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Will Cam Stay or Will He Go?


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Even though we think Cam leaves we will not know til he has to announce by January 15th. The NFL lockout is almost a given at this point and that may affect his decision.

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Way too much money to loose for both sides.  Both will show great bravado and will collapse into each others arms.  MONEY TALKS and the NFL is neck deep in it.  The players will get some concessions, improved retirement, improved retirement ins. and such.  Id say 3 weeks of talks should do it.  I assure you the agents all are in the know.  As it should be, color Cam GREEN, as in top 3 pick, guaranteed millions.

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Right now projected by Mel Kiper as a Mid 1st round pick which would be fine with me IF CAM LEAVES because the Vikings have the 13th pick right now...I would love to see Cam, Peterson, Percy Harvin, and Sidney Rice on the Same field at the same time...That would be scary for NFL defenses.

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Right now projected by Mel Kiper as a Mid 1st round pick which would be fine with me IF CAM LEAVES because the Vikings have the 13th pick right now...I would love to see Cam, Peterson, Percy Harvin, and Sidney Rice on the Same field at the same time...That would be scary for NFL defenses.

Not to beat a dead horse but like I've said, Cam's stock hasn't soared yet. After in-home coaching visits, the NFL scouting combine and personal NFL team workouts coming up, he will rise to the top of the boards. I also think Andrew Luck will come back for another year, so Cam could even be the TOP pick taken. Once those teams see Cam in person at their workouts with their own eyes, his stock will really soar. Not trying to hijack this thread but just my two cents...

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Cam is the one of a kind player that you cannot leave on the board unless you already have a Manning, Ryan, Vick etc.

His second half season improvement alone proves that he has the intelligence along with the tools to handle Gus's progressions and play changes at the line of scrimmage. 

Plus he has an incredible amount of celebrity potential for jersey sales.  I HOPE HE STAYS another year!!!!

One knock I heard is his foot work.  I heard the same about Peyton about 100 million dollars ago.

So how, I hope it works out that he'll play another year at Auburn and the same for Nick, but they will always be Tigers.

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Right now projected by Mel Kiper as a Mid 1st round pick which would be fine with me IF CAM LEAVES because the Vikings have the 13th pick right now...I would love to see Cam, Peterson, Percy Harvin, and Sidney Rice on the Same field at the same time...That would be scary for NFL defenses.

Not to beat a dead horse but like I've said, Cam's stock hasn't soared yet. After in-home coaching visits, the NFL scouting combine and personal NFL team workouts coming up, he will rise to the top of the boards. I also think Andrew Luck will come back for another year, so Cam could even be the TOP pick taken. Once those teams see Cam in person at their workouts with their own eyes, his stock will really soar. Not trying to hijack this thread but just my two cents...

Luck won't pass up being the #1 pick. His coach has already told him his stock can't get higher and he should go pro. Coming back would do him no good

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Right now projected by Mel Kiper as a Mid 1st round pick which would be fine with me IF CAM LEAVES because the Vikings have the 13th pick right now...I would love to see Cam, Peterson, Percy Harvin, and Sidney Rice on the Same field at the same time...That would be scary for NFL defenses.

Not to beat a dead horse but like I've said, Cam's stock hasn't soared yet. After in-home coaching visits, the NFL scouting combine and personal NFL team workouts coming up, he will rise to the top of the boards. I also think Andrew Luck will come back for another year, so Cam could even be the TOP pick taken. Once those teams see Cam in person at their workouts with their own eyes, his stock will really soar. Not trying to hijack this thread but just my two cents...

Luck won't pass up being the #1 pick. His coach has already told him his stock can't get higher and he should go pro. Coming back would do him no good

I forgot from what media outlet but I heard he was leaning on coming back. Just what I heard. Sam Bradford passed up being the first pick and he didn't drop, even after a injury plagued season. I think the reasoning Luck was using was that most of their team at Stanford is coming back and supposed to be better next year.

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Right now projected by Mel Kiper as a Mid 1st round pick which would be fine with me IF CAM LEAVES because the Vikings have the 13th pick right now...I would love to see Cam, Peterson, Percy Harvin, and Sidney Rice on the Same field at the same time...That would be scary for NFL defenses.

Not to beat a dead horse but like I've said, Cam's stock hasn't soared yet. After in-home coaching visits, the NFL scouting combine and personal NFL team workouts coming up, he will rise to the top of the boards. I also think Andrew Luck will come back for another year, so Cam could even be the TOP pick taken. Once those teams see Cam in person at their workouts with their own eyes, his stock will really soar. Not trying to hijack this thread but just my two cents...

Luck won't pass up being the #1 pick. His coach has already told him his stock can't get higher and he should go pro. Coming back would do him no good

I forgot from what media outlet but I heard he was leaning on coming back. Just what I heard. Sam Bradford passed up being the first pick and he didn't drop, even after a injury plagued season. I think the reasoning Luck was using was that most of their team at Stanford is coming back and supposed to be better next year.

Well that would be great news for Stanford, that's for sure

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I will say this and it will be my last post on Cam to NFL on this thread. Cam is a once in a lifetime talent. There is no questioning that. but based on many, many years of NFL history it is not advisable for Cam to go pro. I say this because it has been well documented that Mark Sanchez is the only QB in NFL history to have success after only starting 1 year of D1 or D2 college football before turning pro. I am not saying Cam can't do it. If anyone can it's Cam. I am just pointing out that there are many QB casualties that proceed him in the scenario of him going pro after only 1 year as a starter in college.

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I will say this and it will be my last post on Cam to NFL on this thread. Cam is a once in a lifetime talent. There is no questioning that. but based on many, many years of NFL history it is not advisable for Cam to go pro. I say this because it has been well documented that Mark Sanchez is the only QB in NFL history to have success after only starting 1 year of D1 or D2 college football before turning pro. I am not saying Cam can't do it. If anyone can it's Cam. I am just pointing out that there are many QB casualties that proceed him in the scenario of him going pro after only 1 year as a starter in college.

I want him to stay for another year too, ellitor.  ;)

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I will say this and it will be my last post on Cam to NFL on this thread. Cam is a once in a lifetime talent. There is no questioning that. but based on many, many years of NFL history it is not advisable for Cam to go pro. I say this because it has been well documented that Mark Sanchez is the only QB in NFL history to have success after only starting 1 year of D1 or D2 college football before turning pro. I am not saying Cam can't do it. If anyone can it's Cam. I am just pointing out that there are many QB casualties that proceed him in the scenario of him going pro after only 1 year as a starter in college.

Agreed - if anyone can, Cam can. I would also say that Sanchez is not a complete "success" at this point either. The Jets have struggled this year - no doubt, they have had some really good games but they have had some stinkers too. Sanchez is the starter - and their QB of the future - but in the NFL, that only means for the next six games because anything can happen, and usually does...So if Mark Sanchez is the only one - and I consider him marginal at best - then I think it is something for Cam to at least consider.

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I will say this and it will be my last post on Cam to NFL on this thread. Cam is a once in a lifetime talent. There is no questioning that. but based on many, many years of NFL history it is not advisable for Cam to go pro. I say this because it has been well documented that Mark Sanchez is the only QB in NFL history to have success after only starting 1 year of D1 or D2 college football before turning pro. I am not saying Cam can't do it. If anyone can it's Cam. I am just pointing out that there are many QB casualties that proceed him in the scenario of him going pro after only 1 year as a starter in college.

Agreed - if anyone can, Cam can. I would also say that Sanchez is not a complete "success" at this point either. The Jets have struggled this year - no doubt, they have had some really good games but they have had some stinkers too. Sanchez is the starter - and their QB of the future - but in the NFL, that only means for the next six games because anything can happen, and usually does...So if Mark Sanchez is the only one - and I consider him marginal at best - then I think it is something for Cam to at least consider.

I agree it's marginal but it is miles better than any other QB in that specific scenario.

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Right now projected by Mel Kiper as a Mid 1st round pick which would be fine with me IF CAM LEAVES because the Vikings have the 13th pick right now...I would love to see Cam, Peterson, Percy Harvin, and Sidney Rice on the Same field at the same time...That would be scary for NFL defenses.

Yes, but my beloved Cin. Bengals will definately pick before them, and god knows we need to address the C. Palmer situation.

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I will say this and it will be my last post on Cam to NFL on this thread. Cam is a once in a lifetime talent. There is no questioning that. but based on many, many years of NFL history it is not advisable for Cam to go pro. I say this because it has been well documented that Mark Sanchez is the only QB in NFL history to have success after only starting 1 year of D1 or D2 college football before turning pro. I am not saying Cam can't do it. If anyone can it's Cam. I am just pointing out that there are many QB casualties that proceed him in the scenario of him going pro after only 1 year as a starter in college.

  I have agree with this 100%. This goes along my line of thinking. It may be that Cam will be a 1st round draft pick this year. However, does coming out this year jeopardize his chance at success in the NFL? Will he become another JaMarcus Russell? I know he's not right in the head but that's not my point, another very gifted QB that needed another year to continue to develop. His long term success may be harmed by leaving this year. No doubt that he can get that big money right now, but if he wants the big money and raise his chances of having a great NFL career he may just decide to come back.

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Right now projected by Mel Kiper as a Mid 1st round pick which would be fine with me IF CAM LEAVES because the Vikings have the 13th pick right now...I would love to see Cam, Peterson, Percy Harvin, and Sidney Rice on the Same field at the same time...That would be scary for NFL defenses.

Yes, but my beloved Cin. Bengals will definately pick before them, and god knows we need to address the C. Palmer situation.

Na. ya'll are stuck with Palmer a couple more years.

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It was. That is why i said it will be the last post I will have about Cam in the NFL on this thread hoping it would be the last post about it but others wanted to talk about it. Sorry about that...That being said it does have some relevance though. If Cam stays we may not need or get a big back til 2012.

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This is what happens when u havent had a commit since ...i dont even remember.lol. It is worth talking about tho. I think C-Palm has lost lis love for the game. He lost his talent, thats for sure. I dont know what happened to C-Palm but im sure the Bengals will give Cam and his Cammy Cam Juice a good hard look. I'm thinking he ends up with the Vikings if he's still available.

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Dallas will not have a chance. They will have a better record than the Vikes and Bungles...Plus Jerry Jones is still in love with Romo...but lets get back to calloway.

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Even though we think Cam leaves we will not know til he has to announce by January 15th. The NFL lockout is almost a given at this point and that may affect his decision.

Color me stupid (or crimson-whichever), but what exactly is a NFL lockout? Does that mean no drafting of new players?  Please explain.

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Even though we think Cam leaves we will not know til he has to announce by January 15th. The NFL lockout is almost a given at this point and that may affect his decision.

Color me stupid (or crimson-whichever), but what exactly is a NFL lockout? Does that mean no drafting of new players?  Please explain.

a NFL lockout means the owners will lock the doors and keep the players from playing. The owners and players are at a serious impass with labor negotiations with a number of sticking point that neither side is willing to compromise on. Right now the chances for a lockout are VERY VERY high. and if that happens then it will go into affect in the 2012 season...QB is the toughest position to learn in the NFL especially for a rookie. I don't think Cam can afford to sit a year in terms of his pro succes if he goes pro after this season....and the draft would go on as scheduled even with a lockout.

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I think he goes. Its probably for the best. I dont think Cam or Auburn fans could deal with another year of this garbage. Auburn is on the front page every day, but for all the wrong reasons

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