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Trooper Taylor Chest Bump?


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Did anybody notice the big chest bump between Darvin Adams and Coach Taylor? I thought that was really cool, and it shows how personable coach Taylor is. He is on the opposite in of the spectrum from Coach Knox. It seems that Coach Taylor is a fun to play for. I noticed the enthusiasim coming from the WR corp. That's something we haven't seen in awhile.

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The first team meeting, all the players had to sign a form "changing their last name" to Taylor. He 'adopted' all those WRs as a sign for how they can trust him and that they were his family now.

This guy's got it all.

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I seem to remember Vol fans commenting on the constant Trooper chest bumps when he was there. I guess this is the start.

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whoa wait, Trooper Taylor is the same guy on that was on a the Tennessee sidelines with his hat turned around backwards?? Wow, I didn't realize that. I guess I should do my homework more often

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I love the enthusiasm of this whole staff. Its what i thought last staff lacked which i think carries over to games. Will trooper be on sidelines? Who all will be up in the booths, any idea?

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I know Trooper and Malzhan will both be on the sidelines and i think Grimes as well. Luper and Boulware will definitely be in the booth.

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I love the enthusiasm of this whole staff. Its what i thought last staff lacked which i think carries over to games. Will trooper be on sidelines? Who all will be up in the booths, any idea?

Dude, GEEZ...PUH-LEEZE give it a rest. That last staff didn't lack a whole lot of anything until the end! Give us a break.... Really...I mean that's about some of the best Auburn football that's EVER been played...EVER! Good Lord...do you remember the Barfield years???? Probably not, I'd say....


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I'm just glad that the WRs did something that was worthy of a chest bump! Keep it coming Coach Taylor!!

Last year they tried to do it, but the receivers kept getting the pattern wrong and ran into the refs instead. :rimshot:

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Well, if nothing else, he should make Tiger Walk more interesting.


(By the way, how do you post a link on this board? When I click on the icon, I get "Error! You must post a URL!" or the kinder, gentler "You must first post a title." Which is it, and how do you do it?)

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Well, if nothing else, he should make Tiger Walk more interesting.


(By the way, how do you post a link on this board? When I click on the icon, I get "Error! You must post a URL!" or the kinder, gentler "You must first post a title." Which is it, and how do you do it?)

Vol Walk :no:

And now they fly an eagle from time-to-time.

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Well, if nothing else, he should make Tiger Walk more interesting.


(By the way, how do you post a link on this board? When I click on the icon, I get "Error! You must post a URL!" or the kinder, gentler "You must first post a title." Which is it, and how do you do it?)

I easiest way to post a link is to copy the link and paste it after the word "link: " (no parenthesis) such as:

link: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/parentheses?qsrc=2888

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