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Saw Van Helsing last night. Special effects were pretty good. Kate Beckinsale is HOT. I thought the movie slowed down a bit in the 2nd half. I'd give it 2/4 stars.

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you are right about Kate Beckinsale. There is a hot shot of her in the new US magazine. She is about to do some adds for diet coke and they had one of the shots from that. :o .

She was way too hot in Underworld! Somehow they managed to shoot about 1/2 the movie from directly behind her at about butt level. That is not a complaint. those plastic, vinyl, leather or whatever it was pants really did the trick. the movie was watchable. It wasn't the total bomb the critics made it out to be.

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Kate Beckinsale is HOT

Did you see her in Underworld? The movie is nothing special but she is smokin' hot in it! :hearteyes:

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Guest AuNuma1

I heard Van Helsing was a renter...mainly CGI. I want to see Troy and The Village. The Village is probably going to be hit or miss because it's an M. Knight Shyamalan film. Somehow that dude did really well with The Sixth Sense but completely bombed with Signs. The trailer looks interesting though.

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Couple of movies that look good this summer. Of course, Spider-Man 2 and Harry Potter 3. I'm also hearing good things about The Day After Tomorrow. I'll likely check out I, Robot as well. I don't remember if Blade III comes out this summer or this Christmas. I want to see the Village, too.

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Van Helsing is decent. I was a bit upset with the fact that EVERY literary monster EVER was in the movie! Still a good watch though. If nothing else because of Beckinsale and the brides.

Troy is going to be good, very long, but good.

SpiderMan 2 is going to be decent if you can suspend your logic long enough for Doctor Octopus to be a viable villain.

King Arthur comes out in July. The trailer for that looks REALLY good! Kierra Knightley is amazingly hot!

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AuNuma1, if I remember correctly Signs did pretty well at the box office as far as ticket sales go. The one movie of his that I do remember bombing really badly was Unbreakable.

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AuNuma1, if I remember correctly Signs did pretty well at the box office as far as ticket sales go. The one movie of his that I do remember bombing really badly was Unbreakable.

yeah it was #1 for like 10 weeks in a row or something like that. It was a good movie to me.

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Guest AuNuma1
AuNuma1, if I remember correctly Signs did pretty well at the box office as far as ticket sales go. The one movie of his that I do remember bombing really badly was Unbreakable.

Oh I meant it was a bomb for me...completely hokie and unoriginal is what I meant. Come on, crop circles and green aliens? The only thing he could do in that movie was shoot those weird camera angles to make it as spooky as possible. The Sixth Sense was awesome so I'm hoping for the best with The Village.

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Yea I admit I wasn't overly impressed with Signs either, although my girlfriend at the time let everybody in the theater know that she thought it was scared by screaming extremely loud everytime something unexpected happened. She didn't like it too much when she screamed once and I told her to "Shut up." LOL, oh the memories.

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Have you read the book? I have, but it has been years

Beware of flicks bearing myths

"So, is Brad Pitt a good guy or a bad guy?" I hear a man behind me ask as I sit at a screening for "Troy," the latest Hollywood blockbuster. Pitt plays Achilles, the not-so-good Greek hero of Homer's "Iliad."

So it's clear the audience hasn't read Homer or doesn't know that Hollywood took his epic and whittled it down to a pic.

The Trojan horse manages to inspire awe without looking like a special effect, even if the producers shorted the heartbreaking scenes of the Trojans welcoming the lethal gift.

Why does Hollywood feel a need to take an exceptional tale but then twist it into the same old story? Unlikable guy becomes likable -- again and again. Or as the press kit explains: Achilles' "insatiable hunger for eternal renown" leads him to Troy, "but it will be love that ultimately decides his fate."

It is as if the writer didn't even bother with the CliffsNotes or to read the first line of the epic poem. Hint: "The Iliad" is about "The Wrath of Achilles." It's not about Achilles turning into Mr. Sensitivity.

"The Iliad'' is about an old code of honor and conquest. The characters in "Troy" are New Age apostles who regurgitate the same sound bites and psycho-babble you can hear any night on TV.

I can forgive that the war in "Troy" seems to take a few weeks, not the 10 years recounted in Homer's "Iliad." Still, it would have made for a more interesting movie if the script portrayed the steel of men who would fight for a brutal decade, Professor Miller noted.,,,,,,



But the most egregious change in "Troy" is that the script kills Agamemnon and Menelaus before they return to Greece. That's analogous to having Pontius Pilate issue a reprieve for Jesus in "The Passion of the Christ."


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