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Props to the Defense..


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Much props and respect to our boys of the defense. They are getting better every game. They really stepped up. I am proud of our boys! WDE!

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Neiko actually intercepted a pass  :thumbsup:

I was so dang happy when he actually turned around and saw it comin...too bad he couldn't hang on

Yea that was awesome, and it didn't take until the 4th quarter to get a TO.

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Neiko played very well and made that crucial stop on 4th down WITH his arm in a cast.  I turned to a friend and told him Neiko just got his redemption.  I was so proud of the defense.  We got great pressure and our DBs seemed to be in the right position AND making plays on the ball.  So much improved over last week.  Hats off to our defensive coaching staff and players for stepping up.

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What impressed me more about Thorpe than the pass coverage was that he was more aggressive in his tackling Saturday.  I saw more times where he attacked the ball carrier instead of retreating or waiting for the play to come to him.  It was good to see.

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