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JLee's new info


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The other day I remember reading on here that JLee had come across some new info that he had to sort through. Could it be that it was the fact that Peaches didn't have a mortgage and it had been paid off years ago? If that is the case it could be the reason why he has all of the sudden closed his mouth.

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The other day I remember reading on here that JLee had come across some new info that he had to sort through. Could it be that it was the fact that Peaches didn't have a mortgage and it had been paid off years ago? If that is the case it could be the reason why he has all of the sudden closed his mouth.

That info was before his last article. The guy is working on his own timeline and all the gnashing of teeth in the world for him to put out his info isn't going to make it happen any quicker.

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Frankly, I don't care what time line he's working on. My post had nothing to go with a time line, teeth, or the price of tea in China. I was just asking a question. If he got so much info he had to take time to look it over, it would seem to me that he didn't have all of his ducks in a row before we went public which is why I asked the question.

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Frankly, I don't care what time line he's working on. My post had nothing to go with a time line, teeth, or the price of tea in China. I was just asking a question. If he got so much info he had to take time to look it over, it would seem to me that he didn't have all of his ducks in a row before we went public which is why I asked the question.

He got the info he was talking about after the radio interview where he broke the initial story. I don't really understand why you are upset. He went public not you, me, or anybody else so I think it is his privilege to take his own sweet time. In determining when and what he decides to release that is up to him. Besides what is the difference?  If he has info he'll release it and if not then he looks like a fool which probably equals him losing subscribers/money.

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Peaches said he didn't have a mortgage on his house, but he has 5 others that are rental properties.  Could it be one of those has a loan against it and was behind?

Thousands of scenarios are possible, Let it play out then judge.


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After hearing one of his lead sources on FB yesterday, yeah, he will lose support fast.

I think we should just all move on from the BC situation and move over to the AU football thread and get ready for the A day game.  The BC story is pretty much dead as far as I'm concerned.  I was all excited over nothing.  I know most will say it's only been a week in, but I know people who are very close to the situation and it could get ugly for JLee in the end. 

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How does a blogger get ready for the A Day game on a football thread??!! :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Good question....  I guess I didn't really think that one through haha.  I guess you could search for old A day game highlights (if there are any) and try and get pumped up for an intersquad game maybe???  Guess I won't live that one down  :laugh:

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My perspective seems a bit different from the majority here . . .

I don't really care if more info is released or not. I won't think differently of JLee either way. I'm thankful he went forward with what he had. If he has more, great. If not, fine.

If AU is going to be continuously attacked with empty innuendo, then I think AU should must respond in kind. If the BC stuff dies down, let's dig up some more dirt and get it out there. Again and again. This is a war.

Even if the BC story is complete now, at least 2 things have been accomplished: 1. A good picture has been painted regarding how the REC works in the state, and 2. spuat has spent the past couple of weeks defending itself, instead of attacking AU.

I've posted elsewhere, but it bears repeating:

I hope we bury spuat with the facts. But if we can't, I hope we bury spuat without the facts.


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I couldn't agree more.  I hope we take a more offensive approach.  You have to remember we are up against a propaganda machine.  They believe that if you say it loud enough , long enough, then it must be true.  Just ask one how many national championships  they have. They will fight you over that one. So if they keep putting it out that Auburn is dirty then it must be true. I am glad we are fighting back

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Excellent point. BUT, prepare yourself for the onslaught of how we should do things different, blah,blah,blah. In theory, I agree with the do things different crowd. I wish it was still that way, BUT, it isn't. It is a new world and a newer so-called media. You can choose to ignore that and live in the past and be buried alive with their bullcrap. You can also choose to use the media to defend yourself too. We need a heck of a lot better organized effort than we presently have, I promise you that.

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Excellent point. BUT, prepare yourself for the onslaught of how we should do things different, blah,blah,blah. In theory, I agree with the do things different crowd. I wish it was still that way, BUT, it isn't. It is a new world and a newer so-called media. You can choose to ignore that and live in the past and be buried alive with their bullcrap. You can also choose to use the media to defend yourself too. We need a heck of a lot better organized effort than we presently have, I promise you that.

I wholeheartedly agree with this post. (And especially the part highlighted.)


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My perspective seems a bit different from the majority here . . .

I don't really care if more info is released or not. I won't think differently of JLee either way. I'm thankful he went forward with what he had. If he has more, great. If not, fine.

If AU is going to be continuously attacked with empty innuendo, then I think AU should must respond in kind. If the BC stuff dies down, let's dig up some more dirt and get it out there. Again and again. This is a war.

Even if the BC story is complete now, at least 2 things have been accomplished: 1. A good picture has been painted regarding how the REC works in the state, and 2. spuat has spent the past couple of weeks defending itself, instead of attacking AU.

I've posted elsewhere, but it bears repeating:

I hope we bury spuat with the facts. But if we can't, I hope we bury spuat without the facts.



What UAT is doing here IS CHEATING. Even if it's legal. This Woodruff character IS RECRUITING FRESHMEN (or younger) TO PLAY FOR BAMA. and probably is making it worth Peaches' while, in a way that's hard to trace. Perhaps he's making more than the market average on his rentals? maybe he had them unrented for a while and he was able to "rent" them to woodruff or some surrogate for some unreasonably high price. maybe that's how he get's his "mortgage" help. Even if he's not paying peaches, what he's doing is still cheating.

REC wants you to focus on the "pay" allegations because they believe they've covered those tracks well... but the bottom line is that bammer is cheating in ways that don't involve money according to JLEE and no one has denied it. This Woodruff character has gone to great lengths to make sure he can't be called a "booster" so that they can get away with it.  I don't care if it's allowed its still cheating and no one likes to be called a cheater, or worse force an NCAA rule change that makes yesterday's legal cheat illegal tomorrow. So if you make it public they have to rebuild their network some other way, using new people. And JLee did that. Plus, if the NCAA starts sniffing (they will, because bama is obviously cheating) they will find more.

Because there is more. The complexity (and genius) of the Woodruff situation is evidence enough that there are people going to great lengths to cheat on Alabama's behalf. That means there's more to find.

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My perspective seems a bit different from the majority here . . .

I don't really care if more info is released or not. I won't think differently of JLee either way. I'm thankful he went forward with what he had. If he has more, great. If not, fine.

If AU is going to be continuously attacked with empty innuendo, then I think AU should must respond in kind. If the BC stuff dies down, let's dig up some more dirt and get it out there. Again and again. This is a war.

Even if the BC story is complete now, at least 2 things have been accomplished: 1. A good picture has been painted regarding how the REC works in the state, and 2. spuat has spent the past couple of weeks defending itself, instead of attacking AU.

I've posted elsewhere, but it bears repeating:

I hope we bury spuat with the facts. But if we can't, I hope we bury spuat without the facts.



What UAT is doing here IS CHEATING. Even if it's legal. This Woodruff character IS RECRUITING FRESHMEN (or younger) TO PLAY FOR BAMA. and probably is making it worth Peaches' while, in a way that's hard to trace. Perhaps he's making more than the market average on his rentals? maybe he had them unrented for a while and he was able to "rent" them to woodruff or some surrogate for some unreasonably high price. maybe that's how he get's his "mortgage" help. Even if he's not paying peaches, what he's doing is still cheating.

REC wants you to focus on the "pay" allegations because they believe they've covered those tracks well... but the bottom line is that bammer is cheating in ways that don't involve money according to JLEE and no one has denied it. This Woodruff character has gone to great lengths to make sure he can't be called a "booster" so that they can get away with it.  I don't care if it's allowed its still cheating and no one likes to be called a cheater, or worse force an NCAA rule change that makes yesterday's legal cheat illegal tomorrow. So if you make it public they have to rebuild their network some other way, using new people. And JLee did that. Plus, if the NCAA starts sniffing (they will, because bama is obviously cheating) they will find more.

Because there is more. The complexity (and genius) of the Woodruff situation is evidence enough that there are people going to great lengths to cheat on Alabama's behalf. That means there's more to find.

AUtiger03 I believe that you have nailed it. Enjoyed your post.

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Maybe JLee has been advised by an investigative entity, not to publicly say anything further.   Hmmmm?  

I am sorry, but that just reeks of Scott Moore and "I want to release these tapes, but have to get them authenticated/permission to do so".  J Lee needs to put up additional credible evidence and soon or his 15-minutes of fame is over.  I have posted before that I believe what J Lee has accused spuat of, I am just finding his execution of getting that info out lacking up until now.  The BC interview and the Stancil interview on finebaum did not help J Lee at all.


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i dont get people who fully support j lee. some of these people are usually not idiots so they must know something the rest of us dont. but everything that has been shot at bama has either been seemingly discredited or turned around to point back at auburn. so far this story has been a failure as far as i see it. the only thing it did was quell the hbo4 for a week. i keep hearing "it's only been a week" , "be patient", im waiting and it keeps getting worse. im not saying i dont think there is nothing there, but it looks like nothing's there.

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Maybe JLee has been advised by an investigative entity, not to publicly say anything further.   Hmmmm?  

I am sorry, but that just reeks of Scott Moore and "I want to release these tapes, but have to get them authenticated/permission to do so".  J Lee needs to put up additional credible evidence and soon or his 15-minutes of fame is over.  I have posted before that I believe what J Lee has accused spuat of, I am just finding his execution of getting that info lacking up until now.  The BC interview and the Stancil interview on finebaum did not help J Lee at all.


I totally disagree.  J Lee said the information he had came from sources.  He then quoted those sources regarding several of the accusations.  According to this interview of Woodruff   http://www.franklincountytimes.com/2011/04/12/controversy-continues-over-calloways-college-choice/  , Goodwin asked Woodruff on the Monday before signing day if he gave Peaches Winston $2,500. Seemingly, that means Goodwin is also the source regarding the payment allegations.  Now, it seems to me that it is up to Goodwin to reveal how he learned that Woodruff allegedly paid Winston.  I can't fault JLee for using Calloway's football coach as a source for the allegations.  

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Maybe JLee has been advised by an investigative entity, not to publicly say anything further.   Hmmmm?  

I am sorry, but that just reeks of Scott Moore and "I want to release these tapes, but have to get them authenticated/permission to do so".  J Lee needs to put up additional credible evidence and soon or his 15-minutes of fame is over.  I have posted before that I believe what J Lee has accused spuat of, I am just finding his execution of getting that info lacking up until now.  The BC interview and the Stancil interview on finebaum did not help J Lee at all.


I totally disagree.  J Lee said the information he had came from sources.  He then quoted those sources regarding several of the accusations.  According to this interview of Woodruff   http://www.franklincountytimes.com/2011/04/12/controversy-continues-over-calloways-college-choice/  , Goodwin asked Woodruff on the Monday before signing day if he gave Peaches Winston $2,500. Seemingly, that means Goodwin is also the source regarding the payment allegations.  Now, it seems to me that it is up to Goodwin to reveal how he learned that Woodruff allegedly paid Winston.  I can't fault JLee for using Calloway's football coach as a source for the allegations.  

I agree that it is up to Goodwin to reveal how he got his information since in the BC and other interviews, Goodwin has been made out to be the "bad guy" in the BC saga not Woodruff and Peaches.  Stancil did a very poor job yesterday in his interview with finebaum.  Right now, (unless and until Goodwin speaks and squashes the negative info/slant towards him) both of J Lee's sources have been cast in a negative light (one, Goodwin, hasn't been heard from yet and the other, Stancil hurt himself/ J Lee).

All that being said, the main reason for my post was in response to the "maybe JLee has been told by an investigative authority not to say anything more" post which IMO reeks of the Scott Moore tape story.


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Who, with any credibility, has discredited anything JLee said.  A recruit / signee who was given a script to read and couple of bammers are not credible.  JLee would not go as far as he has without having something.  What makes you (us) think that what JLee has should be made public.  Making any allegations public gives the people the allegations are against time for rebuttals just as alexava has pointed out.  JLee put out just enough to spark interest and get the bammers scrambling to debunk it.  All the while, the real info is in Indianapolis.  

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