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Mods haven't been waiting around hoping someone would post this question so they can finally answer it.

Truth is that nobody knows except those close to CK. These are the same people who didn't give out a hint of what was going on with his recruitment for over a year now. I don't expect to hear much today.

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wish this was the case but seems there is more to it than that. JMO I can't see how a kid making the biggest decision of his life has not already consulted with or told his parents what he is going to do. I think the pressure is coming from somewhere northwest of AU and a little weeman.

This is in response to the idea of parents wanting to visit before he signs.

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Expecting people other than CK to state what CK is thinking is crazy. At this point in time there is nothing to report. Over the rest of the day and week we will find out more.

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