc, etc......

When your panties are on that tight you lose all credibility in my book.

Real mature. When you want to have an adult discussion let me know.

Real mature, you mean like getting your panties balled up over an innocuous statement like that? That kind of mature?

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