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The Quotable Les Miles...post your favorite.


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I want to take a trip to Vegas with les. He's the luckiest sob on the face of the planet....it would be a can't miss kind of deal.

He would have you over there playing penny slots with no big payout......there would have to be a draw back to it

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Do you remember the Texas Governor in The BEst Little Whorehouse in Texas?

Kind of reminds me of him.

"Gotta' dance a little side step..........."

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Ok, it might be time to get ole Les checked out with a neurosurgeon.  This is from his press conference on Monday, and he was asked the simple question "Are you satisified with the blocking of your WR's?" (or something very close to that).  His reply was:

"I guess what I'm saying is I'm in the key piece of my season where the big plays have yet to have been made. As I go into the next game, I look for those plays to be more important than anything that we've done in the past, and to say that I have any opinion to this point that would be finite would not. Really, I'm expecting this receiving corps to do the things that they've done in the past, and that is rebound and play like hell and play well. If they do that, that's just what I want to see them do. In many instances there is some developing going on, and there are some guys, in my opinion, who are a little bit nicked and will probably be playing with greatest health this Saturday."

In my best Lil' John voice:  WHAT?????


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"Alabama has a very, very talented offense, but we understand the complexities of Alabama’s offense a little bit better than Auburn’s"

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