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I'm Surprised


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at how quickly some of you all, especially those with post counts greater than 10, seem to be willing to believe Rogers' story.  Joe Schad's piece yesterday was much more damning, IMO, and I didn't see a bunch of folks running to the roof to jump off.  Just because Rogers today conveniently tells a similar story (shocking I know) doesn't change anything.  The assertion that Cecil was shopping Cam had already been made.  And frankly, a third person who now has almost zero credibility echoing the assertion doesn't really make it any worse.  I'll say one more time, then I have to go (my wife has told me stop obsessing over this), we were all cautioned yesterday by a very reliable and reputable member of this board that some stuff was likely to break today and not to believe everything we hear.  Sage advice.  We'd best heed it.

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I, for one, don't believe his story.  However, I do believe that if this is a story MSU is willing to agree to, that Auburn and Cam will be in trouble.

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Well said. I would have a hard time taking some here into a combat zone. This is big time college football war. Fortify your defensive positions and prepare for the assault. MAN UP!

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As much as I would like to get on board with you and feel confident that we have nothing to worry about I just can not. I have been raised to believe that where there is smoke there is fire. There is a lot of smoke in Miss. right now, but the problem we have is that Cam plays for us not them. I originally believed all of this to be a smear campaign against AU but when news that "recruiters" from Miss. St. had been asked directly about the money my concern level has risen significantly. I know we all see things through orange and blue glasses but at some point we have to recognize there is something for us to fear. I pray none of this is true but I'm not betting my reputation on it. Could be a very dark day ahead for AU. I certainly hope not.

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