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Everything posted by JuscAUse!

  1. Not a knight by any stretch, but I agree that the road 'excuse' is not used as much in football. That's because the two sports aren't anywhere near the same.
  2. That's fair. I'm not sure many others had a lot of fun there.
  3. 💯. And our guard play was nothing to brag about at all. Still it's a long season. We'll see.
  4. Were the rankings for the past seasons during the respective seasons or at the end of the year? If it's the latter, we don't know who is ranked where at this point. UConn lost several of their games last year by double digits I believe. You also included Virginia in 2019. That one ain't kosher, my man! Also, have you ever been at the foul line with a bunch of folks yelling at you to miss? Have you always been a huge basketball fan? Not that it matters one way or the other. I'm just curious.
  5. Most freshman players that start for college teams hit a wall about halfway through the season. Aden shouldn't have a problem with that due to his struggles and lack of minutes. But this could really be a plus if it breaks the right way for us. He is really pressing right now and getting frustrated with his game, especially the 3s. Every good shooter goes through it and will come out of it at some point. If Aden starts seeing the ball go through the hoop at the right time , our O gets exponentially better at just the right time. That's my hope anyway.
  6. It's not necessarily that bad. We still have the NCAA and the Federal Government that could step in and make everything make sense. . . . . . . . . Nevermind. We're doomed.
  7. If I was a conspiracy theorist.......
  8. And that's why he will have 3 fouls in the first half. Calling it now.
  9. He got 13 million from usce. I'm sure he got money from UF. If he needs money after his career so far, he's too stupid to coach.
  10. I bet we see more of this type of movement in college football. If a coach has made the bucks and still wants to be involved, this is a great way to cut the hour demands by 1/2-2/3. A lot of people in different careers say they work 24/7, 365. It's closer to being true in college football coaching than anywhere else right now. So if a coach doesn't want to do the NFL, here's a way to coach and have a life.
  11. NFL may be a better job at this point. At least you get a little time off.
  12. I heard someone on radio say just have the bowl games before the season, when there won't be any opt outs. Not spring , probably, but pre-season, as you said. You could even have first half starters and second half subs type game. Whatever, I think you would have to figure out some way to compensate the players to make it attractive, but I like where you're going with that.
  13. Is he good enough to go pro? I was kinda disappointed in his play this year. Maybe I expected too much. It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
  14. If they were all that you say , why would they ever leave? Serious question, no disrespect intended. I'm as ready for a big time portal guy as anybody, but the can't miss transfers were great at the schools they left , as far as I can tell. The WR that bammer got from OSU was an exception. I'm sure there's some more.
  15. Well. You can thank Charles Barkley for that. He turned that conversation around quickly. Spent 20 seconds talking about Bronny and family and the next 10 minutes recruiting for Bruce and Hugh. Can't buy that kind of publicity.
  16. The color guy on the TV broadcast is awful. The play by play guy isn't much better
  17. Amen. Maybe the best player in the league period. At least the biggest game changer.
  18. So true. Look at this year in the NFL for a perfect example of your post. Lookup Tua's stats with Tyreek Hill in the game and compare them to when Hill is out.
  19. I knew that. So did everyone else that grew up there. So now we know things.....🤔
  20. Because their center, who is awesome btw, had to guard Broome and couldn't leave him to roam around and swat balls away from everyone else. Sometimes you just have to be a potential threat to make a difference.
  21. 3 turnovers today. Only 3 players played over 20 minutes. Played great defense for most of the game. Not bad for a team that showed up 8 minutes after the game started. I hope we all get to see this team play 40 minutes of really good basketball. I like our chances against anyone if and when that happens.
  22. The longer they play together, the better they will be. Every team will peak at some point. You can win a conference title and a lot of games by peaking early to middle part of the season, with some luck. To make a run in the Dance, you have to peak at the right time and have a little luck. And decent refs.
  23. My bad. I didn't mean it that way but I darn sure typed it that way.
  24. I never said you implied anything. I said the author of the ARTICLE in the flywareagle post implied this. Let's give it a rest and get back to Payton Thorne.
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