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We are the Auburn Family


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If someone attacked your wife/husband in the media, would you abandon them after just one week?  NO!  Even if, at times, it looked grim?  NO!  So, if we truly are the Auburn Family then we must stick together now!  Wait until the whole story comes out and until the NCAA makes a ruling.  If the authorities have good evidence that Auburn did something wrong, that is when you hold family accountable.  But now is NOT the time for that.  Coach Chizik has never given me a reason to doubt that he is a man of honor and integrity.  Now is the time to stick by your family!  So until PROVEN otherwise, I chose to stand beside my Auburn Family and say we will not stand for slander, libel, and innuendo being thrown at us!!!

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Guest midnight

If someone attacked your wife/husband in the media, would you abandon them after just one week?  NO!  Even if, at times, it looked grim?  NO!  So, if we truly are the Auburn Family then we must stick together now!  Wait until the whole story comes out and until the NCAA makes a ruling.  If the authorities have good evidence that Auburn did something wrong, that is when you hold family accountable.  But now is NOT the time for that.  Coach Chizik has never given me a reason to doubt that he is a man of honor and integrity.  Now is the time to stick by your family!  So until PROVEN otherwise, I chose to stand beside my Auburn Family and say we will not stand for slander, libel, and innuendo being thrown at us!!!

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I'm bumping this because people are freaking out a little too much.  I'm just as eager as everyone else to hear some news.  But now is not the time to lose your cool.

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