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Great Expectations


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I expect Auburn to be competing to be make it to the SECCG late in the season every year, and they should be making it at a minimum every 3 or 4 years.

And I'll tell you why: watching Auburn football is supposed to be fun, and honestly this has not been the most fun year so far, and there's really nothing to look forward to the rest of the year besides watching CTT fight for his job. I look forward to college football season every day in the offseason and its just too damn early to start looking forward to next year. And I feel for the players, I know how much fun it is to be on a competing team and I want them to enjoy that.

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You have a logic bust when you claim b/c the coaches are paid a lot, they must deliver highly or be fired. All of the SEC coaches are highly paid, so based on your logic, over half of them should be fired each year b/c it is not mathematically possible for all of them to deliver. If all the fans have that attitude, then the coaching carosel will spin off the spindle.

While I agree the current pay cannot be expected to sustain the current level, that is exactly what is happening. Petrino, Tubs, Croom, Miles, Saban, and Nutt are all being paid millions each year and if Arkansas is just as bad in 2 years then Petrino will be gone. If Croom doesn't have another 8 win season in the next 3 he will probably be gone(they were already calls for it before last season) and if Tubs has another year or two like this one w/o a SEC title people will want him gone. So yes coaches are being paid a lot and there will be many firings.

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