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Question about DeAngelo Benton


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Yeah.  I have been really disappointed in Benton's production so far.  He was the #1 wide receiver coming out of LA.  I remember that was big-time when Chiz got him to sign in that first class.  Or so we thought.  Seems like every time you turn around he's injured though.  

For a while, it did seem like Darvin caught everything.  Especially for Chris.  More than anything, he just seemed clutch.  I noticed he dropped one or two this year that seemed a little uncharacteristic of him.  Most notably the one in the NC game.  He looked like he slightly misjudged it and it was more catchable than it first appeared.  That tight-rope TD catch against Clemson, the  Alabama catch on 4th down, and the Hail Mary in the SEC Championship game were all clutch though.  That's why I loved that kid.  Cam is an unbelievable player, but Darvin was my favorite.  I never even thought he might leave early, so I sorta feel like he's broken up with me or something.  I think I'm still in denial.  

Makes perfect sense to me that he would have more drops from Cam, because Cam puts so much more velocity on his throws than Todd was capable of (at least by the time he got to Auburn, anyway), which lends itself to much less room for error.

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Yeah.  I have been really disappointed in Benton's production so far.  He was the #1 wide receiver coming out of LA.  I remember that was big-time when Chiz got him to sign in that first class.  Or so we thought.  Seems like every time you turn around he's injured though.  

For a while, it did seem like Darvin caught everything.  Especially for Chris.  More than anything, he just seemed clutch.  I noticed he dropped one or two this year that seemed a little uncharacteristic of him.  Most notably the one in the NC game.  He looked like he slightly misjudged it and it was more catchable than it first appeared.  That tight-rope TD catch against Clemson, the  Alabama catch on 4th down, and the Hail Mary in the SEC Championship game were all clutch though.  That's why I loved that kid.  Cam is an unbelievable player, but Darvin was my favorite.  I never even thought he might leave early, so I sorta feel like he's broken up with me or something.  I think I'm still in denial.  

Makes perfect sense to me that he would have more drops from Cam, because Cam puts so much more velocity on his throws than Todd was capable of (at least by the time he got to Auburn, anyway), which lends itself to much less room for error.

He had some drops in 2009 as well, particularly during the stretch where he was injured (e.g. Kentucky game).  Not sure if perceptions might play a role here, since we all "expected" him to catch everything by the time 2010 came around.

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Good point, red.  Didn't quite think about that.  That story about Todd throwing the football through the car wash without it getting wet was always kind of comical.

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Reliable receivers are easier to replace than most assume. Adams wasn't a home run threat, he just had sure hands. That can be replaced I believe.

Benton now has the opportunity to show why scouts believe he's a big time receiver. Guys like Antonio Goodwin and Sammie Coates(Darvin 2.0) will compete for immediate playing time.

Thats why our last class and our current signing class is loaded with great athletes!!! :party:

They will now have to step up and show why they came to Auburn in the first place... to play early, on a great team!!

Darvin and T Zach were great Auburn men, and  good to great wideouts. But Goodwin, Coates, Carr, Frost, Reed, Bray, Benton, Lutz, and Blake can easily fill the void at talent at the receiver position. I mean please...we are going to be exciting on offense next year!!! Can't wait to see these guys step-up and make crazy plays.

:believe:   :wareagle::wedance::party::zapbama:

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