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The Mississippi State game

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The answer is ..............YES...............I would like to beat the fool out of MSU.

DM is an arrogant, pompous twit like his old boss, Meyer. His comments in an interview this past year about "MSU doing things the right way" was an obvious jab at us. There were varying stories about conversations he had with Meyer over agents/Cam. I heard he wanted to let it go with Cam (one version), but he obviously changed his mind and went along with Meyer smearing Auburn.

War Eagle !

Exactly how many times has a Meyer-coached team beaten Auburn? ;);D
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The answer is ..............YES...............I would like to beat the fool out of MSU.

DM is an arrogant, pompous twit like his old boss, Meyer. His comments in an interview this past year about "MSU doing things the right way" was an obvious jab at us. There were varying stories about conversations he had with Meyer over agents/Cam. I heard he wanted to let it go with Cam (one version), but he obviously changed his mind and went along with Meyer smearing Auburn.

War Eagle !

Exactly how many times has a Meyer-coached team beaten Auburn? ;);D

A nice stat that obviously eats him alive !

War Eagle !

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The answer is ..............YES...............I would like to beat the fool out of MSU.

DM is an arrogant, pompous twit like his old boss, Meyer. His comments in an interview this past year about "MSU doing things the right way" was an obvious jab at us. There were varying stories about conversations he had with Meyer over agents/Cam. I heard he wanted to let it go with Cam (one version), but he obviously changed his mind and went along with Meyer smearing Auburn.

War Eagle !

Exactly how many times has a Meyer-coached team beaten Auburn? ;);D

Add to that, How many times has a Meyer or Mullen coached team beaten Auburn??   Same answer.    ;D

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I love the cowbells. As annoying as it is no one should tell a student body they can do something like ring a bell. yes it is a distraction and it is suppose to be.  Might as well tell the fans not to even cheer.  So much for home feild advantage huh? Might as well take all pride, passion, and tradition right out of football. THis is one of those things that I honestly belive Auburn fans and any other fan would be defending if it was your school.  Nothing wrong with it at all. I tell you what lets make it a golf match from now on and hold the hush signs when the play is called. Come on people.

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The problem I have with the cowbells is there is a rule against against artificial noisemakers at the games.  Cowbells are artificial noisemakers.  If another school's fanbase decided today that they were going to bring vuvuzelas or blasting horns to the games the SEC would step in and tell them they could not do that.  There is no difference but MSU is allowed to continue (b)ringing their cowbells. 

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The problem I have with the cowbells is there is a rule against against artificial noisemakers at the games.  Cowbells are artificial noisemakers.  If another school's fanbase decided today that they were going to bring vuvuzelas or blasting horns to the games the SEC would step in and tell them they could not do that.  There is no difference but MSU is allowed to continue (b)ringing their cowbells.   

I'm with you. Why should they be exempt from the rule? My solution would be public caning for anyone caught with a cowbell.
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I am not disagreeing  that it should not be exempt (though happy it is). Crazy right? IT should not be allowed because it breaks the rules.  But I do not think there should be a rule about artificial noise makers. That is my point and why I am glad it is not enforced. To me ringing the cowbells, or those funnel thiings at soccer matches(which I hate) are  examples of fans being the best fans they can be.  Like I said this is not golf. Noise is a part of the game.  Let the fans be as loud as they want as long as it is  safe. Plus that is one of their traditions. We recently had one of ours attaked so no one should be so eager to kill another teams.

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Auburn needs to make some AU orange cowbells for our next Starkville game. Allow them to ship with AU tickets and/or make them available to buy at that game. I think a dose of one's own medicine would possibly speed up an NCAA decision. At the very least it would put a dent in their home field advantage.

War Eagle !

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Behind Alabama and LSU, I really HATE HATE HATE (I mean it!) those stupid cowbells. Also, they complains and called NCAA/SEC on Cam Newton, CJ Johnson, others... Miss State Crybells!

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I am not disagreeing  that it should not be exempt (though happy it is). Crazy right? IT should not be allowed because it breaks the rules.  But I do not think there should be a rule about artificial noise makers. That is my point and why I am glad it is not enforced. To me ringing the cowbells, or those funnel thiings at soccer matches(which I hate) are  examples of fans being the best fans they can be.  Like I said this is not golf. Noise is a part of the game.  Let the fans be as loud as they want as long as it is  safe. Plus that is one of their traditions. We recently had one of ours attaked so no one should be so eager to kill another teams.

Rolling Toomer's also doesn't give us an advantage on the field.  I mave to disagree about that making them the best fans they can be though.  They had vuvuzelas at this past world cup because they felt the need to incorporate something about South Africa.  

I'm not sure you realize just how loud 1 bell is, much less 15000.  Now I agree that traditions shouldn't be messed with but until they know when they're allowed to ring them, penalize them on the field for it.  If they never learn, they never win.  Either that or allow every team to bring in a horn, bell, pop gun, fart machine, those little fireworks you throw down that pop, etc.

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I'm not all that upset with the cowbells, but what I worry about is if the rules are changed so that artificial noisemakers are allowed, people would start bringing in those damn vevoozalas or whatever they are called.  Those things absolutely ruined the world cup soccer business in south africa.  I hate them with a passion.  Besides, real team's fans don't need artificial noisemakers to get loud.

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StuBob I'm glad you said that.  I meant to say in my last post that the cowbells isn't my main problem (even though I do hate them).  My main problem is the fact they cheered our players being injured... CHEERED. Not cheered them when they got up. As a matter of fact, they didn't clap or cheer once they did get up.  They actually got a little more quiet once our players stood up.

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Cowbell ringing is legalized cheating.  I have never liked or agreed with the league's liberal viewpoint on the matter.

Had one of the top tier programs been the team with that tradition, it would have been outlawed fifty years ago.

I want to beat State pretty bad, but I'm not eaten up with hate for them like I am for all of our regular top opponents. 

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I love the cowbells. As annoying as it is no one should tell a student body they can do something like ring a bell. yes it is a distraction and it is suppose to be.  Might as well tell the fans not to even cheer.  So much for home feild advantage huh? Might as well take all pride, passion, and tradition right out of football. THis is one of those things that I honestly belive Auburn fans and any other fan would be defending if it was your school.  Nothing wrong with it at all. I tell you what lets make it a golf match from now on and hold the hush signs when the play is called. Come on people.

There's a huge difference between 45,000 cowbells and 65,000 cowbells. If/When they expand then it could literally make people go deaf. Is it a great tradition? Duh. Is it fair? Heck no.
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The answer is ..............YES...............I would like to beat the fool out of MSU.

DM is an arrogant, pompous twit like his old boss, Meyer. His comments in an interview this past year about "MSU doing things the right way" was an obvious jab at us. There were varying stories about conversations he had with Meyer over agents/Cam. I heard he wanted to let it go with Cam (one version), but he obviously changed his mind and went along with Meyer smearing Auburn.

War Eagle !

Exactly how many times has a Meyer-coached team beaten Auburn? ;);D

Exactly how many times has a Meyer or Mullin-coached team beaten Auburn?

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I am not disagreeing  that it should not be exempt (though happy it is). Crazy right? IT should not be allowed because it breaks the rules.  But I do not think there should be a rule about artificial noise makers. That is my point and why I am glad it is not enforced. To me ringing the cowbells, or those funnel thiings at soccer matches(which I hate) are  examples of fans being the best fans they can be.  Like I said this is not golf. Noise is a part of the game.  Let the fans be as loud as they want as long as it is  safe. Plus that is one of their traditions. We recently had one of ours attaked so no one should be so eager to kill another teams.

^^^Totally disagree with this!^^^  If you want to make more noise at your stadium, build more seats to put more voices in them.  Jackie Sherrell started a tradition of castrating bulls...I guess we should let that one go too!  I mean it is a tradition.

I think I'll start a tradition of beating the crap out of anyone I see wearing crimson and white.  Think I would get shut down?  Certainly not, its a tradition.

Rules are in place for everyone to abide by...if you don't like the rule, get it changed.  Otherwise, abide by the rule or get penalized...regardless of your so called "tradition".  Oh, and by the way, our tradition happens AFTER the game AND outside the stadium.  Apples and oranges my friend...apples and oranges.

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The answer is ..............YES...............I would like to beat the fool out of MSU.

DM is an arrogant, pompous twit like his old boss, Meyer. His comments in an interview this past year about "MSU doing things the right way" was an obvious jab at us. There were varying stories about conversations he had with Meyer over agents/Cam. I heard he wanted to let it go with Cam (one version), but he obviously changed his mind and went along with Meyer smearing Auburn.

War Eagle !

Exactly how many times has a Meyer-coached team beaten Auburn? ;);D

Exactly how many times has a Meyer or Mullin-coached team beaten Auburn?

I'll take a wildassed guess--zero (0)!!!!! :party:
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The answer is ..............YES...............I would like to beat the fool out of MSU.

DM is an arrogant, pompous twit like his old boss, Meyer. His comments in an interview this past year about "MSU doing things the right way" was an obvious jab at us. There were varying stories about conversations he had with Meyer over agents/Cam. I heard he wanted to let it go with Cam (one version), but he obviously changed his mind and went along with Meyer smearing Auburn.

War Eagle !

Exactly how many times has a Meyer-coached team beaten Auburn? ;);D

Exactly how many times has a Meyer or Mullin-coached team beaten Auburn?

I'll take a wildassed guess--zero (0)!!!!! :party:

^^^Ding...ding...ding...we have a winner^^^

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I find it funny that everyone likes to call us the "cow college" and they are the ones who love to ring cow bells  :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

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I find it funny that everyone likes to call us the "cow college" and they are the ones who love to ring cow bells  :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Wasn't it the legendary P.W. "Bahr" Bryant that hung the original "cow college" on us? I find that funny because he came to Tuscaloser from aTm, the ultimate "cow college". I suspect that he heard that term used by their hated rival, Texas. It was used to demean him and aTm. When he arrived he simply co-opted the term to demean Auburn. In my opinion, the old reprobate was the main instigator in turning a friendly rivalry into the bitter rivalry that the Auburn-Alabama rivalry has become. Bammers think that he was a god and that their vaunted "crimpson tired" is sacred. Their football team is the central focus of their pitiful lives. Auburn people know that God is the central focus of one's life. That is the true difference in the two fan bases.
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I love the cowbells. The NCAA will never be able to take them completely away. The cheering while we had injured players was very classless and turd like.


Five-yard penalty the first time.

Fifteen-yard penalty for every violation thereafter.

Eventually, after continually marching their sorry asses backwards, they'd stop.

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I am not disagreeing  that it should not be exempt (though happy it is). Crazy right? IT should not be allowed because it breaks the rules.  But I do not think there should be a rule about artificial noise makers. That is my point and why I am glad it is not enforced. To me ringing the cowbells, or those funnel thiings at soccer matches(which I hate) are  examples of fans being the best fans they can be.  Like I said this is not golf. Noise is a part of the game.  Let the fans be as loud as they want as long as it is  safe. Plus that is one of their traditions. We recently had one of ours attaked so no one should be so eager to kill another teams.

Coach Jordan disagreed with you.

And disagreed with you most vehemently.

I guess what you are saying is that good ol' Shug was clueless about SEC tradition, eh?

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This is the biggest game of the season. Eveyone is predicting us to lose this game. It is early and it is a home game. If we win this one, it will give us a ton of confidence. If we lose, well we may struggle to win 6 games.

This game means a lot. And like the rest of you, I hope we come out and beat them senseless.

We will see.

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