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Tim James and the recount

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I don't think that Tim James has really thought this recount proposal out fully.  I just heard Mr. James on a local radio show talk about the need for a recount since there is a 160 vote difference between himself and Bentley.  If a recount shows that James has more votes than Bentley, wouldn't there be a pretty negative reaction from the Bentley voters who would logically believe that their candidate had been unfairly removed from the runoff.  The backlash would be pretty significant I believe.  James could certainly not count on any of Bentley's votes in the runoff and the people who voted for Moore would not look kindly on voting for James if they think he stole the election as well.  If anyone here remembers the 1986 gubernatorial election then they know that the voters of Alabama will turn out to vote against you if they feel someone is trying too hijack an election.  I just don't see a scenario where James can win this thing. 

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