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Funny thing happened to me in Tuscaloosa Saturday


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Had to come to the office and load some server equipment to meet a guy from our corporate office in Mississippi. Halfway is Tuscaloosa so I leave out and get there about an hour after him. He had on his Ole Miss shirt and I had on my AU shirt.  :thumbsup:

He was talking about how he had drove around town and how much of a dump Tuscaloosa is. He said that I was in enemy territory to which I remarked, "its okay they are either at the foot of Bears statue doing their evening worship service or at the barber shop getting their mullets trimmed."  Had a good laugh at their expense. Anyway, it was funny the looks we were getting at the Mall where we met to make the exchange.

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I go there for work about once a month to work with some of the cell phone carriers in town and I get dirty looks every time im in town due to my AU tags.  A redneck ran me off the road a few visits ago and told me in a very profanity laced tirade that I was in the wrong town.  You just gotta love it there!

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Golf, 10k posts right around the corner.  Will there be a party?  Should we bring gifts?  Is there going to be cake? 

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I go there for work about once a month to work with some of the cell phone carriers in town and I get dirty looks every time im in town due to my AU tags.  A redneck ran me off the road a few visits ago and told me in a very profanity laced tirade that I was in the wrong town.  You just gotta love it there!

I think this is another sign of how the Auburn / bammer stuff is getting out of hand.  In the Mid 90s after graduating from Auburn I went to grad school at uat. I wore Auburn stuff around campus and town a good bit, and no one ever said anything unfriendly, or mean spirited. 

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I go there for work about once a month to work with some of the cell phone carriers in town and I get dirty looks every time im in town due to my AU tags.  A redneck ran me off the road a few visits ago and told me in a very profanity laced tirade that I was in the wrong town.  You just gotta love it there!

I think this is another sign of how the Auburn / bammer stuff is getting out of hand.  In the Mid 90s after graduating from Auburn I went to grad school at uat. I wore Auburn stuff around campus and town a good bit, and no one ever said anything unfriendly, or mean spirited. 

It has gotten much worse since Nickapolean arrived.....

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Did you meet in "THE MALL"?  If so, did you go by t-town menswear?

We met at the mall parking lot, people driving by were not friendly looking, and yes, the thought crossed my mind.  :laugh:

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I go there for work about once a month to work with some of the cell phone carriers in town and I get dirty looks every time im in town due to my AU tags.  A redneck ran me off the road a few visits ago and told me in a very profanity laced tirade that I was in the wrong town.  You just gotta love it there!

I think this is another sign of how the Auburn / bammer stuff is getting out of hand.  In the Mid 90s after graduating from Auburn I went to grad school at uat. I wore Auburn stuff around campus and town a good bit, and no one ever said anything unfriendly, or mean spirited. 

It has gotten much worse since Nickapolean arrived.....

You are absolutely right.  I'm pretty sure though that the guy who ran me off the rode was no graduate.  He looked local for sure.  Most likely sidewalk alumnus.  I'll be in town again in the next few days.  I have to visit the Best buy mobile in the mall so ill check out where the Men's ware store is.

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Had to come to the office and load some server equipment to meet a guy from our corporate office in Mississippi. Halfway is Tuscaloosa so I leave out and get there about an hour after him. He had on his Ole Miss shirt and I had on my AU shirt.  :thumbsup:

He was talking about how he had drove around town and how much of a dump Tuscaloosa is. He said that I was in enemy territory to which I remarked, "its okay they are either at the foot of Bears statue doing their evening worship service or at the barber shop getting their mullets trimmed."  Had a good laugh at their expense. Anyway, it was funny the looks we were getting at the Mall where we met to make the exchange.

Jealousy is a crazy thing!

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Golf, 10k posts right around the corner.  Will there be a party?  Should we bring gifts?  Is there going to be cake? 

I had not paid attention. 10,000 posts thanks for letting me know DANSBY. God I really do need to get a life. My wife tells me that all day.

Wow 10,000 post and no smart a** remarks from bird or e or anyone.  :'( :'( :'( :'( Only seems like yesterday I posted my first post.

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I had a friend in the 90s during my time that was a t town native and bama fan.  Wore his bama stuff all the time around town and campus.  I don't recall anyone ever looking at him cross-eyed.  I guess if you want to major in forestry you just suck it up, there's only one school to go to.

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I had a friend in the 90s during my time that was a t town native and bama fan.  Wore his bama stuff all the time around town and campus.  I don't recall anyone ever looking at him cross-eyed.  I guess if you want to major in forestry you just suck it up, there's only one school to go to.

Two of my best friends from school are lifelong bammer, we graduated in engineering together.  And yes three were panty of bammer caps in my classes. 

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Not to hijack your thread, but I have a funny story about my only trip to T-Town.  I was a senior at Auburn in '87 and we made a road trip to Tuscaloosa to spend one night there and party (not a short drive from Auburn).  Went to a local bar to see Dash Rip Rock.  Had a few too many.  We were spending the night in some friend-of-a-friend's apartment and for some weird reason I decided in the middle of the night I needed to go sleep in the car.  The next thing I know I hear some keys outside the car.  Opened my eyes to the sun and a sticker on the back window that says, "University of Alabama".  Oops. Wrong blue Honda Accord.  It was a couple holding their bibles about to go to church.  I stumbled out of their car back into the apartment.  Looking back I really wish I gave them a big War Eagle to make them even more confused.

I can't comment on downtown Tuscaloosa, but that one bar was kind of cool!  :P

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When my youngest son was finishing pharmacy school at Auburn, he was waiting to see where he would be assigned to do his clinical rotations.  When I called and asked where he was going, he just sighed and said "the bleey of the beast".  He didn't have to say the word, I knew it was tuscaloser.  I told him not to hand around any of the people there, I didn't want him to catch stupid.  He hated it there, and was very glad to put it behind him.

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