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Everything posted by creed

  1. This is a jimmies and joes game and they have many more jimmies and joes. Just watch the speed and execution for comparison. Turds - 44 Tigers - 16
  2. I'm not sure why you speak in definites. How are you so sure? What is your background and experience? Do you know something the rest of us don't? Can you predict the future?
  3. In college ball it's equal Jimmies/Joes versus Coaching. Until I can see otherwise we need a major upgrade in the Jimmies and Joes. What I currently see is mostly undersized linemen and lack of overall speed (big need here) in our current roster.
  4. I respectfully disagree.
  5. If you haven’t been watching the LOS, and I mean really watching the LOS, then can only assume we’re good as any other team. When actually we’re not.
  6. Not sure you will get an answer back any quicker than the statue. LOL
  7. Does this mean lower bowl versus upper bowl or upper decks versus bowl?
  8. I want to see the same thing every week. 1 - The OL putting the opponents DL on skates 2 - The DL bringing pain and causing the opponents OL to need at least +1 guys to block our guys.
  9. I have a solution for coaches possibly saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Stop these stupid half-time and in-game interviews.
  10. "For example, over half of our nation (18+) pay ZERO taxes." This is news to me because everthing is taxed. Gas, groceries (in most states), going to the movies, buying beer, etc. etc.
  11. Fast food...the beginning of a fat and lazy society. 20 years from now they'll all look like Sumo wrestlers. lol
  12. Maybe, just maybe, instead of believing every freaking thing that’s written and posting about it, one might want to stop and think “could this article be total trash”. 😉
  13. Interesting. I never heard any mention of this by Pearl or the news.
  14. Drama? I don't remember any drama. Refresh my memory on what drama or baggage you speak of.
  15. Fans are fanatic and dramatic. Controversy lives in that place. As soon as one qb doesn’t play well our fans will shout “why didn’t we play the other qb”. Therefore, the answer is NO.
  16. Write you representative and let them know the national debt is your main concern.
  17. 1 - I want to see our OL create a new line of scrimmage 5 yards downfield and has the commodores DL looking like they are boat racing backwards. 2 - I want to see our DL bring havoc, quickness and speed and making RBs fake being tackled to avoid pain.
  18. I think it's hard to judge a quarterback when our line play is so bad. For instance, last week I saw our left guard and left tackle attemped to double team...let me say that again, DOUBLE TEAM the left defensive lineman for OM and he split them both without trouble and hurried the qb into making a bad throw. In what world should that happen?....NEVER. At this point in time I believe we should be judging which qb plays less bad versus looling at some statistics...lol
  19. #1 - I want to see the oline putting the state’s dline on skates. #2 - I want to see the dline living in state’s backfield and bringing pain.
  20. Homeschooling definitely works best when a family has a stay-at-home parent. It works even better when there is a group of these stay-at-home parents with various skills and like aged kids where they learn as a group through live instruction or on-line courses. I've seen the results of both of these approaches and these kids knock standard test out of the park. All the kids I've known have received full education rides and about half of these kids were from families with limited resources.
  21. You are correct. This is why alternatives to public education are becoming popular. However, even educational "choice" can be corrupted if parents are not engaged. Ensuring your child is educated for success is one of the cornerstones of being and engaged parent. IMO, I see private education choice growing, which will require the public education sector to pivot (curriculum, oversight, management, metrics, etc.) to ensure our kids are prepared for the future.
  22. IMO, talent is off, and I see it as "far" off. It will take a couple of very good recruiting classes, including an eye for overall positional managment (not just stars), to fix the line of scrimmage, overall speed, and athletism that is missing. The good news Freeze appears to be recruiting well for the 2024 and 2025 classes.
  23. Out athlete? Ummm. Who are the above average athletes, and which ones are playing above average, on our team? Let's face it, the current roster is below average in speed, skill and athletism. It's hard for me to say that, but it's the truth. As Freeze has stated over and over, our margin of error very small. Even a 5 yard penalty at the wrong time is enough for us to lose a ballgame. So my put is, be patient and watch how we recruit, because that is the solution to our issues.
  24. IMO #3 is predicated on #2. So, chicken (completing a pass) and the egg (creating time to complete a pass) scenario I guess. My put is making sure we RECRUIT lineman for the future. I want AU to be known as LinemanU. If we build the LOS the other positions will come.
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