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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. What you are observing is the power of capital. Both parties are right wing (one moderate, one extreme). Both serve capital. Good government balances the interests of capital and society. Capital has dominated politics for 5 decades. We need to restore balance. It will not happen until the people of this country unite in the effort to remove money from the political and governing processes. Until then,,, enjoy the growing debt and, the stagnate wages.
  2. I have always believed in the value of true conservatives. I see little value in today's manifestation, the idiotic, ideological lineage from Goldwater. When I was younger, progressives were too eager to change the world and worse, they wanted to do it by noon tomorrow. Conservatives slowed change so that it was measured, effective, thoughtful. Now, conservatives will not support any progressive ideas. It is ideological idiocy.
  3. If true, that is a strategic error,,, IMHO.
  4. Interesting argument. I now see the basis of your thinking. Sorry for hurting your ideological feelings.
  5. I would say you value ideology more than truth. I would say you do not understand what pushed many to come to the colonies, the implications and realities.
  6. What has happened to democracy and capitalism since the destruction of the unions? What is the general direction of the country? Do you believe that handing over all control to the capital class is desirable? Are they better people? Do they have a divine right? Do you believe extreme inequality is desirable, ethical, sustainable?
  7. Yes,,, that closet full of MAGA merchandise is very indicative.
  8. And people wonder how Hitler came to power...
  9. I do not dispute that these issues are real to many people. However, to those who own the government,,, these issues are convenient distractions that create a divide,,, divide and conquer. Society itself typically handles social issues well,,, given the chance, given the right conditions. At the heart of politics is economics. It is truly semi civilized class warfare. The real question is not left or right. The real questions are about: Do you believe in some fairness? Do you believe in some balance? Do you believe in humanity? Or, do you believe in a "no holds barred", every man for himself, winner take all approach? I do not believe that capitalism, democracy or, civility can exist in such an environment. The power of the government would not be feared if,,, we truly had a "government of the people". The government is not the issue. Power resides with those who have the ability to buy the politicians, lobby the politicians. I mean no offense by this, I actually enjoyed the man's program but,,, you remind me of Bill Buckley. He often agreed with all of the problems, the need to remedy them, yet,,, he could not consider ideas that were not in line with his conditioning, his ideology.
  10. This extremism is proof that "exceptions" will not be humanely evaluated. Medical expertise will not decide your fate,,, political ideologues will decide.
  11. How long do we spend 10x more on the military than any other country in the world? How long does that need to last in order to feel secure? Does this spending represent security or,,, corruption?
  12. The parties themselves are NOT the corrupting force. Money in politics/government is the corrupting force. Government that can be bought will be, regardless of the number of parties. The partisan political divide keeps us from restoring the "government of the people". We should stop being partisan and demand, campaign finance reform, ending paid lobbying, stop privatization, repeal Citizens United. Our problems are structural, fundamental. The partisan issues are nothing but a distraction, a divide and conquer mechanism. All of our economic gains for the past 5 decades have gone to the .1%. Their share of GDP has gone up 100% while,,, for the other 99.9%, inflation adjusted income has remained flat. The power in this country does not lie in the parties or, the government. The power lies with those who have the means to purchase the government.
  13. Yes and consequently, we need to tie those numbers to border security. People do not understand that we are under siege from Central and South America. We are a poor country and cannot afford to help the Ukraine while our own country is under attack.
  14. Shut up and do your job. Capital will make all decisions. Divine right of kings. Golden rule. Respect authority. Respect your betters. You would not have a job were it not for those who own all of the capital. Capitalism means,,, those with the capital have all of the power. We are defined by this system, not by any other principles.
  15. FWIW,,, I have a friend who is on the same bandwagon. He believes McCloud makes us a playoff lock.
  16. The roster turn around is pretty amazing. Time to focus on the big guys in the trenches. For the first time, in a long time,,, I see where we are going. It feels like,,, what is it,,, optimism!
  17. Moms for Liberty engaging in sex with other moms for liberty is great as long as,,, they are both attractive. All other homosexuality is an abomination. Why can't you libs understand.
  18. Yes, it would be completely naive to think that companies ever put profit ahead of their deep concerns for their employees, the law, the country, humanity. There is almost no record of such decisions.
  19. Certainly propaganda considering how closely the two are linked.
  20. I would not do that. I do not hate them. It would not help. But,,, people in the church complain about the decline. They need to stop blaming the secular world and, think about it. The problems with our country have nothing to do with ideology, they are the result of inequality created through corruption. You seem to take the message particularly personally. I am sorry about that but, it does not change reality.
  21. It can be credibly argued that the largest crime in America is wage theft.
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