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Everything posted by gctiger

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers lifted for you and Jeff's family. 🙏
  2. Seriously? Hayden Fry has been dead for nearly 4 years.
  3. I guess that Bobby Petrino thingy is working out so well…
  4. IMO, that ship sailed long ago! Freeze and staff are recruiting just fine without him and I don’t think he would bring anything more than that to the table. I’m not in favor anyone doing more than 2 tours of duty.
  5. I agree, but Birmingham is not my preference.
  6. I had the opportunity to hear him speak at the University of South Alabama shortly after the Apollo 13 movie was released. He played a short video with scenes from the movie and then spoke about what really happened at the command center to get the crew safely home. He said that where there were a handful of characters in the movie, there were actually over 200 engineers that really made it happen in real life. He also said that the rigged filter apparatus in the movie had actually already been presented as a viable emergency option in team prep exercises way prior to the actual launch. RIP Mr. Mattingly! 🙏
  7. This game is so boring that I fell asleep, and when I woke up I hadn’t a damn thing.
  8. Unless the rules have changed, I don't think that you can host recruits at a road game, but I may be incorrect.
  9. I couldn't agree more. I was initially a little irritated but once I reviewed the big picture of the actual drives, I realized that the offensive play calling wasn't near as conservation as it had earlier appeared. Here's something to think about: if we would have lost the game because of aggressive play calling and it would have cost us a post-season bowl appearance, at the end of the season many folks would be questioning why the play calling wasn't more conservative against MSU.
  10. I’m so sick of that crap! Pick a QB and roll with him win or lose! Otherwise, the clown show continues.
  11. The defense played fairly well but had multiple stupid penalties at extremely bad times.
  12. I lost count on the number of missed tackles by our defense. 🙁
  13. I totally agree. Just wait until someone or some group feels they aren't getting their fair share and watch how fast everything starts to unravel.
  14. I don't know any specifics about AU, but I heard former Bama QB Scott Hunter say on local sports radio that he suspects that Bama makes an effort to see that all players on the roster get at least a little something. I realize that his statement is somewhat vague, but I would think that since it involves money that if one team is doing it, then others are likely doing so in order to be competitive.
  15. gctiger


    That’s why I stated it “may” be postponed. 🙂
  16. gctiger


    Looks like tonight’s post game Waffle House feast may be a no go for Gus and the Mrs.
  17. Prayers lifted for your wife and family. 🙏
  18. Queue the Brian Kelly fake Cajun accent and let the excuses begin…
  19. This is always one of my favorite weekly thread topics, but this particular one is extremely creative.
  20. So what you're really saying is that she's "Texas Soft"? 😂
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