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Never To Yield Foundation


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Some of you guys may have already seen where I posted this in another thread but I wanted to create its own to share a vision I know all have. The vision is to overcome years of media bias and negative reporting towards our beloved Auburn University. This is not another forum or fly by Auburn website. Let me just quote from the site itself the vision because it says it best;

"The Never To Yield Foundation is established to promote the positive image of Auburn University, its students, its alumni and its fans. The Foundation celebrates the Auburn spirit and is dedicated to providing a place for the Auburn family to connect and share our collective and individual successes. Our secondary mission is to help combat the negativity that is directed at Auburn by its detractors, by the media and by anyone else who seeks to do our family harm."

This quote is from the front page of the website, http://nevertoyieldfoundation.com/, and can also be found on bleacherreport in a more descriptive article that went up this morning.


Although, this website is not up and running just yet, you can still follow on Facebook.


Again, this site is to band together even stronger as brothers and sisters of the Auburn family and take a stand against the vile attempts to portray Auburn in a negative light. We all have voices, lets make them loud.


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Guest jojo1515

Love it.  A new day is dawning for sure!!  It always gets darkest right before the dawn.  You know what they say, it's gonna get worse before it gets better....It has gotten worse (the attacks on Auburn) and we are hopefully on the verge of it getting better.  All these "stories" from "sources"  that turn to be lies are slowly piling up.  It will take some time, but the rest of the nation (outside of the updykes) will begin to realize that the Auburn is not the bad guy; it is the people writing these lies.  I have no doubt that this coaching staff will work their way through the darkness and bring Auburn into the light!  WDE!!  :zapbama:

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If any of us read or hear of the media writing negative articles, lets link it up. If enough of us put pressure on these guys with emails and phone calls, our voices will be heard louder. There is also writers among us that can also put together great articles that we ourselves can put out there in the mainstream media. This will for sure be an ongoing process but our family is big.

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