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Is there really an oil problem?


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I'm watching this.

He says there is enough oil in the north slope of Alaska for the US for 200 years.

Ok, first of all that is a guess.

But okay, say he is right. That is 200 years at our present consumption and population no doubt. Ask someone 100 years ago how much oil we would need in the future and they never would have guessed our current consumption rate.

Lets say that lasts even 100 years, still what then? Be even more at the mercy of foreign oil than we are now?

I like to think of the oil in Alaska as an extreme last gasp. I mean EXTREME.

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If this guy is just trying to help us, why doesn't he give away his book. He sure is pushing it awful hard.

Update: This guy needs a speech writer.

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Regardless of the book. Does any of this make sense? Has anyone else listened to this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone else listen to this? Are we being manipulated by a financial entity beyond our control? Is there really enough oil in Alaska to supply us for 200 years?

I just want to know if this guy really does have an inside track. Anybody know anything?

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Here is a little info.

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)-New Petroleum Estimates (6-2-98)


Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, Petroleum Assessment, 1998, Including Economic Analysis


NPR-A holds 17B barrels recoverable oil

New BLM resource inventory for federal lands more than doubles recoverable crude estimates for northern Alaska petroleum reserve


ALASKAN COAL AND OIL.; Anthracite Veins Forty Feet Thick and Petroleum in Large Quantities.


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And then there's the oil off the coast of FL and CA that have high yield outlooks. Heck, other countries are out there tapping into it as we speak, and we sit here and do nothing.

I've said it before, and I will say it again. We need to be attacking this as a two prong effort. Fund alternative fuel sources WHILE drilling and refining our OWN oil. We can use a fee based deal where the oil companies pay a fair-fee per barrel of oil they recover that woud go towards the creation of alternative fuels.

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