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Current headlines from Drudge. Can you imagine the cries of outrage and censorship from the Democrats if the Bush campaign had called for a ban on Fahrenheit 9/11???!!! No movie studio would want to be distributing a movie (documentary) with proven falsehoods in them!!!

The Kerry campaign calls on a publisher to 'withdraw book' written by group of veterans, claiming veterans are lying about Kerry's service in Vietnam and operating as a front organization for Bush. Kerry campaign has told Salon.com that the publisher of UNFIT FOR COMMAND is 'retailing a hoax'... 'No publisher should want to be selling books with proven falsehoods in them,' Kerry campaign spokesman Chad Clanton tells the online mag... Developing...


Drudge Report

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Yeah, I knew this was coming out. I had just gotten done referencing it on another thread. Isn't hypocrisy a great thing. :lol:

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The word here Gentlemen is IRONY!!!

Moore's movie: Fahrenheit 9/11

Bradbury's book: Fahrenheit 451

What was the subject of Fahrenheit 451????????

Why Censorship, of course. Fahrenheit 451 being the temp at which the books burned. Big Govt would confiscate the books and burn them, so as to limit the free speech of the people.

What do we have now?

The Dems are trying to take away the free speech of 250+ veterans.

But what do you expect of the Party that tried to get the votes of veterans overseas thrown out of the Florida recount?

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But what do you expect of the Party that tried to get the votes of veterans overseas thrown out of the Florida recount?

There are more servicemen and women overseas now than there were four years ago. :(

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But what do you expect of the Party that tried to get the votes of veterans overseas thrown out of the Florida recount?

There are more servicemen and women overseas now than there were four years ago. :(

Agreed. :(

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