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Fantasy football questions


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My young sons (they're 10) want to participate in a FF league so I signed them each up on an NFL.com public league.  One has a draft day next Friday night, and the other has a draft day that same Friday, just an hour later.  Now I'm wondering whether the first draft will be completed in an hour or somehow I'll have to get on two different computers if the first draft is still going on when the second one begins.  How long do they generally last?  Also, I wasn't aware that there is apparently opportunity to comment with the other members of your league.  If that's so, does the language get bad?  Is there any way I can prevent them from seeing or participating in that part of their league?

Thank you!

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Drafts usually last longer than a hour. You should be able to open another internet browser on the same computer to do the second draft while the first is still going on. I might be wrong on that.

Sorry I couldn't help more.

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