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Mrs. Saban interview before Iron Bowl.


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Did anyone see the interview with Mrs. Saban with John Longshore and Barry McKight. It was an impromptu interview, she was talking about having prospects over for breakfast and how special and family oriented it was. After eating they went into the "Recruiting room" to play some games. Not family room or game room but "recruiting room". The talk about family and caring for the kids was already sounding hollow then she said that.  :zapbama:

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The recruiting room is a great place full of cars and suv's, fishing trips, laptops, schollys for your babys momma, and envelopes full of cash.

I hate that pos.

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I have seen Julio, Barron, and Richardson all driving new black Chevy SUV's. I guess you can't announce a players name, but you can give them a car. $aban has it coming, and if they catch him before the ND job is filled, I wouldn't be surprissed to see him leave for another de$tenation.

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I have seen Julio, Barron, and Richardson all driving new black Chevy SUV's. I guess you can't announce a players name, but you can give them a car. $aban has it coming, and if they catch him before the ND job is filled, I wouldn't be surprissed to see him leave for another de$tenation.

ha, it's funny to hear that.  I actually go to bama and the other day i was driving down mcfarland around dusk.  I have an AU sticker on my car and out of nowhere this black charger starts riding my bumper w/o its lights on.  This goes on for about a minute then it jets up beside me.  It was full of rather ganster looking gents.  At the helm was dre kirkpatrick and i didn't recognize the others.  The side of the charger said "DreKirk" and i thought to myself,......."intersting".

i mean in his defense, i probably wasn't driving with enough swagger.....

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I have seen Julio, Barron, and Richardson all driving new black Chevy SUV's. I guess you can't announce a players name, but you can give them a car. $aban has it coming, and if they catch him before the ND job is filled, I wouldn't be surprissed to see him leave for another de$tenation.

ha, it's funny to hear that.  I actually go to bama and the other day i was driving down mcfarland around dusk.  I have an AU sticker on my car and out of nowhere this black charger starts riding my bumper w/o its lights on.  This goes on for about a minute then it jets up beside me.  It was full of rather ganster looking gents.  At the helm was dre kirkpatrick and i didn't recognize the others.  The side of the charger said "DreKirk" and i thought to myself,......."intersting".

i mean in his defense, i probably wasn't driving with enough swagger.....

  Yeah, I have seen pictures of that car all over the place.  The turds have been cheating and cheating bad.  The only question is will they actually go down for it.  I have reason to believe they still might.
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