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Everything posted by JuscAUse!

  1. Oh I love it. But I'll really love it if he signs the real paper on signing day. It's just different now.
  2. I heard a lifetime 40 year basketball coach say today that the conference championship is the Holy Grail. He said that the tournament is all about matchups and who gets hot at the right time. He also said the best team in the nation rarely wins. Made a point to ask a naysayer if he would bet Farleigh Dickinson in a best 3 of 5 in a tournament. They beat Purdue last year. One time. It's what makes this a great time of year.
  3. I think it had more to do with running off the people that followed the sport by jacking prices to the max and putting a product on the track that didn't appeal to the fans that made the sport. And closing some short tracks that were icons. My son could tell you more. I only went for the party. And those days ended decades ago.
  4. What you say is 💯 true. That this is totally out of control and needs someone or thing to get it under control is also true. The feds solving any problem is just not something I believe will happen. I love college sports, but the goose that lays the golden eggs CAN be killed. Or at least severely wounded. I have family that is involved with NASCAR in a peripheral way. At one time not too long ago , if NASCAR had scheduled one more race a year in their area, they would have all quit their day jobs. That hasn't been the case for some years now. I do not want this to happen to college sports.
  5. It's really amazing , actually. My two nieces were still in college when AU gradually started taking the tailgate spots away and the ransom money to be able to order the ever more expensive season tickets started going through the roof. My son got a partial scholarship to a close DIII school and played football there so we were able to stay with family at a campground with bus service to and from the stadium. It wasn't what it had been , but we did season tickets through the 2014 season so it was worth it. All the young folks started having kids and me and my brother or other family just started going to a game or four a year, and paying whatever it took. Saved tons of money. We've never been more able to afford it , but something is just missing with the whole experience. Now this stuff. I love AU and wouldn't take anything for the good times I've spent there , in football, basketball, and baseball. Especially with my Dad and family after he passed on. But this is just ..... different. And not in a good way so far. Just my opinion. I know the toothpaste is out of the tube. Sorry for the book length post and the rant. War Eagle anyway.
  6. We've discussed the seeding thing forever .We made the show. It's win and advance. I'd like to win the SEC tournament, and we got a good draw there. But everyone is good from here on out. I love this time of year. Especially when my team is relevant.
  7. And yet a huge percentage of our own fans still believe it. If the NCAA had discovered ANYTHING at all, we'd have been kept out of the championship. Heck, it would have been easier for them if they had found something.
  8. I don't disagree at all Mikey. But I was at the 89 game and saw what it meant to the AU grads and my Dad. So I'll always be partial to that one.
  9. Look. I'll agree he took full advantage of the situation. I am not in his fan club. But he could point to numerous players in the NFL from uat and say to the player, do what I tell you when I say and you will be ...that guy. Now they get paid before they are ....that guy. So it hurt him and it was a reason he left. But it's still true for every coach left in college football.
  10. It's also the hardest position(s) to evaluate. I bet we see plenty of low 3 stars transferring from smaller schools to power 5 schools as juniors and seniors in the near future.
  11. 'Adding personal value' was Saban's big selling point. In other words college B may offer you (under the table) the same as uat, but if you have what it takes, Saban would build your value for the League and enable you to make millions when you leave the program. Love him or hate him, he delivered on this for a bunch of players. Now they get the money up front and many more schools are in play. Pay me or I'll leave doesn't work for his system. I wonder if it will work anywhere as it is now.
  12. I always feel better about our game when I read this thread. Not that it's not right 25% of the time, but I like to be positive until we get blown out of a game because of our lack of talent and coaching.
  13. They didn't. But kudos to you for catching that.
  14. Shouldn't be hard. After all, there's hundreds of number one NBA draft picks every year.
  15. I don't comment during games much. But these are the absolute worst games to watch. A rugby scrum the first half and touch fouls the second. Horrible officiating, even if it's working out for us at this point.
  16. Oh. My bad. I gotcha now. I would start with the fact that unless Indiana or whoever empties the vault , and I mean that to be a historically huge amount of money, it will probably be cheaper to keep him. IF he wants to stay here. AU is probably past the 'dead end for basketball coaches' reputation, thanks to BP, but let's face it, it's not Duke, UConn, UNC, or Indiana. So if BP leaves, AU would have to throw huge amounts of money for a comparable coach, assuming you could find one that would leave his current job. Paying his buyout from his current school and paying for a new staff would not be cheap, if the coach is worth his salt. So I'd offer BP more than Indiana if I could , as you're gonna pay the money either way. That's my opinion anyway.
  17. Anyone you say. It couldn't possibly be that hard.
  18. Whatever. That's not an answer and I'm more than good with it. I don't miss the days I could get a ticket for a a Wednesday night game for 5 bucks and sit wherever I wanted. Have a good night.
  19. No one. I like ours. I don't believe it's just money. More like what is unrealistically expected and what we can do with money and priorities for recruits and the program. Like shoes. This is what I believe.
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