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Chizik & Saban


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I understand the hype. The parallel is obvious. Both inherited downward spiraling programs. Both had positive first seasons. Saban went 7-6 (officially 2-6 because 5 wins were vacated due to violations). Chizik went 8-5. Both created an atmosphere of discipline, focus, and getting student athletes to believe in themselves and their teammates again.

But to all my Bama friends who keep screaming, "Yeah, but do you REALLY think Chizik and your Tigers will go undefeated in his 2nd season and play for the SEC like Saban did?!"...I'll yet again give you my calm, simple answer: Probably not and it doesn't bother me. We will, however, compete on a different level than in recent years (as evidenced by some great moments this past season). Do we have a shot at the West? Absolutely. But ALOT has to be pieced together in order to win em all.

So enough already. It's possible for us AU fanatics to celebrate an INCREDIBLE recruiting class but STILL be realistic. Furthermore, I prefer Chizik. Yes, he's still unproven as a head coach. But I'd take him over Saban any day...championship and all. "You don't really mean that!" Uh, YES, yes I do. I like his focus on the whole athlete. I like his FAMILY schpill to moms and dads of players - and unlike other universities, it is seriously backed up at AU. I like how he addresses the media. I like how he preaches, "This place was made special long before you got here and it will be special long after you leave." I like listening to his post game talk to players on "Auburn Everyday" after the losses started piling up. And perhaps best of all, I like how we as a fan base respect and appreciate Chizik, but don't have IDOL worship toward him.

War Eagle! :au:

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War Damn Chizik. I've been sold on him since I watched him get off the plane and address the Auburn family for the first time. The guy is a great representative for our school.

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One thing to keep in mind -that makes what Chizik and staff are doing even more impressive- is that saban rebuilt bama when AU was fading. Chizik is restoring AU to prominence directly in the face of bama's rise to the top. As such, you could make the argument that what Chizik is doing (and potentially will accomplish) is much more significant than anything saban ever dreamed.

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Forget Alabama, we and CGC just need to take care of our business. Well thats what CPD said but he used a different F word. We just need to change amen corner to iron bowl, SEC CG, and BCNC game.

Little Doc

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One thing to keep in mind -that makes what Chizik and staff are doing even more impressive- is that saban rebuilt bama when AU was fading. Chizik is restoring AU to prominence directly in the face of bama's rise to the top. As such, you could make the argument that what Chizik is doing (and potentially will accomplish) is much more significant than anything saban ever dreamed.

Great point. Chizik is doing all this at a time when Alabama's at their peak but Saban was able to do what he did when Auburn was on the decline.

Chizik has embodied the Auburn spirit since he's been here, imo. Chizik has taken all the doubt and criticism and has made huge strides with the program.

Good job Coach Chizik, and War Eagle! :thumbsup:

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I take exception to the mindset that AU has no chance at winning the West in 2010 and going on to play in the SECCG. It's all even right now -- AU has just as much a chance as the other 5 schools. WDE

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But to all my Bama friends who keep screaming, "Yeah, but do you REALLY think Chizik and your Tigers will go undefeated in his 2nd season and play for the SEC like Saban did?!"

You should tell them Chizik going undefeated in his second year would be more than what Saban accomplished in the same timeframe. I could have sworn Alabama had 1 SEC loss and 2 total losses in 08. The revisionist history is starting early so they can drill "2 undefeated back to back seasons" in peoples heads and be retroactively awarded another championship in 15 years after the BCS is long gone. Its another case of not taking pride in what was actually accomplished, but embellishing the truth in a futile attempt to demand respect from every entity in the college football world.

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As such, you could make the argument that what Chizik is doing (and potentially will accomplish) is much more significant than anything saban ever dreamed.

Eh, go 26-2 and then we'll talk.

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As such, you could make the argument that what Chizik is doing (and potentially will accomplish) is much more significant than anything saban ever dreamed.

Eh, go 26-2 and then we'll talk.

Eh, you left out his first year there, BG....reference RiR is making is first years to first years, then what is to come after that for AU could do this year. If Chizik produced comparable 2nd and 3rd years to Saban's 2nd and 3rd years, would it make sense to say that Chizik accomplished more in 3 years, given the outcomes of their respective 1st years?? Kudos, to bama for their past 2 years, but I think you were missing the point of the statement. Only time will tell to see how Chizik's 2nd year unfolds, but the AU Nation are liking what we are seeing!!!

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As such, you could make the argument that what Chizik is doing (and potentially will accomplish) is much more significant than anything saban ever dreamed.

Eh, go 26-2 and then we'll talk.

Eh....WE ARE FAMILY! Enough said.

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Nations erect monuments. Families hug.

That is a fantastic statement, I want a t shirt

Ummmm, yeah maybe. But perhaps add, "Families hug...and then beat the snot out of anyone who messes with the Family!"

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People can say what they want, but the bottom line is this: Saban/UA have just won a NC, come away with a Heisman winner, had several All-Americans and the topic at hand is constantly Auburn, Auburn, Auburn.

I have said this multiple times. You can't compare recruiting classes at AU and UA. The biggest reason is simple. Auburn is recruiting to put players on the field. Bama is recruiting for depth.

But Bama fans can't honestly say they have no concern regarding Chizik. He has did what no one thought he would do thus far. My favorite phrase after he was hired is "Saban will eat Chizik for lunch". This has not happend. Bama won the IB, sure but not before Chizik and AU gave them all they wanted. Saban said himself, "Only the strong survive, but today the strong got their @ss beat".

Kudos to Saban for what he has done at Bama. I am one Auburn Tiger fan that hopes you continue to do well. I hope you only lose 1 game a year. Most Bama fans have commended Chizik on wha he has done as well. We will find out next year about whether or not he will be successful. Having talent is one thing, production on the field is another. I think he will be fine.

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