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Thoughts on LSU


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So, I have been reading a little on TD lately regarding LSU fans' thoughts on their team and the game this weekend.  While there are some reasonable posters there, most talked about how their offense was really good when JLee was QB and bad when JJ was QB.  They also spoke of their defense in terms of completely shutting down AU and Cam.  I didn't buy any of their crap, but admittidly I have not watched but a few minutes of LSU this year.  So, last night, I watched a good bit of the LSU/McNeese replay and I was not overly impressed with their D or their O with JLee.  Admittedly, their O was much better with Lee, but he was nothing special.  Also, their D was good at times, but McNeese moved the ball will relative ease at times and stopped themselves by dropping passes or by overthrowing wide open receivers (even ones covered by PP).  Anyway, after watching that game, I think AU wins by two scores if we don't kill our own O by getting bad penalties and turning the ball over.  We won't score at will like the Arky and KY games, but we should be able to move the ball and score enough to win.  Also, our punting game will be key.  If we can keep from giving LSU great field position, they will have trouble marching the lenght of the field to score.  Anyone else seen a lot of LSU and want to comment?

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Don't put too much stock in the McNeese game.  I guarantee you they spent most of last week preparing for Auburn, not for a SWAC team.  LSU's defense is legit, but I don't think they are as dominant as Bama's D last year was.  They will be the best defense we have seen thus far.  My opinion is that we can, and will, move the ball and score on them - but don't expect 65 points.  :-)  It will be important Saturday for our defense and special teams to make positive contributions towards points as they did against Arkansas.

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We spent the LAMO game looking forward to Kentucky, and won 52-3. I don't care who they were looking at, they should score at will on a D2 school, so I'm not buying the crap that they are good and just didn't play well because they didn't care. The gap should be so huge that they score at will without trying, period. The only way we lose to LSU is if we beat ourselves, IMO.

P.S. I watched some of the McNeese game last night too, and I agree with the original post, they are not that good. I think South Carolina (with Lattimore), is a better team. Arky and Bama will beat LSU after we do, so I'm glad we get them first.

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I wasn't really referring to their offense.  I don't think there is much debate there.  Although, we should not forget that Jefferson had 240+ yards passing against us last year.  That's Jefferson, not Lee.  My point was that their defense appears to be legit.  But hey, maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe we will score 65.  :believe:

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Just to clarify, I still think they are a good team and that we have to play great to beat, but they were not as good as I expected them to be after reading LSU fans' opinions.  Also, FWIW, I think JLee will start at QB.  He is good at the quick, short passes, but has trouble when he has to hold onto the ball to throw deep or wait for a play to develop.  Expect a lot of screens and slants from him.  They just use the passing game to get the ball into their playmakers hands as quickly as possible and hope they can make something happen after the catch.  As I stated before, I think field position will be a huge key to this game.

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Yeah I was maybe a tab overconfident too, I'm just saying that we are the better team. They aren't terrible, and everyone has a chance to beat everyone else, but I think that losing to LSU should be a big surprise to us if it happens, because in my opinion they have looked like the 4th best team in the west so far, despite their record. I think we should win by two touchdowns... at least 2.

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I really do think we will use our RB's a lot more in this game (especially if MD is healthy).  Their defense is really going to focus on cam, which is why I hope we will do a few more of those option reverses that T-Zac and maybe Stallworth or Goodwin could run.  I really believe those could be lethal if LSU's D keys big time on where Cam goes.

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I really do think we will use our RB's a lot more in this game (especially if MD is healthy).  Their defense is really going to focus on cam, which is why I hope we will do a few more of those option reverses that T-Zac and maybe Stallworth or Goodwin could run.  I really believe those could be lethal if LSU's D keys big time on where Cam goes.

  I am wary of those reverses.  Against KY we tried one in the third quarter on 1st down and it got snuffed out and put us in a hole which lead to our first or second three and out that helped KY get back in the game.  Also, I wonder if LSUs speed on D makes these even more dangerous.  I guess the counter argument is that there speed on D, if used to over pursue on a reverse, makes the reverse more effective.  I am just not sure we are going to need to use much trick-er-ation.  At least we haven't needed it so far.
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I disagree that our RB's are going to have big day. I think they are going to play man, blitz the gaps, crash the ends. However I think Lutz could have a huge game because of this. I think we see Eric Smith get some catches as well. Then again if this happens it may open up the running game in the second half. So in a way I am almost agreeing with the previous poster that I disagreed with in the first place.

What exactly am I trying to say here, I have no idea, who are you, are you talking to me.........

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I really do think we will use our RB's a lot more in this game (especially if MD is healthy).  Their defense is really going to focus on cam, which is why I hope we will do a few more of those option reverses that T-Zac and maybe Stallworth or Goodwin could run.  I really believe those could be lethal if LSU's D keys big time on where Cam goes.

  I am wary of those reverses.  Against KY we tried one in the third quarter on 1st down and it got snuffed out and put us in a hole which lead to our first or second three and out that helped KY get back in the game.  Also, I wonder if LSUs speed on D makes these even more dangerous.  I guess the counter argument is that there speed on D, if used to over pursue on a reverse, makes the reverse more effective.  I am just not sure we are going to need to use much trick-er-ation.  At least we haven't needed it so far.

Yeah we've definitely gotten away from the reverse this year, probably because the fake for the reverse goes to the running back, and QB fakes are more effective for us with Cam. I do think that this week we will see a lot more misdirection, because that's what you do against a fast defense - take advantage of their over-pursuit. I think a reverse could go either way - if they over-pursue it goes for a huge gain, but if one man stays at home then it could be a 5 yard loss. hmmmm....

some trickeration would probably work for the same reason.

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This is how my expert mind works..

LSU should have lost to UT

UT should have lost to UAB (not hating on UAB...Just saying)

The Hat pulled one out against Florida

Florida got destroyed by an overhyped UAT

Auburn Wins No Problem! Right?


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I disagree that our RB's are going to have big day. I think they are going to play man, blitz the gaps, crash the ends. However I think Lutz could have a huge game because of this. I think we see Eric Smith get some catches as well. Then again if this happens it may open up the running game in the second half. So in a way I am almost agreeing with the previous poster that I disagreed with in the first place.

What exactly am I trying to say here, I have no idea, who are you, are you talking to me.........

Yea, I see what your saying with Lutz and Smith, and i don't necessarily think our RB's are going to have the most rushing yards, but i'm just thinking on the zone reads, they may get a few more carries than normal if the D does tend to key on Cam a bit more.  They will have a few easier lanes to hit.

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I disagree that our RB's are going to have big day. I think they are going to play man, blitz the gaps, crash the ends. However I think Lutz could have a huge game because of this. I think we see Eric Smith get some catches as well. Then again if this happens it may open up the running game in the second half. So in a way I am almost agreeing with the previous poster that I disagreed with in the first place.

What exactly am I trying to say here, I have no idea, who are you, are you talking to me.........

Yea, I see what your saying with Lutz and Smith, and i don't necessarily think our RB's are going to have the most rushing yards, but i'm just thinking on the zone reads, they may get a few more carries than normal if the D does tend to key on Cam a bit more.  They will have a few easier lanes to hit.

Definitely see what you are saying and hope it happens. I would love for Dyer to get a 100+ yard game with a couple TD's!!

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AU's D front 7 vs. LSU OL & RB's = ...advantage AU

LSU passing game = ????????? vs. our DB's = ....push...(LSU has not gotten them the ball all year)

AU OL & RB's vs. LSU front 7= push...maybe advantage LSU

AU passing game vs. LSU DB's = advantage AU (too many weapons...just a matter of using them)

QB's = Huge advantage AU

AU @ home with momentum...

AU wins straight up 14+ in pay back fashion...

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My opinion is that we can, and will, move the ball and score on them - but don't expect 65 points.  :-)  It will be important Saturday for our defense and special teams to make positive contributions towards points as they did against Arkansas.

The offense could put up 65 points on just about anyone if our defense could stop our opponents offenses consistently and lose that bend don't break thing for sure.

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Leaving out McNeese State, here are LSU opponents and their current national ranking in Total Offense:

UNC -- 63

Vandy - 102

Miss St - 55

West Va - 64

Tenn - 97

Fla - 91


saw this posted on al.com. dont know how accurate it is.

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It is accurate according to the NCAA web site.  I think the relevant stat is what LSU's D has done against these teams relative to their season average.  It's pretty impressive which is why I say they have a legit D.  Again, not saying we can't move the ball or score.  Just recognizing that their defense is very good.

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ESPN's Chris Low on his live blog......

Matt (NC)

Who's D steps up and stops the other team's offense for the W: LSU or AU?

Chris Low

(1:53 PM)

LSU's defense has a lot tougher challenge ahead of it than Auburn's defense. To me, it's more who can make the critical stops on defense in the fourth quarter. That's what's going to win or lose this football game.

:wareagle:  :believe:

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LSU will bring blitzes all game and 8 man boxes. They will leave their CBs in man coverage. This will be done to try and stop Cam but I believe Cam will be able to complete some down field passes and some scrambles to make them reconsider the 8 man box. Also offensively I believe LSU will use a lot of screen passes and short passes to the flats to try and stop the AU speed defensively. They will also use some zone options to try and force our DEs to make quick decisions. They will also try to go on some deep passes against the secondary, which I believe they will have some success. Overall I believe AU wins in a close game.

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I was looking at some pass defense numbers and was kind of surprised.

I think we struggle on pass defense and naturally I am not happy about some of our play. But number wise, were not as bad as I would have thought.

We're giving up 7 yards a reception. Which puts us middle of the pack in the SEC.

The biggest problem being, we have faced 266 attempts or about 38 a game. Which is the most in the SEC by a wide margin. Teams are averaging 38 passing attempts a game against us. The next closest team is USC at around 34 a game.

Reasons for this?

We score a lot of points and teams have to try and score whenever they can.

So far this year we have looked pretty good on run defense.

I know numbers can be skewed for several reasons but I was surprised when I actually looked at them.

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