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Could this have something to do with the SEC/ESPN contract?


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Hello Auburn Family,

This is my first post.

I just wonder if the lack of response from the SEC and the attack by ESPN has anything to do with the posturing around the SEC/ESPN college football contract.  What are your thoughts?

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Hello Auburn Family,

This is my first post.

I just wonder if the lack of response from the SEC and the attack by ESPN has anything to do with the posturing around the SEC/ESPN college football contract.  What are your thoughts?

That would be a strange negotiation technique.

Sorry not buying your first post but welcome to AE and keep posting.

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Hey, no problem.  Thanks for the welcome.  I should have signed up before.  I enjoy the information I get here. 

I would not put it past ESPN though.

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I think it is as simple as this story is bringing in viewers and they are dragging this out as long as possible to exploit that at the expense of the Newton family name.

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