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Everything posted by jAUSon

  1. Our best WR just took a red shirt
  2. Cole. He's always right. I've never seen him be wrong. That's not even sarcasm. He know's his sh*t. But the guy can't see himself. Never will. Shame. That "the other mods don't even like you" -that was some low down juinior high sh*t right there.
  3. I'm actually sick of the concept of building a program and catching Saban and Kirby. It's a bull**** goal. There's not a hire on the planet that is going anywhere and building that type of machine by proven coaching. It's off the table. The hell with those guys, and their precedents. I'm all about the guy that can get them lol'd at in these young men' living rooms. That's the only way. Come out of left field and take their players away from them. There's a thousand coaches out there "prepared" with X's and O's. That's bull crap. Got to be a magnet and a motivator. Period. I know it's a stretch, but I don't care. I'm all in on CDS.
  4. I'm down. He's my Kiffen-on-steroids. The football world won't let a program build a dynasty right now. But there's opportunities to interupt the ones that exist. Flip the script, I say. And that whole statement was dismissive of Deion as a coach. Who the hell am I to dismiss him as a coach? He might be a bad-ass coach. Why not?
  5. I love it. Consider me 'out-of-the-way'
  6. This. Half the world is "Auburn=Bad, look what they tried to do to Harsin". I'm not convinced the rumors weren't true. I also think Auburn handled it perfectly. They looked into it. Then they dropped it. The outside world exploded into this Harsin vs Jaba epeisode and half the fans got sucked in. About those rumors: if they were actually true (I believe it's likely) then not only are we in this mess, but *he*caused*it.
  7. "system" I don't believe it for a second. Never did. It is and was a desperation move, imo. I also didn't really want to post that opinion, but the evolving clarity of the situation is liberating. Credit to coach though- seemed to know it was trouble before opening day and willing to try anything- with the old guy it really would've been a "system" and he'd forfeit games trying to prove it. Gus didn't have a kitchen sink. You would just lose games.
  8. Anytime they hire someone or get a player I get on their bandwagon. I'm free to get off whenever. But I don't call it a bandwagon. I call it support.
  9. It would be fine at the new Auburn.
  10. This is bull crap. Nobody said this. People sure are quick to dump on the Auburn Family. TJ is debateable. This sight has done a great job of debating these QB's diplomaticly. These pointless mischaracterizations just need to stop.
  11. Dude I went around sharing this with people today. Geniune laughter. Thank you.
  12. Espn keeps airing these things where only 75% of the people can watch it. Wtf? Do they want viewership for ad-sales or not? Exhausting trying to guide all the folks around me in real life every week how to watch something. They filmed it. Sent booth announcers to it. Negotiated rights to it. Sold tv ads for it. Then came up with some cock and bull about how people should see? I'm mostly griping about last week, but I'm sure theyll exclude a decent percentage this week too. I have many buddies that watched Mercer, but at work (50 folks give or take) and family (20ish) I was the only one that saw it. Rant over. I'm drunk.
  13. *F* both these teams I say
  14. Looked to me just like a summary of what most folks thought it would. Some surprises on Defense. TJ with a ceiling issue. Ashford with youth questions. WR's seem improved as a whole. RB's are ready. Oline might be in deep trouble. What I like about it is- seems the coaches know damn well what they do and do not have- and they'll get every win this team is capable of, even if it's only 6. I don't believe they're going to crap the bed.
  15. Without reading back- I'm glad coach turned loose the backup qb. He doesnt give a shizzle if it starts a controversy. It's refreshing.
  16. White night with 50% rain= pure f'ing genius🙃
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